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Posts posted by Teacosy

  1. the amount of crying and "omg everyone is now rank 60" is a bit of a joke,


    i spent 3 hours there and got roughly 37k valor. its only just about twice as much as i do in my premade warzone groups. sure maybe there wasnt enough republics to make it worthwhile, but 37k isnt even 57-58.


    so for somebody to instantly get battlemaster from today. they wouldve had to farm upwards of 300k valor. and thats just covering champion ranks. so yeah good luck to them.


    personally wouldnt mind a rollback, but i dont think its necessary.


    and to all of you cancelling, games a better place.

  2. play pyrotech,


    get dots up. Pop Crit buff and Power Trinket. Win.


    on a more serious note. Just spam damage into them, pop shield early if you think necessary. keep the flame bursts coming and interrupt. Use carbonize to force a break, then use electro dart. keep up pressure with damage and they will probably start either a) running and kiting or b ) ccing and healing. if a) keep CGS up and kill them with rail shot/unload/rapids. if b) break the stun, not root. interrupt the long cast heal over the channeled one as a priority, and keep up damage pressure.


    Ive persistently dueled one of the best sorcs on the server and played against the rest. I have absolutely no problems dealing with them and never lose. its just tactics and having the gear to keep up the damage pressure.

  3. The spec Ereox has linked is undoubtedly the best PvE spec for Pyro, ive been playign pyro since beta and throughout live. I struggle to find any value on bosses where my TD is massively worth it.


    To even make it worth its while it would have to be used on cd, but thats not always possible due to heat. Whereas that 16 heat could go towards a flame burst which will deal roughly 60-75% ofthe damage. but will also have the chance to proc rail. Also delayed damage isnt valued very highly in burst situations on boss fights.





    This spec however is solid for both doing PvP and PvE u miss out a few things for pve while keeping them for pvp. Its done me well yet i hate the fact i know im losing dps with it.

  4. as i've told you before and i'll tell you again,


    you cant call a spec "insta-nuker" which essentially calling it a burst spec, without taking the primary burst setting up ability that powertechs have.


    also "with CC" basically just boils down to, verging on useless cooldown reductions.


    if anything this spec could be called "Pyrotech Utility" at its best. nothing more.

  5. then thats your problem for rolling on an underpopulated server.


    Also, level all professions to 400, get all the **** u want each time. None of it has requirements. Good day.


    Get rating 140 bracers/belt with augment slots. Get grenades, get stims/medpacs/adrenals.




    Why is this possible? because crafting is an absolute joke and doesnt require any effort, u can get to 400 just casually in a couple of days while doing your other ****.

  6. not care to comment on anything other than that part of my post?


    and to your reply? No you cant understand a class, sure the mechanics can be similar. But the way the specs develop as you level and the abilities you gain make it change.


    My Pyrotech ahs the highest burst damage of anybody on my server. Try combining a 595 power adrenal with a 355 power trinket, add 25% crit chance on top of a 32% crit chance with an 80% modifier. Having a 72% crit chance on my rail shot, combining with a thermal detonator. I burst for over 10k in a global. bearing in mind those are with buffs and can only be pulled at a specific time. Without buffs, my rail shot crits from 3.5k to 4k, and the same with the thermal det.


    Pyrotech as a spec doesnt even come into its own until ur around level 44.


    Would you accept a guide from a level 20 wow player? No you would be shunned into oblivion.


    And yes, the information you have posted is pretty much what any intelligent individual can acquire from reading their abilities/specs etc.


    Also, if your continually getting comments from players who are vastly more experienced in playing the class that you're trying to write a guide about. Telling you things you have done wrong or said wrong. Go figure.

  7. personally i find your specs quite bad.


    for instance one is called "insta nuker" and doesnt even have thermal detonator. where you can combine a TD explosion with a rail shot to provide the most burst from pretty much ANY class in the game.




    ur posting Stat priorities.


    They are not factual at all theyre just your opinion on them. Therefore you should say so.


    pvp specs for pyro should be either a 7/3/31. 4/6/31 or a variant of 2+X/3+Z/31


    also like an above poster said. your list of "abilities you shouldnt use" is bad.


    unload is significant damage as any spec. when knocked into range and with ranged abilities on cooldown, unload[with buffs up] has been known to take off 35-40% of somebodies hp in conjunction with CGC.


    Degauss is also not a very good talent. To get much use out of it you have to pick up energy rebounder aswell. Also having your major defensive cooldown used as a root break can cause problems. personally when rooted out of range i swap straight to unload, by the time the root is off ive still kept up significant damage and not wasted my CD.


    Your also posting videos commenting on a class at levels 14 and 20. What is the *********** point of that?


    after watching the lvl 14 vanguard and hearing "this class doesnt have the burst capabilities of other classes" i turned it off.


    Have you even played through to 50, got gear and a high valor rank to even support any of this pretty standard information?


    There is no in depth detail to this guide.

  8. Not one I have encountered.


    Snipers? Dead. Sorcerors? Dead. Assassins? Dead.


    I dont even have to move or kite. Just stand there and pew pew with the same cheap combo. Tracer missile, tracer missile, tracer missile, rail shot, heat seaker missile. Tab to someone who isnt dead.


    mercenaries are like meat to my pyrotech PT grinder.

  9. Reposting from another thread since we seem to be having so many on the same encounter


    If this were an intended mechanic, then you would get a message telling you as much and the encounter would reset without you being forced to exit the area and manually reset the instance.


    There is however a workaround that from what I've seen thus far has proven to be 100% efficient for the 2 bugs that we've encountered.


    For us it was always the northern pylon that would get greyed out after the 2nd or 3rd wheel on both pylons got finished. Another bug was the southern pylon being still accessible but not functioning after both pylons were solved on the 4th wheel.


    We noticed, however that we would sometimes get the message that both pylons were finished AND that the northern pylon was waiting for the southern pylon to finish at the same time. This led me to conclude that waiting at the last step on the northern pylon and finishing each wheel of the southern pylon before the north one would function as a workaround for the issue


    So far, this has proven to be 100% succesful, although the dataset is limited to 3 instances at the moment.


    The difference between this and all other posted workarounds it that if true, I've established a causal mechanism, which is why this could work 100% of the time assuming there are no other bugs in the encounter.


    What I would like to know from people here is:

    1) is it always the north pylon being "greyed out" after wheel 2 or 3 on both pylons have completed?

    2)is the bug with the pylons being still interactable but doing nothing limited to the south pylon and after wheel 4 of the northern pylon is completed?


    If both these are true, then finishing the southern pylon first on all wheels will be successful all the time.

    If not, then there are more than 1 bug in the encounter, which would be quite unfortunate to say the least


    I will add that locking up both pylon wheels at the same time COULD work due to the same mechanic established here. However, it would most likely not be guaranteed.


    Hope to see people post more data later this evening, and hopefully we can see this issue resolved soon assuming there are no further bugs in the encounter.

    When doing the encounter, I would like you keep a look out especially for the things I've bolded.


    This works, and it has worked for numerous people on my server who i also gave this info to.


    Thanks a lot <3

  10. killed this twice using PT Tank, PT Pyro, Marauder, Sorc Healer


    first time we just rinsed jorland first, as that takes out most of the damage, while quick interrupting the medic.


    2nd time we pulled the sword guy away, tank tanked the other 2. Rinsed sword guy, killed medic, killed jorland.


    First way means u get no loot, other than the comm for completing.


    Basically, u need decent players. If u cant compelte it, either you're not good enough or not geared enough.

  11. im loving these posts of "merc has no pvp utility"


    merc utility :


    1 AoE Knockback

    1 ST Knockback

    1 Instant CC

    1 Cast Long duration CC



    PT Utility


    1 Instant CC

    1 Pull[Grapple]

    1 Short Duration, VERY short range and unpredictable AoE CC with an inbuilt 1second delay after activating.

    1 Short Cooldown Interrupt



    Currently, Knockbacks are King. Mercenaries have the most knockbacks in the game, on short cooldowns. Even attempting to kill a merc on huttball who is on one of the upper levels is nigh on impossible without ranged damage.


    Albeit bad mercenaries are free kills. But obviously the people making these claims arent bad mercs? Oh No! That couldnt be the case at all could it.


    Oh and i forgot, mercs have the highest on demand ranged burst in the game.


    Also, if u couldnt figure out that mercenaries were glass cannons after reading the talent trees/watching beta footage or just doing some research like most intellectuals do when picking a class. Then you deserve your fate.

  12. it doesnt take a genius to figure out the order of the symbols, and the fastest way of doing it.


    the people who are claiming "LOL NOT DOING IT RIGHT L2P LOL" clearly got lucky the first time they did it.


    whereas the vast majority are encountering bugs doing it the exact same way every time, and encountering the bugs at completely different places every time.


    so yes, its bugged.


    to claim otherwise is simply stating your lack of intellect.

  13. I havent tested either build extensively at 50 yet, since I'm the main tank for my guild and spend most of my time shieldtech specced, but here's my assessment:


    Advanced Prototype DPS builds are focused heavily around burst damage. You have reliable heat generation, but your threat generation as a damage dealer is going to be spiky and may cause issues if your tank isnt on the ball. AP also seems to rely heavily on flame burst spam, which is far from efficient as far as heat per damage ratio goes. In my opinion, AP builds are better suited to pvp where that kind of burst is needed.


    Pyrotech DPS builds focus primarily on two things: Damage over time effects, and greatly enhanced rail shots for the heavy hitting. In most MMORPGs, DoT builds are extremely efficient for endgame PvE DPS; they generate steady damage that doesnt fluxuate a lot, so you dont have many issues with threat, and you can continue dishing out a steady amount of damage when you're not actively attacking the target (for encounters that require a lot of movement or other strategy).


    Pyrotech also utilizes elemental damage to a seemingly greater degree than Advanced Prototypes, meaning it will most likely be more effective against heavy armor bosses and opponents, though there's always the possibility of enemies at endgame which have high elemental resistances.


    You sir, have no idea what your on about.


    AP is a burst spec? are u joking... In comparative terms it has more abilities that hit for less. Whereas Pyro has Rail shots which hit for extreme amounts, and can have their CD reset, while at the same time combining damage with a thermal detonator.


    THAT is burst.

  14. 1, ur basing ur tanking experience of low level tanking. So ur whole experience of tanking bears no resemblance to that of a raid tank or even in hard modes.


    2, ur taking 2 points in flame barrage. that will probably work out at the same amount of heat reduction as heat blast does, which is a dead certain venting system.


    3, ur taking a DOT ability for threat. always bad as it has no threat modifier, and will provide no snap aggro.


    4, ur taking hitman/advanced tools. All classes other than mercenaries have an interrupt, there are no bosses that require so much interruptign that the tank needs 2 seconds off his CD. You also dont need to have grapple on a 10sec lower cd, u will be using it once a pack if anything, and packs dont take under 45seconds unless theyre pathetic packs, where u shouldnt even need grapple.


    5, ur taking the prototype cylinders, 8% more of pretty much nothing, is still.. pretty much nothing.


    6, Hot iron not necessary, those 2 points would provide more return going into Iron Fist.


    7, ur sacrificing 10% shield chance to pick up MINIMAL aggro gains, ur also sacrificing 3% endurance and 8% rocket punch damage[ur main damage source] This 10% shield chance isnt affected by the DR u get on ur gear.


    Try going into a hard mode dungeon, or a hard raid using this spec. See how long u last.

  15. chainsaw u really need to stop waffling on abit champ.


    yeah grapple has its moments where it doesnt work. however most of those times are when resolve ****s up or you **** up urself.


    playing pyro i have NO problems with either a) gap closing or b) initiating.


    i can kill players from range just fine if i need to.


    so i dont find jet charge mandatory.


    on the other hand, jet charge is so much *********** fun :<

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