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Posts posted by CTHREEPNO

  1. I love reading character bios on other sites and games.


    It would be great if those of us who desired to do so could create bios that others could read in game.


    Here is my suggestion:


    • 'Holonet Personnel Database Ring'
    • Wearing the ring would be an on/off via inventory icon.
    • When set to 'On' an asterisk appears beside your name.
    • Right click on other player and open 'Access Galactic Database'
    • A holographic image rises up from your ring that show the player's character and the bio they have created. Other players could have an option to not see these holographs.
    • Click on yourself to create your own biography.


    I would easily pay 1000 CC for this.


    Thank you for your consideration!

  2. Hi,


    I really want to RP a droid character, but as I have just come back to the game I am really, really out of the loop on what I can buy to make a character look "droidish".


    Can anyone list some items and ideally tell me where I can find them using Cartel Coins? Or does someone have items and be willing to trade them for something from the Cartel Market?


    Thank you.

  3. So after being away for a few years I recently came back to SWtOR and am really enjoying myself. Kudos on making a great game even better.


    A problem I have, and I imagine I am not alone in this, is that I have very little recall of what my leveled characters have already done.


    For example, I logged onto my 20th level Operative, and while I can remember the backstory of teaming up with Kaliyo Djannis, I have no memory of 2V-R8 joining me in my adventures.


    Some might say to just Wiki it, but I am very leary of spoilers.


    What would be really helpful is a simple text option that quickly recaps the major milestones of my character's journey and catches me up to speed on the story.

  4. Can we get this quick fix for Cyborgs??? Please give them all the same hair as humans. Currently only the Human hair pack on the Cartel can't be used by a Cyborg, BUT ALL the other styles are allowed. Please of please consider doing this one tiny change. I believe I am not the only one hoping, wishing, praying for this! Thanks in advance!


    I couldn't agree more. I don't see why cyborgs can't have beards. Would love to play one but the appearance options are too limited. If it's a clipping issue just have the facial hair override the cybernetics.

  5. I replied to this post under 'Suggestion Box' but now see it would be better placed under this subforum. The original post is by Icykill_ and located here: Please have the dyes added to collections


    06.21.2015 , 02:35 AM | #1


    Can we please have the dyes added to collections... If not single ones... Then ones that belong to a group... Ie you must have obtained all the dyes from that specific cartel pack to unlock them


    My response:


    As a returning player the dye system really is a disappointment. The way Guild Wars 2 does this would be far preferable. I think such a system would also inadvertently help the sales of clothing/costumes. I see many items in the Cartel Market that I like the look of but not the color.


    I also enjoyed the collecting aspect of dyes in GW2.


    The ability to collect and use dyes could also be sold to non-subscribers. This alone would offset any loss of revenue I would imagine.


    (Side note: As I mentioned I am a returning player, if this is considered "Necro posting" please let me know. I thought it would be preferable to comment on an existing post rather than create a new one.)

  6. As a returning player the dye system really is a disappointment. The way Guild Wars 2 does this would be far preferable. I think such a system would also inadvertently help the sales of clothing/costumes. I see many items in the Cartel Market that I like the look of but not the color.


    I also enjoyed the collecting aspect of dyes in GW2.


    The ability to collect and use dyes could also be sold to non-subscribers. This alone would offset any loss of revenue I would imagine.


    (Side note: As I mentioned I am a returning player, if this is considered "Necro posting" please let me know. I thought it would be preferable to comment on an existing post rather than create a new one.)

  7. I really am enjoying my return to SWtOR and suspect I will be playing again for a while. There is one issue that I would like to see addressed above all others.


    Many games have gone to a simple , 7 skill or so toolbar.


    Playing those games and then returning to SWtOR - wow! :) Really felt overwhelmed, especially with old characters who may have 20 or so different skills.


    Here is my suggestion:


    Create a thin, colored border around each skill. The color would denote what type of skill it is. Example:


    Yellow border - Heal


    Red - Close combat


    Green - Ranged combat


    Blue - Buff


    These are only examples and I am sure I am leaving out some categories.


    But I could look at my skill bar and at least arrange the skills with some sort of innate understanding.


    Thank you for your time and consideration.

  8. As a returning player starting at "zero" I was wondering if there were some gathering quests I could do for materials that might sell? Desh seems to be everywhere, but would 100 of them sell? Or should I look elsewhere?


    I realize I could buy something with Cartel Coins and sell it, but I'd rather earn it old school :)


    Is there any niche I could fill?


    Thank you.

  9. One thing this game is missing that others have is a chat channel devoted to advice seeking and general gameplay questions. With the fast rate of text being posted in general chat, at least on the fleet, it makes it difficult to get your question out there in-game for people to answer. Not only that, but you also often get snarky, smart-*** answers that don't help you at all. With the addition of an advice channel, players could finally have some digital space set aside for asking others for help or advice as they go about conquering the galaxy! Who else wants to see this added to the game? :rak_02:


    This would be SO helpful! As a returning player I have tons of questions and hate to take up general chat with them.

  10. Welcome back. :)


    Suggestions belong in the Suggestion Box or Cartel Market Suggestions. However, a lot of people instead choose to post their suggestions in General Discussion, if they wish for more people to see them.


    Thank you so much, Essence_of_Light! That sure was a quick response. I was worried when the game went FTP that the community might suffer, but actually the reverse seems to have occurred. I have tons of friendly and helpful players during my game time so far. Thanks again!

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