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Posts posted by Bejarid

  1. Why in the heck would you use hammer shot over grav round/tracer missile? It only builds one stack of supercharge instead of the two for grav round and fails to proc anything else. Everything I've read and my own experience is to minimise the use of hammer shot, about the only time to use it is if you need a filler while moving.


    Grav Round does not build multiple stacks of Supercharge. It's Charged Barrel and/or Charged Barrier that GR stacks twice as fast. And use of Hammer Shot as a filler in even a stationary rotation is advisable for ammo management at high APM.

  2. Are you basically saying "you didn't say there would be a 250% xp boost to go along with the 250% cxp boost, but if there is, please make sure i can turn it off?"


    There will be a 250% XP increase to coincide with the 250% CXP increase. Encouraging players to reach 70 and grind at CXP.


    (level sync still makes everything a challenge anyway, you just have a few extra abilities).


    Except everything in this game outside of content specifically tuned to be challenging is rather hilariously easy. In certain cases, perhaps specifically because of those "few extra abilities" you mention.

  3. Unfortunately you are stuck in the old xp paradigm.


    And you are stuck in your own personal, narrow-minded view of how things work for your gameplay that you can't see someone else's point of view. Maybe instead of being antagonistic and combative of something that doesn't fit your mold, try asking some questions to try and understand why people might want this as an option, which would not hinder or have any detrimental impact upon your chosen playstyle.


    Or, to put it another way:


    You need to actually think about it.
  4. I actually have fond memories of having discussions with you on these very boards as I tried to better understand various mechanics, and also in opposition to the Combat/Carnage changes at the end of the 2.x patch cycle. Great loss to the community, hope you find as suitable a replacement as might be possible.
  5. For Gunnery Commandos, you will be using these abilities...

    Vortex Bolt

    Grav Round


    Mortar Volley

    Hail of Bolts

    High Impact Bolt

    Demolition Round

    Sticky Grenade

    Plasma Grenade

    Electro Net


    The bold abilities should not be in your single target rotation, the underlined I never use at all, the italicized should be used sparingly.


    Bolded abilities: Generally speaking, AoEs have been significantly nerfed to the point where they're really not viable for ST like they used to be. In 2.0, Mortar Volley was great for ST damage if you could manage your ammo wisely. Now, it's a waste of time and ammo on a single mob. Hail of Bolts has never been been viable for ST, even talented, and should only be used in large packs for AoE.


    Underlined: Sticky Grenade has always felt obscenely weak to me. Also, because of the delay on its damage component, it's almost universally better to just drop MV and be done with it all. I really only use it where I see a mob that's susceptible to its CC component - and, again, almost universally a better idea to just lay down the heavy fire instead.


    Italicized: Plasma Grenade I do still use rotationally, for ST and AoE. But I only use it in conjunction with Tech Override, and Reserve Powercell when it is available.


    That said, rotational theory does work around Boltstorm's reset proc. I find the best way to manage this is a set of simple repeating sequences:


    (S1) Boltstorm > DR > filler > filler > {GR}
    (S2) Boltstorm > HiB > filler > filler > {GR}


    Most often you'll use Grav Round as your filler to build your Supercharge stacks. Other fillers include, in no particular order: Vortex Bolt, Hammer Shot, PG (only with TO and with RP as often as possible). Note: GR is in brackets in the sequences because the proc will often be available before that, but alacrity and lag can play a role in not hitting the reset perfectly so I err more towards the four global rule rather than three.

  6. Another minor issue I had was not meeting Jace Malcolm. Wasn't he the former commander of Havoc Squad and the current supreme commander of the Republic military? Seemed like he should have been mentioned at least once or twice during the story, since you are now holding the position he once held, and ultimately are serving under him. A mission to capture or kill General Rakton would seem to be important enough to get Malcolm's attention.


    If I recall correctly, the Supreme Commander of the Republic military up to the completion of the class stories is a guy named Rans. Malcolm was given the position some time afterwards.

  7. This nerf request is for pvp. Mercs and mandos are too OP, two of them in the same team can win a match. They have a lot of awesome defensive cooldown and a powerful rotation. Also the solution could be buff other classes, like Sages/Sorcs(DPS).


    My point was that using an example of something we could do 15 levels ago doesn't prove us to be OP. Heck, my Sentinel can do basically the same thing as in the linked vid.

  8. I largely agree with the OP, and have since the announcement of this deeply flawed and foolishly implemented system. The two points where I disagree are "casuals don't need gear," and "more tokens off all bosses." The first is largely relative; casuals having greater access to better gear may encourage them to do more than dailies or the odd tactical, since they would be better equipped to do so. And with higher difficulties of the story content, better gear will be necessary for all players to engage in that solo aspect.


    To the second point of disagreement, I like the choice to only guarantee tokens off end bosses and randomize off others. It encourages players to experience content beyond farming EV/KP for their gear - and I for one am sick to frakking death of those two ops. During KotFE, pretty much the only raids I saw ran because they were the easiest paths to gear. By spreading the loot out, people still have to work for it, and engage in more than two operations. I, for one, am looking forward to being able to do different ops again.

  9. I certainly don't claim to be amongst the best Sentinel players, but I strictly play Concentration, now, and very much enjoy it. It seems pretty complicated on the face of it, however it's actually quite simple once you can grasp the fundamentals. It's all about maximizing the damage of Focused Burst/Force Sweep (depending on single target or AoE situations) via two procced buffs - Felling Blow and Koan - and then going bananas in the following burst window. Felling Blow procs when you leap (either from Force Leap or Zealous Leap), and Koan procs from Force Exhaustion and Zen.


    How I open:

    [ Zen/Leap > Focused Burst > (Force Exhaustion > Concentrated Slice > Zealous Leap > Zealous Strike > Focused Burst > Blade Barrage > Concentrated Slice > Slash > Zealous Leap > Zen > Focused Burst) ]


    The string in parentheses is basically repeatable after you open, due to the way the aCDs line up. For AoE, I swap FB for FS, Slash with Cyclone Slash, and BB with Twin Saber Throw - mob alignment permitting.

  10. How on Earth can you ran out of Cells as Gunnery? It's impossible.


    It is, in fact, possible. If you're bad. Neglecting Hammer Shots/Reserve Cell/Recharge Cells/Supercharge Cells for pure Grav Round spam will hurt your regen and put you into an empty ammo bar pretty quickly; tested it awhile ago, something like under a minute if you're not managing things.


    Sorry, guys but I have serious problem. I can't get this to look ugly no matter what I try.



    Agreed. :rak_03:

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