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Posts posted by Velos

  1. +4 hours last week. -15minutes this week. Proportionality; apply it.


    Now for the guts of the argument:


    Firstly; more times than not, BioWare servers come back online BEFORE the prescribed maintenance period ends. They normally say it will take four hours, but servers are usually back after 3, why are you not complaining about this? "Hey, I set myself a real life task for four hours to coincide with maintenance, but you brought the servers back early and now I lost game time! Refund now! Cancel subscription now!"


    Secondly; servers always give warning messages for when they are going down. Meaning: this person, like everyone else logged on would have been given a 15 minute warning. Thus, giving him ample time to find his safe place and log out appropriately.


    Thirdly; when he logs back in, he won't be attacked by respawns. This is a known fact. A player who logs in amongst mobs does not generate aggro and can move away safely. I have done this many, many times.


    Fourthly; **** happens. Seriously, this one might confuse you, but just like in real life unpredictable things happen in virtual space too. Maybe BioWare have a good reason for bringing the servers down fifteen minutes early. Maybe they thought by bringing them down fifteen minutes early they could have them back even earlier.


    To conclude: There are 10,080 minutes per week. Of which, we lose (on average) 240 minutes due to maintenance. He lost 15 minutes. Meaning out of a possible 9840 minutes available per week, he lost 0.15% playtime because of this 15 minute early down time. 0.15%.


    Proportionality; apply it and with reason please.

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