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Posts posted by XeSTiL

  1. also like to point out that around august/september i think... the baddie sentinel from HSP was streaming rateds... and it was kind of obvious that he was using some type of macro program, if not a script, because every single time he attacked about 5 abilities tried to go off and he got red messages on his screen saying they weren't off cooldown yet... sooooooooooo not everyone that uses these programs is good, just sayin. but i mean bioware is still in some weird denial about it, obviously and that's the problem. accusing "top rated teams" is stupid and only makes you look like a kid who is pouting because your rated team is about as likely to win as the lakers this season... good players > baddies with macros. but a good player vs a good player w a macro is probably going to go to the guy w the helper. i think this is the only point that matters. ***** cakes.
  2. This isn't about the 1337 people or rateds. Why do people keep bringing it up?


    and they're talking about the Shadowlands server... luls Reg plays rateds with Horizon and a "top shadowlands pvp rated team" and he said last night "nobody on shadowlands would ever do (X amount of stats) in Civil War."


    nobody gives a **** what server you're playing on. read the OP. This is about scripts.. not even macros necessarily... but scripts... "only use this if this proc is up" "use this ability if this happens" scripts. yes it makes thinking go away, all you have to do is point and pew pew pew pew happens automatically

  3. Why don't the pubs rally QuinnLynn (sp?) to their cause. #1 PvE Mob oPVP troll US.


    lol that fuggin guy!


    @Raz too bad you missed the "good part" of that tatooine spawn kill spree the other day... for the longest it was just Chea, that tank sin, and myself fighting off multiple pubs... the lvl 25-35 sents that were trying to help those vanguards were the **** tho

  4. I don't intend on dragging this on but I am rather confused on what point you are trying to make. I interpret this as you saying in the glory days teams had great players and now all that's left are just that....the trashy leftovers who joined forces to roll teams of even worse players? No comment on your text block about my involvement with PKers....my decision to join the teams I decide to join go a lot deeper than which team I believe would "hold the throne".


    P.S. basically the whole old orw and brutalized teams did come back for a brief stunt and promptly quit after trying to contend in the rated scene again...rust or not the overall map awareness was lacking pretty severely for both.


    point is with more teams in the pool the better players are more dispersed throughout said teams. now you have concentrated teams and a bunch of meh teams... oil and water, if you will.


    point to pkers stuff is you probably wouldn't have crew hopped if they had stayed.


    to "ORW" coming back... malz is playing for them again? dooku came back? not dreamer but the real dooku? graf came back? jorm is back?


    the whole brutalize team didn't come back. it was just me, turrican, and tika. i remember you healing for me and layercake randomly back at server merges, but i don't remember you being on pkers. oh well, not like it matters anyway...most of the people that made rateds fun quit sometime over the summer. it would still be nice to play now and i think casual has some good players for sure.


    that answers the questions for brutalize "coming back" 3 guys isn't a full rated team unless they changed the lay out since october.


    The reason for the latter is that most people have roughly the same gear as well as now play more "competitive classes." Not to mention the decrease in subscribers and people who do rwz. I personally believe it is a stronger pool, though the pool is much smaller.


    vic this is kind of what i was getting to. everything is concentrated. no more having a plethora of good teams running all the time.

  5. LOL!!! I know exactly how a dps op is supposed to be used in warzones with a team. Meow mix had special tactics designed around me, it was a lot of fun.


    I don't use them in pugs, cause it requires a lot of coordination, and communication.



    what this guy said.

  6. I'm probably referencing the wrong quote but my point will still hold true.

    I'd say our team composition is better now than it was during the "glory days" of Casual. Yes, members quit that were definitely good and added a lot of value to the team but the diversity of the team in addition to what each new member brings to the table makes it a stronger team by far. You don't see really any team being able to to rotate out just about every spot on the team without crumbling completely.



    because the competition pool is degraded by absorption and by attrition. plus now "casual" is hardly casual at all. evan and mike turned their backs on guys they have been playing with for a long time because they didn't want ohh playing for HSP. I understand that, it's a strategic move, I get it. Now he is able to put a team around him that is his hand selected people. And you and I both know he's a damn good player that has so much time invested in mmo's and this game, much like yourself, that he is going to know what it takes to win and how to keep winning. You two guys benefit from being able to play basically 24-7 and have a plethora of geared toons. You know what classes are going to do what and what to look for as a result of all the time and experience invested in different classes. So you have a defined advantage.


    but i mean you played for pkers right? i had to go on a campaign with gg to get you to come tag up, right? like you didn't want to leave... so if pkers doesn't quit the game then i doubt you ever leap guilds and do you think pkers would lose every single game to this "casual" team that is being fielded now? old ORW compared to new ORW would probably have something to say about it too... and i mean that as the ORW before prime lost his compsure and all their magic disappeared... when Malz and Thundaga had these epic healing battles.


    that's kind of my off topic way to say absorption and attrition have made it a lot easier to say "we can mix it up" yeah and we could put 10 5'1'' asians on the US olympic basketball if the competition is infants...

  7. I for one think DPS operatives can play a role in rateds if the comp allows for it. Of course they won't score super high damage numbers if they are playing the class properly because no team will let them have free reign in the fight. Their value will be in forcing teams to keep a floater/ 2 men at an off-node, bursting a target through their opener to initiate/finish a kill, ganking a healer who is out of place through cc locking etc etc....


    I of course have no idea what their true potential could be, but you need to have a team that can manage a 6v7 fight to truly take advantage of this class.



    i'm sure between you and g'g you could figure it out... hallow has been blowing people up for what a year now? and of course their dps won't be as high when they're going opener, 4 globals, next. if your healer doesn't have time to notice the burst, reactive heal, and save you before the burst spec op blows you up then he only gets the 18-20k dmg it took to kill you instead of the possible 30-40k dmg it takes to kill someone who is getting healed the whole way. so what you're saying makes perfect sense. deception sins too eh

  8. Hi all, I am currently lvl 17 Merc and I was wondering if there is a good, solid rotation i can use which enables me to manage heat without having to use vent heat on my quickbar?

    I can't think of another ability I would be happy to lose in it's place really!!

    Thanks in advance all.


    level to 50 then try to ask again.

  9. yeah saw me in the background. Kilmo is helping me fraps some stuff. got a wonderful 4 shot of a commando today, 19k commando. just utterly destroyed him.



    i play on a laptop that gets ~10 fps in warzones but i like using fraps to go back and reference my play... i still have videos from where i was keyboard turning and clicking >< it's funny to go back and watch now.


    post your videos on youtube or something, i'd watch you blow people up.

  10. Why is this titled "c u in rateds" if you are nonexistent in the rated scene? Being carried for 5 wins gives u no reason to act like a tool.



    to piss select people off. havent even played the game really since october, c'mon kid keep up

  11. I need to team with less Asians and start teaming with you guys. Nerd-rage and nerd'rage were brothers from my bondar crystal server and they had a younger bro that only played imp... Only black dudes I knew in the game. But there are 10 million Asians and emo white kids
  12. you mean I wasn't pvp viable anymore? damn. I guess I will try harder. I really am looking forward to these abilites. Some of them have to be pve only ones. but damn... 60 m teleport? in huttball how op as hell


    you know damage ops are only "pvp viable" if you're a lowbie twink according to the forums and all that jazz. 60m teleport has to be like stealth where it takes the ball from u... you would think...

  13. I remember you from Bondar Crystal.


    Pretty decent, as I recall. Still got dropped by my sniper on the regular, though ;)


    i was terribad on bondar crystal... this was no accomplishment then i assure you. it was barely one when i stopped playing tor

  14. couldn't find the app on your site but don't forget the part where i talk about how clueless i am with the game because it's my first mmoprg and i am trying to learn how to play lol trying to belittle me you might as well go for the crushing blow on the inexperienced noob :rolleyes:
  15. "What are your expectations from applying to this guild?

    Instant answer is simply: To get better. I would love to have that team feel back when I log into the game, also. I know you've posted in the forums a few times about wanting to gain more operative healers so I decided to finally apply. Honestly, I have more to gain from being given a chance to join your guild than you all have to gain from giving me that chance."



    Remember this Xest? Seems like somebody just wants to belong. Not sure why you assumed getting a try out with Casual put you on their level. Seeing as you listed some ****** players as good Operative healers, that being the class which you play, it shows that you either set really low standards or are incapable of evaluating skill levels.


    Oh and I still get a kick out of that line you wrote about being humble.


    i'm not a good operative healer... i have no problem with that part--anyone that has been in casual mumble with me, if they are not trolling, will back that i know i am not a good op healer. if anything i'm far overcritical of myself when i'm being serious... sorry you see me troll the forums and you think you know how i see myself ;) you're so cute.


    and being humble when you lose, yes i believe in that. instead of being like "oh f--k them they're not that good blah blah" no you analyze why you lost and you fix it... and by being "humble" you should always be trying to get better and not be complacent.


    but i mean you can post stuff that i put on an app to ORW before i even hit 50 on my operative, doesn't bother me. you're implying ryara was elite op healer?

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