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Posts posted by Mgilbrtsn

  1. I would like to request things stop being too easy. I know this isn't a cutthroat type game, but there should still be some challenge to some things. I thought we were headed in the right direction, in requiring some medals before rewards, losing team didn't get very much. Now we've reverted back, so that I don't see that big a difference between losing and winning. I'm assuming that this is intended to stop people from dropping, but a more direct penalty would be far superior that removing any sense of challenge in winning, when it doesn't really matter.


    Travelling between systems, cost 67 credits. Whats the point of this.


    I'm sure there are other things I can't think of off hand, and I'm not asking for a draconian system, because I know it's a casual game geared to a very large population as opposed to niche games, that can be a bit more extreme. However, I do think that many if not most players would welcome a little bit of consequence.

  2. I'm afraid I would have to take issue with your assumption that they want bug reports because they don't want to read forums.


    In fact, bug reports generate statistics. 'how many people are experiencing x issue' 'when are they reporting x issue' 'where were they when they had x issue' 'what coding was being accessed at the time of the incident' and a whole host of information that helps track magnitude of an issue, how to isolate an issue, and these things help lead to fixes for issues.


    Reading someones rant about an issue they had, offers nothing in terms of the developers ability to begin this process.


    I've worked in a number of software related industries, and this is an almost, if not an absolute process that software driven companies use in these cases.


    I forget that not everyone works with or is very informed with a diagnostic type of thought process, and I don't know where people would learn about these things otherwise.


    However, whether or not you know about this type of thing, I think it a pretty juvinile bit of logic that, they wish me to file a bug report, equates to 'they don't wanna read a forum'.

  3. I've read the developers blog about PvP in 1.2. What I don't see is a penalty for players who drop because they believe they will lose. This will in essence penalize those who stay in the game, because their chance of winning is reduced, thus reducing their ranking.


    In addition, there is a good chance that there will be mass dropping when the game turns against them.


    If something is already in place, please publish it. If something isn't in place to deal with this, please add it.

  4. I am well aware of design limitations and such. I'm sure that these limitations aren't as limiting as you are suggesting. As for mirrored classes and such, I personally think that there should be more variation. When I fight against the republic, I know their abilities, because they are the same as mine. They even look mostly the same.


    I think u can achieve class balance without being exact mirrors. Maybe you can't, but if you can, I think you should. It might be easier to mirror the class to achieve the balance, but I think the extra effort to vary the skills would be worth it

  5. There are too many similarities, Abilities are virtually the same. Also, the structures seem to have the same basic layout. The quests seem the same between the two factions. The scenery has a lot of similarities such as the big statues are basically the same, other than the skin.


    Start diverging things. It will make people want to try different sides/classes if things were a bit more different.

  6. I'm a bit concerned about some of the upcoming changes in 1.2. The changes are probably cast in stone by this point, but perhaps, I, along with a segment of the community can beseech you not to remove all of the challenges.


    I fear that the cry from many about areas that they view as 'too difficult' is being addressed more so than the people who are asking for a challenge. I understand this to a certain degree because the need to keep and add subs probably skews to the side of easier as opposed to harder. However, I think there can be a balance that doesn't involve making the game so easy that every item is easy to obtain (both in a challenging scenario, and as a reverse engineering effort). Obviously with a rant like this, I'll add a couple of specific areas that I think are currently too easy and future ones coming in update 2.1.


    Ship travel - Currently it costs maybe a 100 credits to travel halfway across the galaxy. Too easy. Up the price so that it's not exorbitant, but add a bit of challenge that players need to watch a bit of their cash, when deciding to flit across the galaxy. Now, I'll just go from DK to Alderan back to DK on to korriban for 200 credits.


    Reverse engineering - I just read in the 1.2 update with crafting, that the chances of finging new schematics and better scematics are going to be vastly updated to make it easier to find those things. Currently, a dedicated crafter has cash flow problems for a while because he is crafting, reverse engineering, crafting some more, etc. It makes those who enjoy crafting work very hard, and also keeps a reasonable market going.


    If the chances of easily getting new recipes, and improved recipes happen, it will take much of the fun and challenge out of crafting, as well as seriously affecting the GTN becasuee of an abundance of 'rare' recipes. I plea is that you don't ruin the challenge of crafting in an effort to make it so simple that everyone will do serious crafting. Allow it to be something that only those dedicated to the field will pursue.


    These are only two examples I know, and probably aren't even something that most will care about, but I honestly ask you not to make the game so easy that it's not really a game, but a story with a few decision points. Hopefully there will be others with a few more examples of things being a bit too easy.

  7. Please add a 3d bar to the bottom center. Everything becomes crowded with only 2 bars. Also, its hard for me to organize things. Many people are probably happy with 2, but I would prefer another one.
  8. I'm not sure if I'm correct in this, but the special effects for the two factions seem pretty much the same. I recommend that effort be placed on making them look a bit different. This goes for equipment as well. For me there isn't a good differentiation between the 2 factions.


    Like I said, I may be completely off base. If I am, just ignore this, and it will quickly pass below the fold.

  9. Make companions a bit more alive.


    - Have their equipment reflect what they are using, just like characters. This will add complexity to the game, and add incentives and competiveness to players trying to make their companions look certain ways to augment their character looks. It would liven up the feel of the game, by not having every companion look near duplicate.


    - Add more dialog. They have a couple of phrases that they repeat. Add many more, and have it a bit more random. You could have a few 'rare' phrases that players could sort of look forward to.


    I'm sure I've forgotten a lot.

  10. A lot of recommendations have already been made, but I want to add my impressions.


    - increase the cost substantially for space travel. There is a little tooltip that says to make sure you have enough money to make a trip. When the trips are 56 credits or there abouts, there is absolutely no feeling that there is any need to worry about space travel. It would add a bit of strategy when considerring these things. It doesn't have to be an onerous thing, like 20k credits to move somewhere, but it should have some impact.


    - Free Roaming, as has been suggested already.


    - Changes to space combat, as has been suggested once or twice ;)


    I'm sure there are other things that I have forgotten.

  11. I recommend that work be dome on the atmospherics of the game. A couple of examples:


    - The holo-girls all seem to be the same. Change it up a bit


    - The cities don't seem to be alive. All of the characters seem to be very static. I would work on making it feel more natural.


    - When I killed a group of people, and left 1 standing, he was talking and making gestures as if the others were still there. He looked crazy, and it took a bit away from the feeling that what I do, impacts anything.


    - Sounds don't really feel natural. when going through swams, jungles, deserts, there is a lack of ambient sound. In addition, when going through swamps, and other terrain, the sounds when walking sound forced. Make it a bit more natural.


    I'm sure there are things I'm missing.

  12. I have a relatively minor suggestion, but one that would make things a little better I think.


    When a new window appears, such as your WZ queueing window pops up, it goes on top of the current windows. Currently, you cannot click the older window to bring it to the front. So you are faced with leaving your place in the queue if you wanted to complete something, or just going into the WZ and starting over after you are done. This is most noticeable at the market.


    The second suggestion I have for popup windows is that they pop up on top of windows instead of closing a window in order to take their space. Once again this is most noticeable at the market. if I'm doing my little thing of comparing various items to items I own to see what I want to buy, one of my companions might come back from a mission, and it closes one of the windows I was using to compare. So now, I have to open whatever window it closed, find my place again, and start over.


    These are not really big deals really, but I just thought I would give my 2cents... maybe 1 1/2 cents worth. I think it would be a minor but appreciated enhancement, at least on my part.

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