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Posts posted by Vagessel

  1. 1 hour ago, Char_Ell said:

    I'm not sure how you came to believe this.  At the 2019 San Diego Cantina meet-and-greet Keith Kanneg shared a story with me how the SWTOR team had created a new speeder mount and had submitted it to Lucasfilm for review and approval as per the usual process for content being added to SWTOR.  The Lucasfilm team rejected adding the mount to the game and Keith could not understand why.  It wasn't until the movie trailer for The Force Awakens showing Rey on a speeder on Jakku that Keith realized that the mount they had submitted was quite similar to Rey's speeder.  Keith figured Lucasfilm rejected the mount because they didn't want it to look like SWTOR had the mount before it was officially revealed.

    Was there not a mount that was nothing but a floating log of wood?   Does this imply Lucasfilm thought mounting a log of wood was starwarsy?  

    • Like 1
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  2. This thread is both cute and sad. It's like watching that ewok shaking his dead little friend thinking it could wake it up.


    West Coast datacenter has been shuttered - without a warning.

    This game has never seen marketing during Star Wars movie releases. In fact, aside from the blur trailers so many are quick to criticize, I don't think I've ever seen any marketing done for this game - period.

    This is the first year since launch there has been no expansion - instead we've had servers merged and datacenters closed: forever.


    Come to terms with it - and with your future in game expenditures. This game will never see a resurgence in population. The writing's been on the wall this year.


    Read up on the final years and months of City of Heroes and its cash shop. Think of all the money in cosmetics their players spent thinking that while it's game was small it would never see a reason for it to be entirely shuttered. And then they saw it all vanish in a puff of pixels.

  3. I restarted playing SWTOR after the game I had been playing fell into bona fide maintenance mode. I wanted to play a game that was alive with development.


    Now all I've seen is one new flashpoint and a couple operation bosses I never intend to play. Ah, and my West Coast server was deleted without so much as a warning. So while a week ago I was gonna dust off the characters from the prior dead game I'n now intending to download and play Overwatch out of curiosity to see what playing a successful game with a future actually feels like.

  4. Hi all,


    Today’s maintenance was part of the United Forces effort!


    We have completed the upgrade of the Game Servers along with all their supporting infrastructure in the Data Centers. We made a large investment of new hardware and software and one of our primary goals was to substantially reduce our footprint while improving our overall server capacity. During our evaluation of the new servers, we determined we could also combine our North American datacenters. That also occurred today and we have officially moved out of our West Coast location. Our testing showed no impact on the gameplay experience, but we expect some of you playing on formerly West Coast servers may see higher ping times. We’ll use the next two weeks to smooth out any kinks and resolve any performance issues encountered.


    You’ll see the same Servers today that you saw yesterday. They’re just running on new hardware and, some, in different locations. As announced previously the move to the five (5) new Servers will be on Wednesday, November 8, 2017. At that time all Game Servers and the SWTOR website will be down for up to 12 hours. We’ll let you know the actual start time a few days before.


    Report any specific issues you encounter to Customer Service as we’ve established an escalation process for critical issues. Please be a bit patient with us over the coming weeks as we unite players from a variety of servers and try to make this a smooth and painless process for everyone.






    Why the heck advertise it as West Coast and East Coast servers when in reality it was North America 1 and North America 2 servers, located adjacent to one another in the same building in the east coast?

  5. To give some people a more useful idea of the value, it depends on how many CC you bought:


    $5 = 450 CC = 90 CC/$

    $10 = 1050 CC = 105 CC/$

    $40 = 5500 CC = 137.50 CC/$

    $ 100 = 14500 CC = 145 CC/$


    The lightsaber is currently 5700 CC thus:


    at $5 purchase it costs $63

    at $10 purchase it is $54

    at $ 40 purchase it is $41.45

    at $100 purchase it is $ 39.31


    So the expense of the lightsaber really depends on how many CC's you bought. This is not for kids who are broke in College. This is for spoiled kids who are flush with money in College or working adults. Because $ 39 bucks is a hella cheaper than $63.


    BTW, Hypercrates, which apparently MANY people buy, are selling at CC 7,020.

  6. It's a good idea but the problem is KOTFE and losing your companions and not getting them all back.


    Once you start KOTFE you wouldn't be able to do the companion dailies anymore.


    Companions are coming back. They posted a list of all those already on queue to do so. Vette, Quinn, Elara and others are already back. My thoughts is that this could be implemented in future updates. By then most should be back. :)

  7. Well, at least for our PCs and current and future NPCs we interact with have ongoing VO. It’s also been confirmed the rest of our companions are coming back! I can’t imagine them coming back without some voice acting.


    I am hopeful.

  8. I suggested this in another thread ... buried deep within its bowels. The topic is different enough and I think useful enough that I’m giving it its own topic so people can help refine it with feedback and maybe someone up above can give it some love.


    After we complete our companion quests there’s no more meaningful interaction with our companions. They become silent decorations in our strongholds. :(


    That could easily be remedied by introducing daily (or regular-repeatable) quests with our companions!


    This could be an expandable feature with the possibility of new dailies added on subsequent updates. It could be piloted with our love interests and if it’s well received expanded to all of them! Here is an example - it could be anything, from serious to slapstick:


    Mako comes over to you to call in a favor. She’s created a HoloNet site and is having trouble moderating it’s forums! She uses her friend/wife privilege to recruit you to together hunt down a few different trolls each day. You find them in Nar Shaddaa, Zakuul, wherever; a different planet rotated over 4 or 5. Not only would she speak during the mission granting and conclusion, but also have fresh flavor comments peppered as you go from one objective to another.


    I think this could really reinvigorate our companion “bonds” and add replayability to our stories.

  9. What this game could really use is... wait for it....


    Companion DAILIES!!! Or weeklies.

    It would mean you get to interact with your companion regularly even after their quest chains end. They could also be expanded with additional quests in the future. That way companions stop becoming mute Stronghold decorations after their stories are completed.

  10. I'm surprised that isn't an emote yet.


    But yes, it should be. :cool:


    Yeah. It surprised me because of its high amount of detail and quality. It took effort, talent, and a talented motion capture dancer to put it together - and then they quietly place it as an obscure detail in a decoration. It does not compute to me. You’d imagine they would put the fruit of their labor out there to be appreciated.

  11. I don’t think he makes a compelling love interest.


    An excellent story could have been made about his crimes catching up to him. Citizens united in demanding a trial for the war crimes he committed. The struggle to reconcile his apologetic stance but ultimately recognizing that justice must be done. Either by having Arcann tried and convicted of war crimes or be asasinated, say by the father of one of the millions of victims from his five planet bombardment.


    THAT would make a challenging and compelling story.


    Btw, Vader being given eternal redemption after slicing and dicing little children was grotesque.

  12. VA for female Inquisitor is best voice for female dark sider. So posh and authoritative (I honestly can't rlly imagine the voice on any race except human tbh. Sounds way too posh for any aliens)


    Nope. As a dark side fem inquisitor Xanthe sounds best as Sith Pureblood!

  13. I think their (last) post was pretty clear and explicit that it was a miscommunication and the bonus is working as intended. I don’t think it’s reasonable at this point to be expecting a post. They’ve already said it.


    What I think is reasonable to hope for is for them to change it from what was deployed to a per character bonus. But I wouldn’t hold my breath. Remember, last week all we could hope for was 25% period. I do feel we’re all looking at the gift horse in the mouth, which isn’t classy.

  14. I entirely disagree. Having played it on Bounty Hunter and Agent the story worked just perfect and seamlessly as it did for my force users. The story of both expansions was excellent and people here nitpick all sorts of inanities.


    * Looks at date of first post. *


    Screw it, I always wanted to speak up against this complaint anyway.

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