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Posts posted by Maelmordha

  1. If it's an 'area' issue it's caused by a local problem at BW's end and the way they manage traffic for their global servers. It's rarely a regional service problem. If was you would hear it on the news. There was an issue a few years ago when one of the major BT hubs went down but that was fixed within a few days because the banks were screaming. I deal with this day in, day out. On an individual case it could be local internet service issues or an ISP throttling the bandwidth but that's easily enough to check.


    I've had similar lag and hanging issues since the game was launched. It doesn't help that SWTOR's client is utter crap - It is leaky and intolerant. I gave up playing SWTOR twice because of it crashing or hanging (despite different OS's, hardware and ISPs). Even now it takes about 30 seconds to close after an extended session. NONE of the other MMO clients I use are as flaky.


    I have a 350Mb internet connection and STILL get lag from time to time (and no it isn't Vette).

  2. I lost 2 on characters that had skipped - both level 50s back to 1 (Jorgan & Vette). I still have the L50s on characters that completed the story line. The only reason I noticed it was Jorgan's kit appeared in my inventory.... One of those cost me 4.5m plus 3 Dark Projects, I have another one ready to go - just as well I didn't! Not feeling particularly happy or forgiving atm.
  3. I'm glad they changed it.


    I'm used to it because every so**ing time the character level increased all the expertise on my kit was nerfed to PvE stats anyway. I gave up for 2 years after the last lot (and getting pi**ed off with all the smash monkeys). At least I can get back into PvP without having to gear up twice.


    Multiple discipline sets would be good though, one for PvP and one for PvE........ Other MMOs do it so why cant BW?

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