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Posts posted by DeyoZero

  1. I agree 100%, even if there isn't a mechanical change.


    This part of the story is very immersive and involving, and there are multiple follow-ups in the character's in-game mail. I would really like to see more ways to interact with NPCs to whom the player has developed close ties!



  2. Grinding HM BT may be boring, but any competent player can do it, and after you've got 2/5 Columi and 3/5 BM you should be able to blast through any HM other than Kaon Under Siege and Lost Island.


    HM BT is simple.


    MH Esseles is considered one of, if not the hardest on the republic side.


    No, I don't know why they decided to make Ironfist a TPW factory, but there you have it.



  3. How is Better RAIDing gear relevant to anything anywhere? if you can already do OPs in your current gear then why get new?, and if it only takes a couple of hours to level to 400 Armor / Biochem / Synthweaving if you share mats then why is this thread even relevant?


    ppl just want stuff handed to them and or i.e want to make credits in-game


    I would also like to spend credits to buy the gear from other crafters, rather than repeatedly grinding one skill after another to 400.


    You specifically make the point that any player willing to spend a couple of hours to level the skill can get all the gear. You seem to take exception to the possibility that those players would instead spend a couple of hours playing other parts of the game to get the credits to get all the gear. Why is that?



  4. actually i do know what this post is about, more PvEers crying because the items they can craft at 400 are BoP, so they cant sell them on the GTN for credits instead they have to go do Dailies (ilum / belsavis / black hole) instead. you farm them and sell the items on the GTN for crazy amounts of credits to try and get rich.


    no one cares, craft your rakata item then move on. dont worry you will be able to farm in the HM's and OPs to get better gear


    you screwed up our PvP gear with threads like this please STOP


    How is PvP, or the gear therefrom, relevant to this discussion or any part of the game or anything in the universe anywhere ever?



  5. all i hear is QQ QQ


    All I hear from you is "I don't know what this argument is about, so I'll troll."


    Crafters make two things that are relevant to the endgame: Rakata gear and augmented items. We can only provide one of those to other players.


    Rakata gear is not final gear, but augmented items are. So why is it that we're allowed to sell augmented items, but not Rakata gear?



  6. Hello, my name is Deyo, and I play the game because I think it's fun.


    The content and voice acting are entertaining, the action is fast-paced and sometimes challenging, and the various flashpoints/operations are engaging and varied. I normally shun PvP like the Black Death, but I've been in a couple of warzones in SWTOR, and might even do it again.


    I see the population shrinking, and it worries me a little bit. Not a lot, but a little bit. I think it would be good if Bioware found a way to aggregate the population, either through merges or cross-server play.


    In the end, though, SWTOR is an awesome single-player game with a good MMO attached, and some pretty decent PvP features added on that don't feel like an afterthought.


    If I could change one thing about SWTOR, it would be the space missions. They're a very minor part of the game, and they feel even more optional (and more tacked-on) than the PvP systems. I'd like to see ways to run space missions as a group, distinct differences in ship types, and maybe even space mission flashpoints! Imagine a couple of Sith charging into a fleet action, making a lot of noise and turning Republic fighters into debris, while an Agent evades sensor nets to strike at a cruiser's shield generators, then a Bounty Hunter boards the cruiser to bring the whole group into an interior mission... :D



  7. Use Tharan and turn on Holiday for the stuns. It makes the fight a lot easier. I (finally) finished my class quests last night as Infiltration with zero problems.


    This worked for me as a Healing Sage, too. Working with Qyzen, I blew all my Force on healing, then got whittled down to nothing. With Tharan out, our combined healing and interrupt power meant we kept Sonny Boy off-balance the entire fight, and I could mostly conserve my Force for my miniscule damage output.



  8. In-genre, having intimate relationships leads to the dark side. Thus, any hookup has the potential to blow a load of Dark Side all over your pretty little Sith face.


    It's the kind of dumb rationalization that George Lucas had to fall back on because he couldn't come up with a creative way to seduce Anakin Skywalker to the Dark Side.




    (p.s. MIDICHLORIANS?!)

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