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Posts posted by Wrench

  1. If the developers were to somehow tie the film with the game then it might. Any of the new worlds featured in Episode 7 - 9 could be made explorable or any new species could become playable or a companion.


    Additionally, SWTOR advertisements could be displayed in any tie-in media with the films ie. comics, novels, reference guides, activity books, video games and trading cards.


    I like your thinking there buddy.. Tie'ins... good thoughts there!

  2. I'm pessimistic about this and I think future star wars movies won't live up to the hype.


    Will George Lucas have an input? Why didn't HE create new movies of star wars before he sold it to Disney?


    I see your point, but I think that considering episodes 1-3 werent hugely well recieved by fans.. that following on an doing more films might have filled him with more trepidation. At least by stepping back and letting others make the decisions for moving the stories forward, he can then contribute from a creative standpoint and not get the blunt of the blame if the films arent successful...


    But I do hope that the films marketing might also rub off on our MMO and get people interested all over again.. and even bring back some members who might have left as of late.

  3. Hi Guys,


    So.. im a HUGE Star Wars fan, as I know most of you are too. We're also no doubt all aware of the mixed feelings in the Star Wars community surrounding the news that Disney is at the reins and we now have a definate 7th film in 2015 with more potential sequels every 2 years after that..


    Personally as a Star Wars of going on 3 decades, I have mixed feelings... on the one hand im scared that the new hands at the reins will charge off into the sunset ripping the preciously constucted lore to shreds on the way... but on the other hand im thinking.. YES!!!! more visual Star Wars stories to watch and enjoy... To be honest its a 20-80% split.. the 80 being the excitment factor!


    But anyway, back to my initial point of this thread.. With the inevitable hype for the new films, will there be a hike in the interest and draw to our beloved Star Wars The Old Republic MMO?

    The films will no doubt draw in the next generation of StarWars fans to the cause, but will they also come our way as well...???


    What are your thoughts?

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