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Posts posted by Red-Chief

  1. THIS JUST IN!!!




    I know its crazy to come and post this here, but I am just venting... Playing a sentinel late 20's and into the 30s around areas that are yellow (average for the level) is like smashing my head against the wall repeatedly. Don't even think about taking on an equal level elite or one that is even one level below you.... and before anyone says "well its an elite" well when you are forced by class story to take it on solo (with companion).


    If you play a sentinel I am sure many of you know the pain of DIEING ALL THE TIME! I have to blow every single cool down just to stay alive... I have played this class since the beta back in july, and I got to high 30s with moderate difficulty i mean it was challenging but not terrible... Now its purely painful. Our damage still is "meh", we have some functionality but something happened where they said "it would be really fun to watch the players get smashed in the face repeatedly."



    Mr. Zwoller do your job and finally fix this class....


    *End Venting Session*




    sorry to say it but dang give US A CHANCE WITH THE SENTINELS DANG!!!!!!

  2. I started downloading the client last week (the first day we were able to) and it just finished over the weekend, I was thinking about how long it took and will I even be able to play this on dial up (56k,high speed isn't around in my area) thanks and have a great night.


    play on super super low if possible.

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