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Posts posted by Tatami

  1. I have been playing swtor since beta. This is probably going to be the thing that drives me away. This is the worst possible idea you have EVER come up with and I STRONGLY URGE you to reconsider. You are going to ruin the raiding aspect of this game and that is the only reason some of us play right now. PLEASE RECONSIDER or you are going to kill this game even deader than it already is.
  2. I just happened to notice this today. I was using Annihilation the past few days, but I swapped back to Carnage and noticed my Berserk is now affecting the speed my Ravage fires. Is this a new change since update? I am sure it wasn't in the patch notes. It is a welcome change of course.
  3. Add a few RP elements to the character sheet area. Like, a spot to write up and post your own characters biography for anyone who inspects you to be able to read, and learn your characters backstory, They have this feature in a couple other games which promote roleplay. It's a fun feature that everyone, not only RPers can enjoy. Lots of people enjoy making up backstories for their characters even if they don't in fact roleplay.
  4. Just wanted to get it out in the open if it wasn't already said but, we were promised one free character name PER MONTH on the free vs sub features page when free to play just came out. It was one of the perks to being a sub.



    Some of us haven't forgotten this and it is incredibly lame of you guys to advertise this one time free change as if us subs are getting something special when you obviously bait and switched a lot of people who subbed hoping for that feature.


    Don't be fooled my fellow SWTOR players. They're jippin us and they know it.

  5. Good riddance you useless troll. Go get a life. Find another forum to troll. You're just lucky the admins on this board don't give a crap about whats said.



    As stated: Please remove weekly commendation caps. Ignore the useless troll who has nothing better to do but troll people trying to make the game better for everyone else to enjoy.

  6. And just how are you qualified to judge who needs a reality check? Are you suddenly the internet police? I think you're the one who needs a social life, tracking all of these topics you are trolling. Didn't take long to find it and continue your troll either. Someone needs a life here and it is not me.
  7. I don't need any pvp advice I have retired from PVP currently.


    I'm wondering, how much alacrity should I have around for a pve setup on my Carnage Marauder? Right now all of my enhancements on my equipment, with the exception of my mainhand have power/alacrity enhancements in them. I am getting mixed messages on what's best for marauder these days. I personally feel like I need some more surge. I have power/surge enhancements I kept around for when I "upgraded" to power/alacrity. So, I can swap back if need be.


    So, yeah what is the general consensus on Alacrity gear on a marauder in PVE? How much should I aim for, what should I sacrifice and what should I avoid sacrificing at all costs.

  8. The commendation caps for pve gear is unfair. PVPers do not get a commendation cap, they can literally play all day and night and still advance their gear without limit. PVErs deserve the same. Get rid of the useless weekly caps. They were a bad idea. So are weekly lockouts for ops. I see no need for you to limit pvers for how much gear they can attain in a week and not pvpers.
  9. So, um Since the update my crit went down like every one elses. I thought it was prudent to sacrifice some of my copious amounts of power for some, changed a few deft mods for potent mods, a few adept enhancements for battle enhancements, was I in error? Should I get rid of crit in favor of power? I figured losing crit would hurt.
  10. I imagine people are blaming them because, maybe the said people would have bought CE if items they are adding in the future were available when the CE was up for purchase. It is pretty lame for them to add perks to being a CE a year down the line when it is too late for people to get it. That's just my 2 cents. I don't care one way or the other if CE people get something, or not. Just stating a possible reason for people to be upset over it.
  11. Quick suggestion:

    For leaving WZ prematurely player will loose lets say 30 commendations.

    New players who enter already started WZ will get it as compensation.


    Details not necessary


    A penalty will not do anything. In fact it will make it worse. People are going to leave warzones, reguardless if there is a penalty or not. If there is a penalty it will just make them less likely to play Warzones all together and that will increase queue times and it will make things worse overall. If people want to leave warzones, it is none of your business, if they're leaving it usually means your team is already losing beyond hope of comeback. So, just let them leave.

  12. "Run dailies" Is not a fix for this problem. Stop being fanboys and jump on support for the fix of this patch. It hurts you too whether you believe it or not. Not having to worry about repair costs was a very good thing for many people. We want that again and people would be willing to quit over it. Some people don't like to run dailies. I personally run them every other day, but I don't want that money to be wasted on something that shouldn't even be there, like high repair costs. Fix it, Fix it now. It is clear what the playerbase wants. Don't keep us waiting.
  13. I am one of GD's Juggernauts and I don't use Rage spec in pvp. I do very well with Vengeance spec. Plus our Marauder's aren't all smashers. Dahz for instance, isn't. Nor is Aroca I believe. I have been known to switch to Smash spec for a change of pace, but 90% of the time I am Vengeance. If you battled with me you know it.
  14. Contrary to the popular believe, Grim isn't plotting and scheming to get double premades every warzone. We just have a semi-large guild, and just so happens we're very pvp oriented. People are running queues all hours of the day and night generally. There is no reason for GD people to queue alone when we have people to queue with. You wouldn't queue alone if you had a guild that PVPed with you either. Stop bashing people for nonsensical reasons.
  15. Yes, a subscription based MMO can and will succeed today, but it needs certain things to succeed. It needs a decent team working on it. It needs to have updates, scheduled updates, regular updates once a month, never more than 3 months apart. It needs a dev team that will talk to, and listen to it's playerbase they need to be vigilant about bugs and game balance.


    But, and people will argue with me about this... I think most new MMO's that have been released lately are scams. They're hyped to hell, commercials, ads everything to get as MANY box sales as they can possibly get, a large sub base... but then... Support falls through. Updates slow then cease. Bugs are left in the game for months at a time, playerbase crying for game balance updates go unheard, they let the game slowly die so they can clean up by converting it to free to play and make even more money than they would stand to make if it was a pure subscription model.

    I really hope that this isn't going to be a common thing from now on in all future MMO's but I have watched several MMOs do the exact same thing lately. It's horrible.

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