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Posts posted by Destronicus

  1. Server Transfers/Merges

    LFG Tool

    Removal of the fleets and make the capital cities the hubs

    Make it so that all the planets (except starting planets as mentioned above, i didn't think about that before) are available to both factions and stop segregating them so much.


    And another thing just occurred to me. If you are going to make a traditional theme park, holy trinity (tank, healer, dps) game, than make a traditional theme park, holy trinity game. People that like this genre want to play that genre. Don't nerf the tanks and the healers to the point they have difficulty simply doing their role. Yeah, it's good to change some thing up and add some twists to the mechanics to keep things interesting, but this is a holy trinity game, let the roles be able to perform their roles.

  2. Well, I have to look at it from two view points.


    1. From a gamer point of view, a 1.3 million sub base for a non-WoW MMO is a good number.


    2. From a business point of view, any business, regardless of industry type, that lost 25% of its paying customers in one quarter, is in trouble. I think it is a very safe bet to say that there are some unhappy suits over at EA. I expect a shake up or two incoming.

  3. Not unsubscribed but I am really getting close to pulling that trigger. I only have 3. Bugs, the need for more content, lack of advanced tools, etc. are just part of the deal for a young MMO that gets rushed out by the corporate suits and everyone by now should expect that from an EA MMO so I don't include that in my decision.


    1. No community. I've played MMOs since 1997 UO and I have never experienced such an anti-social community as this one. It doesn't matter if you merge servers if the majority of players play this like a single player game and actively fight (on the forums) to prevent the inclusion of required group play to access high end content and gear. (BW should let us have all our companions out at once so we can solo flashpoints, for example)


    2. Bioware has made it abundantly clear their vision of "end game" is to roll endless alts. (at least that is my perception of what is going on with the direction of the game)


    3. Too many time wasters that appear to just be there to waste my time and offer no gameplay element or challenge. All the various loading screens to go through to travel from planet to planet, game play elements that require just standing around and waiting (many datacron hunts for example), to many moments of round tripping for no good reason (the quest giver on the planet tells you to travel to the fleet and the guy on the fleet just tells you to go right back to the planet and nothing else). Time sink for the sake of time sink seems to be a prominent design choice here.

  4. I didn't 'get lucky' at all. I pushed that datacron deep into the back of my mind and actually waited for someone offering to pull people up. you know, you could do the same! do you have not a single trooper on your friendslist that could push you up there? nobody in the guild? nobody on the opposing faction that might be willing to? really now, people make the balloon ride way more than it really is.


    pushing an agenda. damn you are one paranoid fellow.


    No, I'm not, I'm just calling you out on your BS. Long boring time sinks are crap in any MMO. This one, GW2, Tera, WoW, all of them. You only make your "LOL" comment on the GW2 long boring time sink like GW2 is the only one that has one and ToR is perfection. You're agenda is to troll and to trash another game and pretend that ToR is totally free of the same type of crap you trash the other game for, which it is clearly not. And now when some one points out that Tor has just as much long boring time sink as that other game, you do you're all to minimize that fact.

  5. considering it literally took me 2 seconds to reach the datacrons on the sandcrawler in the dune sea... thanks to a friendly sage.... yes, yes indeed it is much, much better.


    That's because you got lucky. That was intended as a huge time sink and you know it. You are trying to push an agenda so you won't admit it, but you know it.

  6. I saw a video of a one hour (ONE HOUR) escort-quest. I laughed and that was it for me and GW2.


    Yeah, because waiting around for a blimp for over an hour doing absolutely nothing desperately hoping that the blimp would not de-spawn so you would not have to wait around for another hour doing nothing so you can get a datacron is much, much better.

  7. Yeah it says a lot about the legitimacy of the consumerist when a company that kicks children from their homes is passed over for a entertainment company.


    No way that poll was Astroturfred huh?


    To be fair to the Consumerist, the fix was in. There were many game forums that told people that had probably never heard of the site before to go there and vote for EA. (Is that what astroturfed means? I am not familiar with that term).


    I am a regular on the consumerist and that vote had nothing to do with what that site is all about. Just a bunch of cranky gamers with no sense of real world priorities invaded the consumerist so it doesn't really speak to the real legitimacy of that site at all. Other than I suppose they could have tried to figure out what was a real vote and what was a pissed off gamer and excluded those votes but I don't know if that is even possible.

  8. Group Required


    I've put my finger on another frustration with what seems to be a common thread in the design of SWtOR. Everything requires a group. I tend to want to go out and achieve mighty things by myself to come back and make my friends jealous. But there is no achievement that doesn't require other people. Want to get all the datacrons? You're going to need help for that. What to get the Rakghoul Plague title? You're going to have to get together a raid big enough to take down a few world bosses. Want to complete the Black Hole quests? You're going to have to have a full party for that. Even the class quests often make me wish I had some help.


    Right now, this is the one thing that makes me hesitate when I think about logging-in - "How about some SWtOR? You could do X. Nah, there'll just be a PUG required for that."


    Well this is not KoTOR 3. It's an MMO. Some of the larger accomplishments have to be group based or why bother at all? Just take the servers down and make it a single player game at that point. Which I honestly believe a good portion of the player base would be ok with, actually.

  9. You can lead a horse to water...


    Times have changed and many MMO players for numerous reasons just aren't interested in grouping. Gone are the days when it was imperative for "survival". So, now it seems best to find a good guild of like-minded people and group up with them.


    This is pretty much it in a nutshell. All the LFG tools, server transfers, and server merges won't help if people simply are not interested in grouping. All they do is improve the chances of finding those that do want to do group content.

  10. Heck no, that would cause server queues like mad during events and expansions. The current ongoing server transfer will take care of those servers well. After all, after the news from yesterday, now we know that subs are actually still rising.


    That was kind of my point. IMO, you have either a cross server LFG with the servers we have or a same server LFG and force every server to have The Fatman levels of population.


    Otherwise for 50% of the servers as they are now, LFG is useless.

  11. Standard is low in comparison to who's standard? Maybe it's standard for Bioware lol


    That's the thing. A standard sever at 505 people is essentially the same thing as a low server with 495. And on the other side, a standard sever at 1495 people is essentially the same thing as a high server with 1505.


    Since we don't know the real numbers, standard can mean dead, healthy, or anything in between.

  12. You see there was something called Public Test that lasted a month that was open to everyone with a subscription. If you feel so compelled now that you think the FP is OP than how about testing it with everyone else instead of complaining. :rolleyes:


    You really have no idea what you are going on about do you? Yes, I will roll a new character and level him to 50 and get full rakata gear and then I can test the new flashpoint. All in less than a month or so. That's your big "I roll my eyes at you like I am better than you" answer.

  13. This is the 2/8/31 I am using and I think I actually got it from psi overtake too :). I am still working on rotations and priorities so I am not sure if I am doing the best I can or not just yet. I think it can be much improved, to tell the truth. For example I am not sure if I should be doing snipe at all and if I should use shatter shot in there somewhere.



    Laze > Weakening Blast > Corrosive Grenade > Corrosive Dart > Cull > SoS > Snipe > Rifle Shot if needed > Cull then refresh Weakening blast, Corrosive Grenade, and Corrosive Dart as needed. Throw in an orbital strike if I am really doing good on energy



  14. That is incorrect. The speed of light is over 200,000,000 meters/s there is no way that equates to 180,000 miles. Don't need a calculator to do that.


    We are of course assuming in Space (In Vacuum).


    It's actually closer to 300,000,000 meters per sec, which does convert to around 186,000 miles per second.


    1 meter = 0.000621371192 miles


    300,000,000 * 0.000621371192 = 186,411


    So yeah, you do need a calculator to figure that out after all :)

  15. Wasn't the patch yesterday....


    "Addressed an issue that could prevent characters from being deleted.

    Made improvements to the CS ticketing system."


    How did that roll back the servers...lol.


    Seems like something they aren't telling us.


    Maybe the fix to enable character deletion worked really, really well :D

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