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Posts posted by Gedierond

  1. "Subtle diplomatics" by Viceroy Gunray


    "Advanced spaceship engineering: advantages of placing fragile reactors in hangar bays" by the Chief Engineer of the Trade Federation


    "How to perform swift executions" by Poggle the Lesser


    "Surprise orbital bombardments: how to gain approval from your commanding officer" by Admiral Ozzel


    One I would definitely buy:


    "Scruffy looks: how to get the best of them" by Han Solo

  2. Padme might not have died in childbirth depeding on Anakin's actions. She actually didn't die in childbirth she died of a broken heart and lost the will to live because of Anakin's actions. His failure to leave when she gave him the opoortunity to go broke her heart because she knew the path he was walking was one she could not walk and in the end that is what killed her, not childbirth.


    Lol, you just mentioned the worst plot device present in the prequels, IMO... Padme dies of a broken heart. Not even Jar Jar is worse that this, lol!


    But, back on-topic, as someone has already mentioned, the visions were quite obscure. Maybe the Jedi Council may have been able to make sense of the visions, maybe not. From Anakin´s point of view, he saw that Padme was going to die at childbirth, and, again, I don´t think that the Jedi could avoid that, and they would have told Anakin so.


    So I still think that allowing Anakin marry Padme MAY have prevented his fall, but I´m not sure it would have.

    In fact, if I´d have to bet on it, I´d say that Anakin was too inmature for such a responsability... He still needed to achieve more control of his emotions before getting married (assuming he would have been able to do so without keeping it a secret).

  3. The misunderstanding of the Jedi Code starts in how it's worded, thanks to George Lucas. The ORIGINAL Jedi Code from the Tales of the Jedi wasn't restrictive enough. Now, since it was revised, the Jedi Council has banned love and marriage many times over, but has relented a bit as long as you don't get attached, but can still make baby Jedi. The Jedi Council always interprets the Code in the strictest sense possible, and it has CAUSED the fall of more Jedi than before it was revised. If love, attachment, and marriage weren't banned, Anakin could have gone to ANYONE on the Jedi Council about his visions of Padme's death, without fear of having them say "NO NOOKIE FOR YOU!!!" But since those regs were in place, stuff happened and he fell to the Dark Side because he HAD NO SUPPORT SYSTEM outside his wife who was the subject of those visions.


    I agree that the restriction on marriage is too extreme, don´t get me wrong. But I´m not so sure about what would have happened if Anakin had been allowed to marry Padme, and thus hadn´t been forced to keep it a secret.


    Would the Council have been able to avoid his fall to the Dark Side? I don´t think they could have helped him save Padme, since his visions were of her dying at childbirth... I don´t know if the Jedi could have done something to avoid that. Maybe they would have tried to appease him and tell him to be ready to let go of her when the time came. Do you think that Anakin would have accepted that?


    Again, I don´t know what would have happened. But IMO the danger is there... Not saying Jedi marriage should be restricted, but yes controlled somehow.

  4. This this makes perfect sense, much more then the sith code will ever do. I dont get why people say this makes the jedi machines without emotion... on the contrary, they accept that there is emotion but strive to deal with it in a racional manner dont let emotion to cloud their judgements, if you look from our real perspective its what most people do or try to do. Unless you are a children, or not completely sane. I just dont understand how people cannot see this. Pherahps its the way the code is phrased.

    Note im not saying the sith code is hard to get is actualy quite simple, but if you look at it the sith code puts the individual first as well its needs, not to mention it folows a bit of darwnism, wich are things that in my view in real life arent good or considered acceptable.


    I agree completely with this. People tend to misunderstand the Jedi Code, IMO. As someone mentioned earlier, the meaning of the Code can be seen many times in the movies, even the prequels.


    In Ep. 1 you can see Obi-Wan fighting with anger after Qui-Gon is killed, but he doesn´t let that anger consume him. The same thing happens with Luke in Ep. 6.


    We also see the effects love can have in what happens to Anakin... ultimately he falls because he wants to protect his wife, whom he loves very much. That doesn´t mean that the same thing would happen to any Jedi who has a romantic relationship, but for someone as arrogant and weak-willed as Anakin it proved to be too dangerous. Eventually, he has become so consumed by his emotions that he begins to think irrationally... he fails to see Palpatine´s intentions, and in Mustafar he even thinks that Obi-Wan means to drive Padme away from him (again, failing to see that what has driven Padme away were his own actions). That´s exactly what the Jedi Code warns against.

  5. Well before the name change it was Revenge of the Jedi if you happen to get one of those posters, instant cash.


    But the 2nd title referred to good defeating evil, and Luke, a now fully proclaimed Jedi shall save the galaxy and bring order - the Jedi are back.


    You´re right, seeing how the title was before the change does seem to indicate that "the Jedi" refers to the Order rather than Anakin. Thanks for the heads up!

  6. Would you believe, I never thought about "the Jedi" as singular, referring to Anakin's redemption? That is a lovely thematic double meaning to put with the obvious "The Jedi Order is back and going to save everything."


    Actually, there´s an interesting origin on this question I posted here.

    I´m from Argentina, and in Spanish we use different articles to describe singular and plural nouns (while in English one simply uses "the" in both cases). The Spanish translation used here in Argentina for the title of Ep. 6 uses the singular article, so one thinks that the title is referring to the return of one particular Jedi (which I would assume to be Anakin). But I´ve always wondered if they gave it the right translation here... Judging by what all of you are saying, they actually didn´t make a good translation of the title, which I find quite interesting and amusing!


    Hope the explanation I wrote above is clear. Thanks for your replies!

  7. This is something I´ve always wondered...

    The title of Ep. 6 "Return of the Jedi" refers to Anakin returning from the Dark Side to the Light Side and becoming once again a Jedi Knight? Or does it refer to the Jedi returning to their position of guardians of peace and justice, symbolized by Luke and the redeemed Anakin ending Palpatine´s rule? (or maybe another meaning I didn´t think about).

    What are your thoughts about it?


    I´m sorry if this has already been brought upon, or if it´s basic SW lore... I just could never find it anywhere!

  8. This is why you get flamed. It is a poor post.. You start by insulting bioware for no good reason TBH apart from a sense of entitlement.


    You then go on to insult them over testing.


    FInally you get to the point of your post which is the CD isn't working on your system.


    You then go on to accuse bioware of conning you


    You continue with a rant about loading times.


    The rest of your post is just drivel aimed at insulting the coders and the people who would be trying to help you sort it out.


    You create a real adversarial feel about your whole post which over shadows your genuine bug.


    Yes you get peoples backs up and then wonder why you get flamed?? IMO you are asking to get flamed from the whole tone of your post...


    My thoughts exactly. The OP is experiencing a bug and is absolutely right about reporting it. In fact, he has every right to be upset and angry about it. But posting a thread like that will only provoke people to react against him... I don´t think he can complain about it.

  9. Never thought this could happen! I´d actually never even considered the possibility...


    You, sir, will remain in the history of MMO´s. Kind of Leroy Jenkins, but in a good way!




    Edit: ... the Undecided would be a great title! Also could be ... the Hesitant, or ... the Doubtful.

  10. Might as well leave my opinion here, to quell the raging a bit.


    I like the new animation, looks nice and it does a good job in letting you know when an ability goes off CD. I do agree, though, that the abilities that you could do if they weren´t on CD (the ones you possess the resources for) should not be greyed out during the CD bar animation.

    I don´t mind if this animation applies to the GCD also, but if people want a different animation for the GCD and longer CD´s, that´s fine by me too. I guess the abilities that suffer the GCD could use a darker animation.


    Just my two cents. No need to rage about this, guys! :)

  11. Let´s begin by saying that I played both KotOR I and II, and really liked both of them (KotOR II not so much as I, actually), and I think Revan is a great character. That said, I agree that the character should be done justice, and I´m sure BW knows how emotional some of their fanbase can get regarding this issue. So I´m sure Revan didn´t die in the Foundry, and we´ll meet him again later on.


    However, you all gotta remember that the players´ characters are the real heroes in TOR, so I don´t think Revan will end up doing some great uber-amazing stuff. Maybe he´ll end up directing the Republic´s armies, and return as a quest giver for Republic players and appearing in some Empire cinematics, but probably not more than that.


    Personally, I think that if he becomes a respected leader-like NPC for Republic players, and an always present threat for Empire players, that would be enough for me. Would make sense if now the Emperor has nothing to hold him from declaring full war on the Republic.


    Finally, I hate to kill your expectations, but for those that think he may be a clone... not buying it. Otherwise, the Exile´s ghost would have known, and would never have sent Republic players to free him.

  12. Let me see if I understand this. I´m not Biochem, so I might be wrong, but this how I think it works.


    Currently there are Exotech and Rakata stims, both exclusively used by Biochems. Rakata stims give the greatest buff and are reusable, while Exotech give a bit lesser buff and are consumable.

    The change they are going to implement is that now Exotech stims will be BoE, so they can be sold, and they are nerfing Rakata stims so they give a bit lesser buff than Exotech, am I right?


    If indeed I am right, I think they should make the nerf so that Rakata and Exotech give the same buff. That way, Biochems have the exclusivity of being able to use the reusable stims, while everyone is able to obtain the same buff (those who aren´t Biochem will have to pay for it, but that´s fine). But I do agree that the Rakata stims should be nerfed... not fair if a certain crew skill can get you higher stats than the others, IMO.


    Please, correct me if I got something wrong.

  13. Sorry guys gotta add in yet another one for contention. Defender was too op....Missile Boat was rediculous. Otana was a freekin forklift......... (still love them all)





    TIE Advanced


    Imperial technology making an affordable fighter that is in all ways superior to an X-Wing

    Shields, Hyperdrives, Beam weapons, Missile Launchers. More than the top end of a Squint and even more maneuverability than an Eyeball. First time I knew I impressed the boss cause he decided to give me a ship with shields that could still dogfight (thats right, we are all making fun of you Gunboat)


    Absolutely! The TIE Advanced was the ship I loved the most while playing TIE Fighter. I also really like the B-Wing.

    For Capital ships I´ll have to go with the Super Star Destroyer... just too intimidating and epic to pass by (although I really like the Calamari Cruisers and Nebulon Frigates!).

  14. I agree with the second 3-part miniseries(Children of Dune) but the first one was a little amateur for me. Especially the costumes and all that colors in the series. Dune should be less colored IMO. Children of Dune was great however. Director pulled up a real job there. Ofcourse it could be better in many ways but it was far much better than the first miniseries.


    I watched the Dune miniseries and didn´t like it too much, so didn´t watch the Children of Dune miniseries later. If you guys say that Children of Dune is great, I´ll probably give it a try.

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