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Posts posted by SilverMagnum

  1. This is also gated by how many security keys you have. Physical security keys are really rare now and the phones and tablets we use for those keys are fairly expensive to buy, in order to make money off of this the scale of the operation would have to be ludicrous, and would not be profitable at all, not even withstanding account bans.


    You don't actually need a physical security key or a tablet. All you need is one PC and an android emulator. Granted running said emulator takes a bit of know-how (the emulator comes bundled in the Android SDK), but you can use the emulator to download the security app instead of needing a tablet. From there, most IDEs allow you to run multiple instances of the same emulator through device and port management (I know Eclipse does off the top of my head and that's my go-to so I can't say for other IDEs sadly), which in theory should allow for unlimited security keys.


    I will confess that I haven't tested running the security key app on said emulator, but I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work. The only real challenge I see is that emulators have massive memory and CPU usage, meaning unless you're willing to churn through them one at a time, there's an upper limit to how many you could have open at once.


    And now it just occurred to me that if this is considered an exploit... I probably should not have said any of this. But well... if I could think all this up at 3 AM off the top of my head I'm sure that the gold farmers have thought of this and either use it or realize that their current methods are more efficient.

  2. Thanks for the update man. It's not 100% official yet, but a lot of us have already began the move.


    For me, I'll be doing it after the holiday weekend, I'll hit you up when I get here, it'll be fun to play with you again!

  3. I know this is a long shot, but at the same time I figured its worth a try.


    I'm going to be transferring to this server from Jung Ma and I have a massive block of characters, to the point where I would absolutely be dreading renaming all of my toons. I tried to grab as many of my names as I could, but well... I wasn't very successful. What I do have however is credits. Lots of credits.


    So if you have any of the below toon names on an alt you don't play much and you'd like to make a quick buck, shoot me a note either on here (or you can send ingame mail to Tavalla as an Imperial or Wilkin as Republic).




    Name List:














  4. Cool... odd that the game allows 4 but not 8 group targets :rolleyes:


    Though, I like your suggestion. I appreciate that this may seem like a very silly question but establishing lead DPS is done simply by watching I assume?







    Watching or reputation. For example if you know that Bob does killer DPS, you would use Bob as your focus target from the beginning of the game.

  5. I have a feeling we'll be getting a guild stronghold too. So I plan on wreaking all my decorating havoc there. A room full of 60 table all facing different directions? Yes. Yes that does sound handy, guildmates don't you agree!?


    So we're not letting Scya decorate the guild stronghold then. Glad we settled that! :p


    As for me, I'm probably going to build a casual penthouse / cantina type setup. Not exactly creative, but I'm not really going for creative and unique. Just something I like the look of that'll make it so friends / guildies will hang out there instead of the fleet while waiting for WZ pops.

  6. And now Scya makes me feel guilty for not posting on these forums more.


    As she already said, we had a great Remnant turnout and all of us were in TS and the gala was the most fun I've had in game in some time. It was a wonderful event and I really thank all of you for putting it on. Even though some of my guildies were making fun of me for spending 2 million credits (for formal clothes) and 120 cartel coins (shave and a haircut). So worth it.


    But yes, it was a great time and I just wish we had remembered to take screenshots to contribute to the gallery.

  7. Other minor points, learn quickly how many stealth the other team has because they'll be able to pretty much completely destroy a solo defender if they work as a team if they have more than 1.


    I agree with this point a ton. As someone who very commonly runs in a four-man stealther premade (our usual comp is two deception sins, one stabby operative and one healer operative), if you don't count stealthers (especially on Novare and Civil War) you're going to be in for a bad time. It's far too easy for us to send one of our sins to defend our home node, two to the off node and our healer op to mid, to be joined by one of our sins after the ninja cap. And if things don't go as planned, people never seem to realize we have 3 DPS stealthers and it's easy for us to ninja nodes (because no one ever leaves more than two defenders).


    The one suggestion you made that I'm not sure about is leaving your best duelist on your off node when you only have one. If we were to do so (in our premade's case our other assassin that's not me... I'm working on that one!), our ability to take one of the other team's nodes is hampered in my mind. Usually if we're down a node, we leave our team's second-best duelist (that's me!) on defense because as a deception sin with all my CDs up (if I don't have my CDs, the other sin will stay if he does), I can win the vast majority of 1v1s and if I'm going to lose or I get rushed I have enough CDs (stealth, phase walk, etc) to survive long enough to make the call out and for help to arrive.


    But as everyone else has said, this is a great thread that all newer PvPers should read. Hell I've been playing since early access and it was a good read (I like the idea of having four people attack one node and then send the other three to the off node on a delay... it's similar to what we do with stealth but we'll try it with non-stealth too)

  8. I'll try and answer this from all three perspectives:


    First, when I'm healing, here's what I expect from myself (I have an operative healer)


    Good - We win the warzone / arena. I may let some of the DPS die on occasion, the tank might have died once, but we clearly controlled the pace of play.


    Better - Again, team victory. At most 1 or 2 deaths in my 'area of influence' (meaning if I'm say at mid in civil war, people who die at snow aren't exactly on me). Again, we clearly controlled the pace of play.


    Best - Once again, team victory. I was on my game, everyone who was in my area of influence lived throughout the entire WZ. I was able to keep everyone's health up, allowing them to preserve DCDs. I played with situational awareness, working cleanses, CCs and even the occasional bit of damage in as well.




    As a tank (I have a vanguard tank)


    Good - The healer (whether another guildie or a PUG) worked well in tandem. He / She kept us both alive for most of the game (we both may have died a couple of times) and we were able to defend our node(s) well enough to win.


    Better - The healer and I once again worked well in tandem. However this time the healer was also able to do an excellent job of keeping the DPS up. As the tank, I may have died once at most.


    Best - The healer and I were a wrecking ball, often holding off assaults of three, four, five opponents by ourselves or only with one DPS helping out. Neither me or the healer died at all.



    Now lastly as a DPS (I play nearly every AC in a DPS capacity)



    Good - I recognize that even when I'm the top DPS on our team (which is about half the time), I am the third / fourth priority in terms of heals (tanks / other healer will usually come first), so if I die a couple of times (especially if I know I'm playing riskier than I should be), I don't hold this against the healer as much as I did in the above cases. However I do expect the healer to keep total party deaths as low as possible, especially those of the tanks and healers.


    Better - The healer was able to keep me consistently healed, especially when I'm playing a melee DPS. I was able to confidently wade into the fray, knowing my healer would keep me alive most of the time.


    Best - Complete annihilation. What I mean by this is that I was able to spend the majority of the match in combat without fearing for my own life. At most, one or two deaths the entire warzone and I was able to clean up in terms of damage.




    Now, I don't expect every healer to fit into the good, better, best paradigm obviously. To me, good is just that, good (as in above average), meaning that under 50% of healers fit into that description. Better would be probably 15-20% and best would be 5-10%


    What I expect from the average healer is to do their best to keep our team alive and in the fight as much as possible in order to give us a chance to win. In the end if the healer does enough in order for the team to win, nine times out of ten the healer did their job.

  9. More damage reduction won't ever hurt. But you want to maximize the potential of your CC so using it on cooldown is generally not the way to go. Pick your moments carefully together with your teammates, and utilize them well.


    As of the Jugg with FD.. there is a way, but you need to be pretty much absolutely flawless and it requires a lot of dancing around doing nothing but kiting/evading.


    I had one duel recorded where I pretty much played perfectly and still lost because the jugg had a 10k Master Strike crit on me. In all honesty, it shouldn't even happen that you beat one. When you do, you SEVERELY outplay them.


    Just wanted to say thanks for the tip (especially the first part about waiting on CCs). I played around a bit over the weekend with timing the use of my Low Slash (rather than just using it to improve burst DPS) and it really helped with taking down my targets.

  10. obviously it doesn't have to take 6 players to separate a tank and his healer. That is an obvious exaggeration. Two or three coordinated players could do it easily enough and I've seen it done by one skilled player.


    This pretty much. Because otherwise every single ranked group match (assuming your standard tank, heals 2 DPS comp) would always go to acid. Which of course is true.


    And yes, beating a tank healer combo is doable with two or three (DF slinger is great for this IMO, dots on healer and tank + Cull burst = good pressure) and I've even done it by myself (granted it was due to the fact that the healer was bad. blew his breaker on spike, I combat stealthed, sapped him then blew up the tank). Point I'm making is that tank + healer combo is in a good place right now.


    Sin tanks could use some beefiness but as others have said it would take some careful work to ensure that it wasn't making tank in DPS gear or tank hybrid too powerful.

  11. Basically what you do is buy more weapons each time.


    So for example, you start with buying one weapon. You cap again and buy two weapons before exchanging your one weapon back out for comms (thus refreshing the timer on your weapon stash). Two hours later you buy three weapons and exchange two. So on and so forth until you hit 55.


    Upon hitting cap, you start buying gear. So you buy two or three pieces of gear (thus being empty on comms) and then exchange two or three weapons back out for comms, thus filling up your comm stash again, allowing for more gear to be bought. Rinse and repeat until you are out of weapons stashed in your bay.

  12. Ugh don't remind me about him.


    On the plus side, we actually managed to win two games in a row this past weekend with him on our team (granted the only reason we did so was that we had a four man premade and a three man premade as our seven)


    He was curiously quiet during that game hmmmm.



    It sucks that the kick function doesn't work. But really what needs to happen is that the ignore function needs to work the same way it does for group finder ops. Put someone on ignore, don't end up on their team in a WZ. Easy right?


    Bioware, I accept payment for this amazing idea that I am totally the first person to think of in unmarked, non sequential $100 bills.

  13. Hi all,


    I recently got an assassin to 55 and geared him up really fast (currently left side mostly Brutalizer and right side full Obroan, fulled augged and mostly min-maxed). I'm specced Deception and love the playstyle of the class. However as I'm stepping into ranked, I've noticed a few things that I need to work on and was hoping to get a few tips.


    1. I feel like I can win nearly any 1v1. The exceptions right now are some other deception sins (and I feel that this is mostly due to the fact that I know some of these players have been playing sin since launch and I'm two years behind and as I get experience with the class I will close the gap) and guardians / juggernauts. I have no problem with smashers however I have a real problem dealing with tanks / vigilance guardians if they have focused defense up. In the case of the tank, I simply can't burn through all of their DCDs before help arrives. And in the case of vigilance, I can't seem to finish them off before they burn me down. I feel as if I use my DCDs reasonably well, but it almost seems as if I simply can't beat a vigilance guardian 1v1 if he has Focused Defense available to use.


    2. As said above, I feel like a terror 1v1 (my favorite thing to do as an assassin is take the off node and then defend it against all comers). However I feel at times like I could be doing more to help my team in an arena. Assuming a normal composition, I like to pressure their healer and do my best to keep them CCed to prevent them from getting heals off while my other teammates burn down a second DPS. While doing this, I also do my best to peel for my own healer, using taunts as well as roots on any melee DPS who are pressing my own healer. In other matches I go for broke, using my full burst on a weaker DPS (especially slingers/snipers or merc/mandos) to try and catch the healer off guard (typically I'll sap the healer then open up on the DPS along with my other DPS) and try to get a quick kill early.


    I guess my question is if I'm approaching the arena environment correctly and if I should be using taunts in the first place, especially when we do already have a tank.



    Thanks in advance!

  14. I've hit it a few times on my lowbie merc but I'm usually around 400k damage and 100k heals. The truth is the only way to achieve those numbers is using mainly aoe abilities and playing enemies that graciously group up for your dps benefit. You may not get as many mvp votes as the #1 dps but imho it's better to focus target their healers and the people attacking our healers and win the game than it is to be #1 dps.


    Pretty much this. I've hit that mark (700k) probably ten times in lowbies on a couple of different characters (DF slinger and a pre-nerf smash sentinel) and I've also had a million damage in one lowbie WZ (Civil War stalemate). You're not going to hit that mark if you're not playing an AOE spec (or a tab-dotting spec) and you're a much better benefit to your team if you're playing objectives and pressing their healers / peeling for yours. 400k and a win > 800k and a loss


    As for crit and surge and bolster... I honestly have no idea how it works out in lowbies. I just always keep my lowbie toons geared up in all blues for their level and that always seems to treat me well enough.

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