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Posts posted by Torn

  1. Im currently at work so I have until I get home to be convinced to change my mind..


    Currently im:

    400 cyber

    400 under world

    400 scavenging


    I have purchased every schem from the npc vendor, have acquired every ship and speeder (slicing) schematics.

    Achieved purples for all mods, armoring's and ear pieces best suited for sentinels. and more.


    I Have found at level 50 Cybertech is completely useless for any class. and cant sell anything. (made some creds off of ship parts for a short stint, but now every one has what they need). There is absolutely nothing I can make that is of any use to me even remotely, as I can purchase far better from just the centiron pvp vendor alone.



    my plan is to drop all of this for




    Bio analysis


    Unless im convinced otherwise by the time I get home this is what im doing..


    Dude....if you havnt already switch...but make your speeder first :) coolest looking one to me - that is what I did and it was a VERY good choice

  2. I personally lvled using cybertech and then switched to biochem after making my speeder at 50 - cyber is good for lvling but not great at endgame you can just make the stuff and then be done with the as the nades are not worth it - but personally I would stay biochem as there are plenty of low lvl stims and adrenals that will help you - plus you are already 28 so ...I wouldnt


    O and fix your title is should just be:


    Biochem > All

  3. Dude I have an interupt and I still cannot kill geared healers - I think interrupts need to work like a "silence" so no castable ability for 4 sec or whatever - or give me another one :)


    But this aside sorcs/sages CC/utility combined with awesome DPS and this game is turning into Warhammer 2.0 - gonna fail if they wait to nerf them as long as they waited for Bright wizards


    Most sorcs can just CC you while you heal anyways - interups do no good - even if you do interrupt them they just cast another heal

  4. I love the Sorcs in here trying to defend themselves - As an operative I can attack them and put pressure on them but any good sorc is not gonna die by me - they have thier shield up when I hit them, and re-apply it when they get up - they stun me or knock me back and root me and then speed away or just apply dots and laugh


    Sorcs have way to much utility combined with insane DPS - I dont see any other classes doing 500k+ damage - heck some even doing 100k + healing at the same time


    I just saw a screenshot of a guy doing 900k + damage on his sorc - I dont care if I never died as an operative even with all my champ and BM gear and I would NEVER get that much damage EVER.


    Sorcs can slow you, root you, stun you, have shields that stun you when they break, have damaging abilities that slow you - they are the best PvP class for a reason. Ranged already is king in PvP because of auto-facing, add in all the tools + damage + healing that sorcs have....ya...its nuts - There is a REASON it is the most played class...duh - true FOTM class

  5. Heres the problem:


    I can surge cap now on my wrist/belt/earpiece and two pieces of gear. (and, BTW, the mod you're talking about - http://knotor.com/items/641608 - Artful Mod 24 - is already in every piece of gear capable of taking it.


    So.. now im surge capped, crit soft-capped.. and supposed to be "stacking power" in my remaining slots (chest, legs, feet, etc).




    how can i do that without wasting a stat in those three + pieces of gear?


    I can get mods with +Power - but theyll have either +accuracy (totally useless, as i already have the accuracy softcap out of like 4 items), or +alacrity (not just useless, but actually bad/detrimental.


    So.. to "stack power" i have to accept that i need to use enhancements where one of the three stats is totally wasted.


    Following along now?


    Dude you hit the issue for almost every class right on the head - Being an operative myself it is the same issue - Especially now that I am almost BM and tons of the gear has power/surge - I start to have more than the surge cap easy with only a few pieces of gear...I am having a really hard time getting enough crit while also stacking power...lets hope they start selling some power/crit enhancements for PvP coms of some kind

  6. I still think the best solution is to give us a "sprint" ability - it would work just like a sprint power-up but break all CC on use - I personally think we NEED a second CC break as part of it as that would help make up for our crazy squishyness with only 1 shield - then if our CC break is down we can always use our "sprint" to get away or run the ball etc.


    And it goes without saying they need to improve the stealth in this game - hell my overall DPS and just plain presence in fights would be much more if I could actually stealth when not in combat - but as it is I have no idea what determines me being in or out of combat and I end up running away like a girl so I can stealth and that really hurts us, sometimes I kill someone then BAM out of combat, even with tons of other enemies around...other times I run a half mile away and I am still in combat - If I am not being targeted and no one is targeting me - I should be out of combat

  7. IMO the biggest issues with operatives now are


    Energy - We run out way to fast even when using Adrenaline probe and Stim boost - we need Acid blade to cost 0 energy or some other solution, I think having BS have a lower CD would also help as it is 0 energy if you spec into it, giving our rotation more time for energy regen


    Survivability - We need something else or a lowered CD on Shield probe


    Gap closer - Why dont we have one? Assassins have one - the reason people used before was our opener..but now that point is moot - So please tell me why we should not get one to put us on par with other classes?


    People are always saying "Now are are on the same lvl as other classes" referring to the nerf - I actually prefer the new play style so that is fine - but if you are going to say that you have to be fair and say since we no longer have that opening burst we should have a gap closer like every other DPS class - it would be best for us to have a gap closer/maker as well because you need to get away and get out of combat sometimes


    I had an easy solution to this - make an ability that lets us "sprint" it would work just like a wz buff....easy - put it on the same CD other classes have - lets us get away if needed or close the gap....

  8. Cool story bro - If you are not 50 and not in PvP gear ...




    I dont even know why you feel the need to come in here and post - why the **** do you think we care about your experience as a lowby op????


    So what you are saying is that because you can log in, play wzs, get medals at lvl 30 that the class is fine??


    I like playing my operative still - he is fun - but you have to use the other classes to compare it to, not just look at it on its own - if you look at the utility and damage other classes have to offer we are behind - We need a gap closer and possibly a lowered CD on our Sheild probe - also we get energy starved way easy now, they need to make Acid Blade cost no energy or something.


    Just because a class is playable does not mean it is "fine" - we need improvements - if you want to see how operatives actually play get to 50 and get some gear - then come back

  9. I abused the **** out of this with my Operative - I find it silly that anyone would even expect it to stay in the game - if they wanted everyone to be able to heal out of combat like that they would have just given everyone an ability to do it


    It was fun while it lasted boys! Enjoy the Illum and WZ bugs while you still can as well!

  10. Battlemaster means nothing post 1.1.1. So you sat in Ilum and farmed the zerg. Congrats.


    Very few people were able to even take advantage of that - I and most of my guild was at work - Battlemaster may mean nothing to you but it means quite a bit to me and everyone else - I am VR 58 almost 59 and its all legit - this BS about Illum farming is getting old

  11. I've known for a while that power stacks well and it's why I never stacked surge in the first place.


    I'd sooner take a clean dps boost to my min/max damage any day of the week over trying to squeeze for crit damage.


    One of the biggest complaints of most Scoundrels is that they don't do enough damage outside stealth, this is your own fault for focusing entirely on crit/surge and completely ignoring power.


    It's almost like people have forgotten entirely what DPS stands for.....Damage Per Second folks, as a DPS class you should always be looking to increase it and not looking to dump everything into an RNG stat that will leave you gimped outside of it.


    Edit: Min/Max > RNG anyone that ever played AO will know how important increasing min/max damage was over going for crits only!


    What you are missing is that anyone with half a brain already was trying to stack power over surge - I already have as much power as I can possibly have on my OP by ripping out the power/surge and power/accuracy enhancements out of the head and gloves


    What people are complaining about is that you cannot balance your stats well now because of the lack of power/crit enhancements - now because of the fact you get surge whenever you get power you end up with more than you need and you do not have a way of changing that.


    OP im sorry but you are WAY behind - tons of people (like me) were already prefering power but you always get surge with power....do you not understand?!?!? Sure I can get accuracy but who wants that you get enough with your gear (earpiece,implants etc.)anyways - there really should be a power/crit 56 lvl enhancement - then I could throw in a little crit rating with my power instead of all the surge that is on any gear with power ( BM implants for example) - Then they throw in Crit/Surge enhancements instead???? The crit gains are not worth the power losses on crit/surge enhancements, it could be if I could put power/crit in my other gear but I cannot

  12. If I want to stack power, I'm forced to stack Surge

    If I want to stack Crit, I'm forced to stack surge




    No alternative...


    ^^ This - Who is in this thread being an idiot saying people are complaining for no reason? The nerf is fine - Heck I was tired of getting hit with those smash hits for huge crits - but right now I dont see any other thing to stack if I want power - my stats after the nerf go like so:


    Cunning > Power > Crit > Surge


    But any gear that has a good amount of power has surge....You dont see crit/power enhancements


    Does anyone know what the surge cap is now? I was only at 76% before the nerf and I will be at work until late - just curious

  13. People are always going to miss the point of what operatives are saying - as another has already said - WE PLAY OTHER CLASSES - So telling us to "L2P" is retarded as if you actually play an operative you know they are one of the hardest classes to play, anyone saying otherwise does not play a lvl 50 op.


    The issue is not that operatives are unplayable - duh thanks for telling us that - I can do well in WZs, that is nice - but I can do way better and with less effort on my Vanguard.... That is what you are missing, we are not just sitting here complaining for nothing


    Why play an operative? Should they not offer something that other classes do not? Or at least be competitive? Because they are not, if you choose operative over assassin at this point you are stupid - Heck if you choose to roll an operative right now you are an idiot unless you are somehow hoping for some buffs


    I will keep on playing my op because I have fun doing it, but trying to say we are just QQing over legitimate issues is childish - What do we get that is so great? Our DPS is lower....most of our most powerful attacks are positional...we dont have a gap closer......we die so easy...


    I always just ask....why be an operative? For me it is because I chose to be one at launch but I would not choose one if I had the choice again - I would choose a sorc or an assasin if I wanted a stealth class - but going ranged in this game is the way to go - I think I will just get my Vanguard up there - he is way better

  14. http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c228/opensorce/darksidekitty.jpg


    The image above is how my Marauder feels.


    Maybe it's my gear level or experience level but when compared to my Mercenary, my Marauder is just bad. It takes so little to kill it and it has such a hard time killing anything else. One way to get within range of players, no hard stun, one slow, low damage output and low damage resistance.


    It's the only class in the game that no one calls OP.


    Are you 50 with some PvP gear? I doubt it......dude Maras are the class I fear most - they hit like a mac truck and have so many stuns/slows/interups it is nuts - plus most of them leave tons of DOTs on you as well

  15. One issue that gets confused along with stuns is that immobilizations and slows do not effect resolve and can be used at anytime


    I do get chain stunned to death but not that often - I am however unable to move for unacceptable amounts of time especially for a melee

  16. I would HAPPILY pay 1000/1000.


    I'm tired of buying stupid L46 boxes for junk loot and pots at 70 a pop just because otherwise it all goes to waste.


    This is a good idea - then it would be really hard to "farm" them - and it at least gives you something to spend them on

  17. I dont see why you are complaining - you only get 7 champ coms per bag - Heck this slows down champion progression a ton - I have only been 50 for a week and a half and I have almost full champion gear thanks to the old RNG system (I was already VR 50 when I dinged so I was glad I got lucky :) ) - all this does is give new 50s a way to get some starter PvP gear that no one was really using anyways - I couldnt care less if more people are running around in Centurion gear....whoopy dooo
  18. They just need to add rated warzones where you can have a full 8 man premade - Swtors version of arena - PvPers want competition and the current system offers little to none


    And im sorry but if people are just playing this game to get gear then they would have eventually quit anyways, gear is part of what keeps you playing sure - but I PvP for fun, the gear just helps me


    Does this game need more endgame PvP? Yes it does but developers have told us they are planning rated WZs, new WZ maps etc. So I think of this as getting my toon ready for the real PvP that is to come - I love facing new 50s here and there - sure its just because of gear but destroying someone with that much ease is sure satisfying


    Shouldnt these same people also be PvEing? I never really understood why you would PvP and not PvE - sure my main focus is on PvP but PvE is tons of fun......why miss out? Especially in a game where your PvP gear is plenty good enough to PvE in.

  19. You're joking right? You're seriously kidding yourself if you think removing a 15 second walk and fade screen has any bearing on players avoiding Illum or not. I won't disagree that it's a minor inconvenience having to go through a space port but it's a verrrrry minor issue as it only adds another <30 seconds for the walk and additional extremely brief load screen. I doubt anyone else gives a rat's *** about the station walk when they are going to be spending an hour or more fighting for crates or trying to find/kill enemies/get the kills to actually count...



    Getting rid of the ports would be nice, but will have ZERO effect on world pvp...


    You are right it is annoying but not a big deal...what this has to do with world PvP is beyond me....


    Ok so you are saying because you cannot say "Hey im getting ganked <here>" and then have people help...like in WoW...ok I guess I can see youre point in that - by the time anyone gets there they have long gone lol

  20. On Illum you do not have to kill 30 players - only "tag" them before they die - heck I mostly just use my frag nade, I rarely actually make any impact as mostly it is AoE all over the place - Imps love kills so they will find you so then all you need is a small group of reps to get your daily done - sure you may die often and need to re-group more but you can still get it done fairly easy - more Imps = more potential for kills that count



    And if I was able to get my 3 wins a day you should as well (I pug all the time)- It is not that bad, focus on objectives and see your wins increase.



    The new bag change is going to help TONS for new 50s as you can get a full set of Centurion gear easy - It bridges the gap as it should have in the first place - I am happy for new 50s with this change as you will only get dominated the first week if that.

  21. No expert BM like some here. But from what I gather (looking this up for my own Op).


    As long as you have 35-40% crit:


    Cunning > Power > Surge > Crit


    Otherwise, get crit up to there and then go along that line.


    This is true - You can google it if you want to but Power only has "soft" diminishing returns (some would call it no dim returns) while I have read that Surge caps at about 80% - I used my extra champ gear to make my set stacked with Pwr and surge instead of accuracy and power....wow what a change it made


    Since our sustained DPS is poor maxing power is the way to be that way when you do not crit you still get a good hit - my non crits right now are about 2k + on average

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