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Posts posted by the_kof

  1. To each their own, but I really hated the NJO books and tried to pretend they didn't happen when I read later books. Just my opinion.


    I think the problem with most of the post NJO books is that the main characters are simply too old to be doing the stuff that they are doing. They even make comments in the books about how old they are, but nothing beyond that ever changes. They still do the incredible running and adventures they have always done, just at a ripe old age. This always kind of bothered me....

  2. Never played KOTOR, but in my opinion Reven is fantastic. It is the most literary of the three, I would say (as in a lot of internal conflict rather than external conflict)


    I think that the XWING series is the best written by far and also has the unique position of being the only series without a lot of Jedi. Until I got into SWTOR, I never really liked Jedi all that much. I also love the fact that some of the scenes (particularly in the first book) draw on XWING games, which I played....


    The Darth Bane series was great and fun too!!!!



    I hated the ending though, thought it was kind of lame.


  3. One thing that the Sith have on the Jedi (at least in SWTOR times) is that they allow themselves passion and love, which to me is a more human emotion than the Jedi's peace and detachment idea.


    One could also argue that the Sith are more realistic than the Jedi; many people in our world try to be "good guys" by doing evil things (like the bombings of Dresden or the mass bombings of Japan in WWII). Out of context, this is an evil act, but it was better in the long run than losing more lives. From that, I would call the Sith pragmatic and more like our own people.


    There is a book called "Sympathy for the Devil." In it, the author argues that he has sympathy for the Devil because someone has to be the bad guy....


    I would compare a heroic Sith to Jamie Lannister in GOT (who is one of my favorite characters in the whole series)


    Jamie does what needs to be done to save his family and love when he pushes Bran out the window. Justifiable evil act. And yes, I know that it was odd because it was his sister, but I think that if I had to choose between my wife (who is not my sister) and a child I don't really know, I would like to think that I would chose my wife. I might be heartless though....

    Jamie breaks his oath and kills a mad king in order to save people. Justifiable evil act.



    So yeah a Sith can be good but in an evil way. Which solves nothing!!!! :D:D:D:D

  4. Even Jedi have to live/sleep somewhere when they not travel.

    I guess you can argue that the Coruscant-Apartment is a complimentary homestead for the Barsen'Thor, sponsored by the republic, which he ultimately saved from extinction.



    Consular saves the galaxy? SPOILER ALERT!!!!

    :D LOL j/k :D

  5. Welcome back to the insanity!


    Haven't played ESO yet, and I am a huge Elder Scrolls fan....dont want to quit SWTOR as I am having too much fun....maybe try ESO in a year or so....but I can't think of ever quitting SWTOR and I am not sure my marriage can handle me playing two MMOs at a time (although then again my wife may not want to ever talk to me....)

  6. Good call with Goldeneye 64 as it revolutionized FPS and gaming. Plus it had the best multiplayer ever....good memories.


    It may be blasphemy on this site to mention Elder Scrolls (as the new MMO just came out). I haven't played that yet- I am too in love with SWTOR- but Skyrim, Oblivion, and Morrowind are great. Played Morrowind and Oblivion at a time when I was stuck in bed, so good memories. I even have a tattoo commemorating these games!


    I never really play MMOs (I played some SWG but I wasn't a fan, but I heard it got better.) I would put SWTOR near the top of hours regarding gameplay....probably 6 on my list....

  7. My mom has a gambling problem and lost her house because of it. When that happened, she blamed herself, not the casino. She didn't say that the casino cheated her, or that the people won because they exploited a cheat. She said that it was her fault because she gambled.


    This is real life money, not just in the game. And lets face it, as much as we like this game at the end of the day it doesn't affect our lives that much....


    So the fact that this person is complaining that they didn't win not only shows ignorance of gambling, but also shows that they have their priorities and sense of reality distorted. Also, the fact that they are angry because THEY didn't win shows an incredible amount of ego.

  8. Never played KoToR, but am excited for new content....I like the sound of an underwater theme. Also, a new tactical flashpoint sounds fun; I like Kuat, but have done it a lot....


    I am also pleased to see that our resident naysayers and trolls are out to poop on everyone's excitement with their angry posts. Thanks guys, its good to see that you are happy.


    Great post BIOWARE, keep it up.

  9. Hey guys I am a new (isn) power tech. I have gear for aim or strength enhancements. Which should I use? Does the flamethrower count as a melee or a ranged? I use it a lot, but I also use the rocket punch....any ideas?
  10. All due respect, I would avoid trying to grind a shadow. My main is a shadow and I found that all the sneaking took a long time, and if I stopped to fight mobs it ruined the RP for me as the class is based on sneaking. I am leveling a Bounty Hunter right now because I hate playing tanks (but the storyline is great)....so maybe pick a class you hate and do that during XP week....


    Just my thoughts!

  11. Bioware


    I was wondering if you could do something about the way the mobs notice you? They yell every time I get into combat and it is driving me nuts! Is there a way we could turn this off?

  12. I have noticed that this is a problem. When compared to my Councilor Shadow, it is really night and day. I almost never get found after I hide with her, but my smuggler has more difficulty. Maybe the smuggler is just worse at disappearing because they don't have the force?
  13. Hey all when do the GSF comm boasts start? I know that the announcement says that double comms are kicking off the launch and will go for 3 weeks until 2.8.1. Have these comms started or do they start soon? I haven't had a chance to play today- logged in and d/l update then had to go to school (where I am typing this)


    I have a trooper that I am RP as a GSF pilot as well....have gotten a lot of XP from GSF between questing, so was wondering when I can get some new ships!

  14. There are so many programmers here that have experience implementing a patch....BIOWARE take note of the above comments, apparently they are all experts at creating MMOs.


    I haven't logged on, but I am sure that the folks at BW are working to fix these issues. They probably want to be free of all the complaining.


    Im really really sick of everyone overreacting about stuff with this game. BW and EA rip us off etc....this is unacceptable....well, I am guessing that these issues have happened on a lot of MMOs. It sucks, but it is part of life.


    Now I understand frustration at the bugs. I think that rather than attacking BW for not being able to work, just report the issue with respect. They didn't run over your dog, they just had a patch go live and not work. It happens. I am sure that they are fixing it. I am betting we would hear more from BW if we started using constructive criticism rather than attacks.

  15. If you can't wait for housing you can come over to my house. My wife has all kinds of fun housing projects for me to do this summer.


    Who needs SWTOR housing when I have this? I just wish that I could hit escape and re-choose my dialogue options when I talk to my wife....

  16. Yeah, maybe you and the eleven other people that hate 2XP can go outdoors and enjoy the nice summer weather for a couple of days.


    Your star outside burns. I require SWTOR.


    Also, why does everyone complain about everything? I don't like free stuff because it isn't good enough. I don't like double XP. I hate SWTOR. I troll the forums but I hate it. Even though its all I talk about....:D:D:D:D


    Seriously, I really like this game and I don't get why people don't just move on to another game if they are so mad.


    <Sorry for the soapbox>

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