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Posts posted by Euklidian_Space

  1. 1. How often will I use the cover mechanic as lethality? (absolutely hate it, enjoy ranged dps)


    You will want to use it from time to time in pvp for defensive purposes. I use it against other snipers or gunslingers so they cannot interrupt your cull. If they do you gotta bounce.


    2. Is it good for leveling?


    Absolutely Horrid!


    3. Is it competitive in PvP?


    Yes. You will have to take time setting up before you unleash the wrath of cull, but when you do the results are satisfactory.


    4. How well does it do matched up against all the Marauders I've been seeing?


    Mara are a pain in the *** if they get the drop on you. One reason why it is good to be in cover when facing them, that way they cannot force leap your ***. I blow all my defensive cooldowns if they are up.


    Now if you got the jump on them it is a different story. Once you got your poisons up and you start the cull you will rip them to shreds.

  2. Don't listen to all the ppl who say ops suck right now. They nerfed us yes, but now we just have to be smarter and pvp better. As for cover i use it to launch an explosive probe it helps. I also still snipe occasionally. Learn to use all the tools at ur disposal. Dont be a one trick pony like the other QQers
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