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Posts posted by DaTimba

  1. There are really four top guilds on the server, three of them Imp and one Pub (many from the Pub guild have Imp alts as well). Most of the people that will come on here and tell you the warzone scene is terrible are those that play strictly normals. The normal warzone scene is filled with bad players, unnecessary trash talking, and poor tactics. That said there are queue pops all day and night.


    Judging by what you're asking however I don't think you care much about the normal warzone scene. As a member of one of the four guilds mentioned above and someone that has been part of the rated scene since day one I can honestly say that the rated community is pretty amazing. Are there queue pops all the time? No. That said the top four teams are pretty accepting of anyone that is willing to queue up and play, and for the most part the community is pretty close. It's not uncommon to see one guild field a full team and two other guilds combine resources to play them. If others jump in, that's all the better. Additionally there are kickball style warzones where resources are combined amongst all the PVP guilds and two captains pick teams. We have actually become mostly friends in the top tier of PVP and there is quite a bit of mutual respect among us at this point.

  2. If you get tired of Darc, come play Tera with me! It's really pretty, and there are tons of ****ty outfits we can wear! (Tell Chrys too, in case she isn't keeping up on the forums!)


    Rok (since I should somewhat acknowledge you in your own thread), if you get bored and feel like staring at another butt: Celestial Hills - Meoh.


    I actually have Tera installed and was thinking about reactivating my account but I utterly hated the combat in that game... not to mention those ****ty outfits apply to the characters that look like they're 8 years old.

  3. There's about 2 really good pvp guilds and 4 better than average pvp guilds. My guess is no if they are gonna stick around. Majority of the best players stopped playing or have gone to another server. I haven't seen a ranked wz in months. No one does ranked anymore. And the 2 really good pvp guilds barely have enough players to get a ranked team going.


    Really only one of Ascendancy's best players has gone to another server so by the "majority of best players" you clearly meant one of the best players. Also, you are in fact, basing your opinion on a stale game that's two weeks away from getting a major update. All servers will likely be hopping again... at least for a while. I'd also like to point out the all the "best players" that stopped playing still have active accounts and do pop on from time to time while waiting for the expansion. I would strongly advise you actually let the best players speak for themselves before you say where they are and are not going. Kthxbai.

  4. You are correct, the discussion as I see it is to determine if we should be using stuck. As to the point of whether or not we are using stuck the answer is clearly no. The "blatant exploit" argument doesn't really fly with me. Its like telling a sports player that fouling the other team when the ref isn't looking is a blatant exploit. I guess you could call it that, but many pro players and coaches would say its part of how the game is played. /stuck is really a lesser offense (if its one at all) because we never even had a BW comment saying they didn't want it used to the best of my knowledge.


    Anyway we can consider the discussion over if you like. All of the teams are agreed not to use it unless another team shakes things up. At this point its really just an ideological thing.


    Fouling is part of the game which is why they have fouls to begin with. Everyone knows not every foul or every penalty will be called. A better example would be steroids. it's introducing a substance that has other purposes into the game with the intent of using said substance to gain an advantage in a way the substance was not intended. But yes you are right, Bioware has not made an official statement on it one way or another which is a testament really to how bad Bioware really understands this game or the PVP aspect of this game. As I said though I still feel we're mature enough adults with a good enough relationship within the community to still police this ourselves because I do feel there is enough mutual respect amongst us. The way we've been going though pretty sure all bets will be off in a month... which is really sad when you think about it.

  5. The issue with that argument sheemie is I don't concede that /stuck is an exploit. It's cool that double never uses it, in fact I've never seen any of us use it in rateds, but that doesn't mean we couldn't achieve better results by using it. Not using it is a self made barrier to our performance. It would be like going into a warzone and deciding "I'm not going to use my CC breaker today." Of course using it would mean our opponents would use it too and the value of some strategies on both sides would change so both sides would have to adjust their strategies. I don't see a problem with that.


    Not using it is akin to saying we are good enough without using all of the tools available to us. Okay, that might be true, but why settle for good enough? That kind of thinking seriously dampens improvement.




    You are right that in some situations typing /stuck is more useful than others. But you know what? that is true of a lot of things. AOE spam is a more useful tactic for the team that controls both nodes than it is for the team that needs to get 1 back. That isn't a problem because both teams have access to AOEs and it was their play that got them into the situation where AOEs are currently more helpful to one team than the other. /stuck is the same. I'm not advocating that when the opponent types /stuck the correct counter move is to immediately /stuck yourself. As long as both teams have the option though its balanced, it just requires play styles to adjust to the presence of it.


    If you're arguing that it's fair because we all can do it then I don't think you'll really get objections. Yes, you are correct, we all have the ability to type /stuck. I don't think that was ever debated. I think the actual point of this discussion is to determine if we all should be using /stuck or if we are close enough of a community and grown up enough to be willing to not to use a blatant exploit against one another to try and promote better competition. Considering three of the four major guilds have come out and blatantly said they do not and will not use it I think the actual discussion is over for the time being.

  6. So you'd waste**** a pull on a sin standing in the fire... or anyone for that matter?




    If it's someone like Martian who tends to be the best player in any huttball game, then yes I'll pull him/knock him into the pit just to make it harder for him to get to where he wants to go. That was almost always our strategy against the old Aliens team. Keep Martian away from the ball and away from where he needs to go as much as possible and if we lost track of Martian we made it a point to find him and disrupt whatever he had planned. Of course I guess our strategy was bad or something though because you know it's not like we've won more games than any other guild on the server almost always playing with a team that was less than ideal against other guilds A teams.


    Also Asuna I want to point out that me typing /stuck in my own endzone tends to be far less effective then someone from the opposite team typing /stuck in my endzone. Just like me typing /stuck when we're two capped and pulled off a great hard switch that catches the other team off guard is far less effective then the team that has us two capped typing /stuck so they can just bypass our effort to delay in Civil War. It basically just says teams don't need tactics, if they get fooled or tricked, just hit reset and it's okay.

  7. martian and megasin were notorious users of it and honestly i dont blame them


    Going to jump in on that and say Martian has never used /stuck, especially in Huttball. One of our main goals before Martian joined Ascendancy was trying to keep Martian from walking into fire after he scored so he could not setup for pulls on defense. Why /stuck in a warzone when you have an multiple instant death traps all over the map?


    Also my point is that me as a player has no way to prevent someone from typing out /stuck to better position themselves. I'm well aware that as some point all the servers will get merged again and we will all likely have to embrace it. I would find it very sad however that as close of a community as we are between the top PVP guilds we can not agree that this is an exploit and ban it from rateds games against one another. We are not the other servers where everyone is using blatant exploit so why put it in position to make it rampant on our server now?


    Also I want to point out that of all the PVP guilds on the server Ascendancy is the only one that has withstood the grind. Every other PVP guild that has been big has come and gone. We do not exploit nor have exploited and no one will be able to say we have not been the #1 or #2 guild in PVP from the day rateds started so the playing to win argument is null and void just looking at us. We obviously play to win, have won more then any other guild out there, and have not had to exploit to do it.

  8. Since I spoke on this earlier I'll go ahead and just make it official on how Ascendancy feels on this. This is an exploit that we do not support. I know it's rampant on almost all other servers but I feel we've developed a very close PVP community here and I have faith this can be taken care of and for the most part has been taken care of. There will be arguments saying that the corner capping in Novare is an exploit, as well as battle rezzing in a warzone and I believe they are a bit of an exploit, however smart play can certainly prevent these things from occurring (watching the node and interrupting the rez). There is no circumstances that can prevent a player from typing /stuck.
  9. Greetings all. Been away for a bit but going to go ahead and hop into the hate fest because it just wouldn't seem right if I'm not involved in a good old fashioned hate fest on the forums. Anyways just want to set something straight here.


    Naena, Meggles, Soreyox, and I created Ascendancy back in the day and of those four I have been the only one to have been consistently active in the rated scene from the very get go. I can tell you all right now that any claim that we started carrying Agape recently is quite false. Was he in Ascendancy this whole time? No, but he's been a member of our rated team pretty much from day one of rateds and was even on our very first team we put together on the first day of rateds. Anyone saying otherwise is utterly ignorant and false.


    I also was part of one of the /stuck instances with Full Resolve (which was nearly three months ago at this point) and I can attest that since that occasion I have not seen anything similar from Full Resolve or Squirtle Squad. If others have then that is something that they can bring up with them, however bear in mind we were the first to have this happen to us and we handled it outside of the forums and the issue seems to have been resolved in regards to us. I'm not fully understanding why all of this is an issue since it seems this was quite a while ago. Additionally I'm unsure why Vara is the one being thrown under the bus for these incidents. I know when it happened against us Vara was not one of the offenders and was one of the first people willing to discuss whether /stuck is a valid mechanic to use.


    I also want to point out Nelos that I have a lot of respect for you because when everyone left Deadweight to go play Guild Wars you kept Deadweight going. I'm unsure why there is this hatred specifically for Vara, perhaps you're in the same position I've been in since day one of Ascendancy where I've always been told I'm not Luigi and you've heard the same thing so you've lashed out. If that's the case, I get it, but please bear in mind Vara hasn't really done anything wrong for you to lash out at him, the same way Luigi never did anything wrong to cause me to lash out with him and I've always had a solid game relationship with him because of that. To those that say Nelos is a weak link in his guild, I say that even if that is the case he's half the reason there is one respectable guild left on pub side. When everyone left Nelos kept trying to keep things going and I do have a lot of respect for doing that.


    Lastly I'm going to just say Op you need to stop name dropping us every time you get in a fight on the forums. I get you like to troll, hell I've been one of the biggest supporters of trolling on the forums, that said there is zero reason to name drop guilds every time you want to troll. I have gone back and pretty much read everything I missed over the last month and it's insane how many times I see you say you play with Ascendancy/Squirtle Squad/TaunTauns. Some of what everyone is saying on the forums about you is dead on. You were not a troll until you started playing with us (which was quite recently) and their hostility towards you is relatively valid because you did not start talking so much until you started winning in warzones with US. Part of me feels I should say this to you outside of forums but at the same time it's my guilds name that keeps popping up on the forums which is why I'm stepping in to stop it. You do play with us, I have no problem with that because you're good enough to play with us, but the constant name dropping of our guild has to stop. It especially needs to stop if you're going to keep referencing us to show how good you are. Let your play speak for itself not the guilds that let you play with them.

  10. Imo a lot of players underestimate how difficult it is to be at the forefront of clearing PvE operations.


    Anyone remember doing HM EC Kephess in Rakata non-augmented? Or even clearing NiM EC Kephess in mostly 61s. It's not as simple as following a "set routine" and win. You need to plan and position ahead of the fight to get the boss down, and making the most outta your current raid class/player skill composition.


    And well carlenx's quote on doing ranked or even facing a proper premade in PvE gear...well that's like going sky-diving with a balloon instead of a parachute. Doubt he's even valor 80 on any of his toons. I believe his mara's nick is Hwynn and carlenx for operative/sorc. We should have some fun :D


    I think we're underestimating the commitment but not the difficulty. Being willing to bash your head against a boss for four hours to learn every pattern possible isn't a talent.

  11. Yeah because finding and inviting 4 more people, who I've never played a game with, is going to make an amazing ranked team.


    Why not? How is it any different then us or TaunTaun's doing it? It just seems like Pub PVP guilds are far more content to just sit back in their four man premades and beat up on pugs all day then to actually reach out to a couple people so you can enjoy some actual competition. Also it's not like you don't know who these people are in other guilds. You know who the good players are and good players will play well no matter the team they're on. You might lose a little team synergy but at least your playing with and against the best the server has to offer.

  12. You'll be able get in groups fast on either faction. Every planet has tons of people calling out heroics and GF queues are pretty good, even for a DPS (can be bad sometimes). As others have said non ranked PvP is usually a steam-roll one way or another. The best way to improve your odds is running premades with voice chat.


    I agree with this for non ranked. In ranked I feel it's very Imp heavy. There are three primary guilds on both sides that tend to lead the PVP charge however I just feel that the Imp teams tend to queue quite a bit more for ranked. Not to mention the three top PVP guilds Imp side have shown far more willingness to combine resources to get teams together if anyone gets word of people in queue. I actually really wish the pub side would start doing this more. No reason the handful of regulars from Goof Troop can't go talk to a few people in Deadweight if they hear someone is queuing.

  13. i dissagree with that, ive done Rankeds,.


    Gonna go ahead and call you out on this one and ask you to post a screenshot of your rating and rated record. Also if it's something like 1-1 or 2-0 please don't bother because anyone can catch a ****** pug in the middle of the day from time to time in rateds. If it's something like 20 some games with an above average record I'd be more willing to wager you've probably ran into an Ascendancy, Deadweight, TaunTauns premade at some point and it might add some substance to your claim.


    I feel the need to point out how retarded the rating system is after seeing this screenshot (and to deflect away from the fact that I only have 40k player kills).




    Apparently 88 less losses and an .878 winning percentage translates into less then 200 more rating.


    My money is almost certainly on Smurf or Martian for most player kills mostly because they've been Elite Warlord forever and don't really have alts.

  15. Oh I do, and plenty of it!

    I record many of my wzs on the different servers I play.

    When something happens, I review it and then file my tickets. Often, I can tell EAware exactly how it was done.


    But I'm not into publicly humiliating people, not even cheaters, so you won't find anything posted here or youtube.

    Neither will I call out players in general chat, or name names of individuals or guilds on this forum.


    My goal is simply to clean up this game.

    Which is not easy, in part due to EAware's lousy code, their hush-hush attitude about cheating, their desire not to lose any subscribers, and last but not least, all those "there are no cheaters" trolls, covering for their buddies, their guilds or their own transgressions.


    So I will continue to watch, report, and sometimes explain to players how certain exploits work - an educated player base is the best weapon against cheaters.



  16. Yeah it was pretty hilarious when are all warrior team ran into a real guild (don't remember if it was Covenant or not). Fortunately it was hutball so we were able to scrape out a close win with all of our leapers even though we didn't have any heals.


    Had that happen last night as well. I think Psirebral respeced three times before the start of the game when we realized we didn't have to follow certain group composition rules (such as only two healers and who was defending what in whatever spec) to keep the games more competitive. Needless to say it was a bit of a cluser**** at the start but luckily we were able to get the win. Also not to point out the obvious but it really does shoot down the idea that PVP is all class and gear based considering everyone was on alts and I think our team had three sorcs, only one of them healing, and no smasher.

  17. You are getting too enraged here, that's neither good for your health nor does it lend your opinion anymore credence - quite the opposite actually. One might start to wonder why you are so adament about it.


    I don't use cutsy avatars or silly signatures. I don't mind if people do, but it's just not for me.

    Looks like in your world those things are important, but in mine they are not.


    Considering you won't put a name on your statement essentially makes your statement pointless. For all we know you don't actually play on this server and you don't actually PVP. So congratulations on being nothing more than a forum troll.

  18. Make a video of him getting unjustly banned, post the entire correspondence between him and Bioware, including his appeal and the length of his punishment, then I believe you - otherwise just hot air.

    But before you do, read what's below:




    You know, or should know, that naming people on the forums is against the EULA/TOS. If not, I suggest you read it.

    And that is also WHY you cannot or should not post videos here (or email correspondence for that matter).

    One quick note, "your" guild is not one of them, so relax.




    Aha, so you are telling me that you are completely aware of every ability, every gcd and every movement of all of your teammates at all times, even the guy ninja'ing the far node? Sure, I believe that. :rolleyes:



    It's funny how all the "there are no cheaters" people have moved to the server forums now. ;)


    OH so you're one of those people that makes baseless claims with no evidence to support it and won't put your name on it so everyone knows who you are, then you hide behind the EULA. We have a term for that on the internet, it's called an Anonymous Keyboard Warrior. Generally speaking your opinion is null and void.


    As for me getting video of him being unjustly banned I'm not the one making accusations so why would I need to? You guys are the ones that are crying foul YOU prove it. Considering how openly disputed it all was, it's amazing that there was still no evidence showing he was hacking despite how much support he got and still gets being banned. Of course there is the whole argument that EA would absolutely research this and we're supposed to accept that from a company that researches things like THIS.


    Also yes, I'm telling you I am aware enough to know if something out of the ordinary happens in a warzone and I'm certainly smart enough and experienced enough to know if it was completely out of the ordinary or impossible. Also my comment was about high level PVP which would mean that we were in mumble/vent with whoever was guarding the off node and that said person would certainly call out if someone is trying to ninja the off node.


    As for your little sarcastic comment at the end there... I'll just assume you missed the part where the whole point of this thread was about a column that specifically targeted our server and guilds from our server. That's probably why it's on the server forums and not anywhere else.


    Anyways until you want to put some names on your claims instead of hiding behind a EULA I'll go ahead and quote Psi there and say "Just stay out of it bud, grown-ups are talking."



  19. First of all, why does anyone worry about false accusations if they are clean?

    So far, nobody has been banned unjustly.


    I think there are guilds that honestly don't know that they harbor a cheater.

    Unless you are a healer, most of your attention is directed towards the enemy and the objective. So if the cheater doesn't do something brazingly outrageous (i.e. Gingers), the guildies might not even notice. I'm sure I have been on teams with lag switchers without becoming aware of it.


    I also believe there are guilds who know that they harbor a cheater, but tolerate it, because it wins them warzones.

    From their point-of-you, they are not doing anything illegal by keeping quiet. Until the cheater is caught by EAware, it is not in their best interest to report that guildie.


    Lastly, I noticed there a few guilds who actively participate in cheating. Those are NOT the top guilds, but the wannabes, the kind that gets in trouble when facing a good pug team. I have seen 2 on Imp-side and 1 on Pub-side who apparently cheat as a guild activity. The warzones against them will always have lag spikes, regardless which guild members are playing, and miraculous game-winning stuff happens way too often whenever they get in danger of losing. Sometimes, I cannot pinpoint the individual cheaters (i.e. a bomb just appears on a watched door during a lag spike), so I end up reporting their entire warzone roster - it's EAware's job to investigate, they got the tools for it.


    As a rule, whenever something funky happens, report report report and EAware sort them out.


    Your statement is wrong on so many levels.


    First all, "So far, nobody has been banned unjustly"

    Completely untrue since we had a player get banned from our guild with absolutely no evidence presented. During that time it was pointed out multiple occasions how people have been banned and after arguing the case were unbanned. I know it sounds like I'm just saying my friend didn't hack, yet I stand by what I said, absolutely no evidence was presented to prove otherwise.


    "Unless you are a healer, most of your attention is directed towards the enemy and the objective."

    Absolutely incorrect when it comes to high level PVP. The teams that don't have all 8 members aware of their surroundings are the ones that get beat consistently.


    "I'm sure I have been on teams with lag switchers without becoming aware of it."

    Pictures (or in this case video) or it didn't happen. Download fraps and catch it then and only then can you really make this claim with any substance behind it. Until then this gets chalked up to all the other weird things that happens in games due to a poor engine.


    "I have seen 2 on Imp-side and 1 on Pub-side who apparently cheat as a guild activity."

    You say this yet you put no names behind it, mostly because it's a baseless claim and you're scared to get called out on the fact you have no proof against these guilds when they inevitably defend it. You also don't post your character name on this post or your sig and could just be anyone trying to rustle feathers. Nothing about this post has any credibility to your cause and is relatively useless to this discussion.


    I will continue to preach this to all the hackussers out there. If you think hacking is so rampant in this game, download fraps for free, record it, and post it. Hell a week ago someone said they caught me and I even made a forum post for that person to post the video in... yet nothing, because like every other claim you guys make, it's all baseless accusations because you can't understand how you're getting beat or how to get better.

  20. It was in PvP so "everyone" was 8+ people...


    That would be Ops chat, not general bud. Also those are the same 8 people that are in the process of being rolled with you. Still also want to point out that you have the option of downloading a free version of fraps and recording this for the world to see. And after all, according to all the accusers, hacking is so wide spread it should only take a few games to get your video evidence.

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