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Posts posted by Reesor

  1. Being 6'4" and big boned (no, not fat, just big frame), my mouse hand often gets sore after long gaming sessions. Someone recommended I get a larger mouse to better fit my hand. I'd never really thought of it before.


    Long story short, I'm looking at the Steelseries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming mouse which I've seen and it's a really nice fit. Seems like good quality. It's big!


    So my question is : Anyone here using this mouse for games outside of WoW and is it still highly programmable/usable? Any feedback on the quality side of things?



  2. I managed to romance Dorne. She's a little uptight so it takes a while, but she comes around. Made out with her on my ship. Of course, she files a report shortly after, citing various codes which is kinda creepy, but I think I'll stick with her. Helps if you get the companion makeover from Balmorra.
  3. Anyone that says they do not want any type of dps meters in the game is either very bad or very confused.


    Dps/Heal meters - Seperate the bad players from the good.


    It shows you...

    who is active the most during a fight

    who is taking the most damage and from what

    who is healing the most

    the abilities people are using and how often



    Looking at the results of a dps meter will show you many things about a player and whether they know what they are doing or not. So if you do not want this in the game then clearly you are not a endgame player or have any idea what endgame is about.


    If players are bad and dont understand their class well they shouldn't hold back a guild from clearing content and should be exposed.


    As far as everything else, you can live without most of it and just adapt. Good players will.


    Many players don't care about numbers, they care about fun people to play with. While damage meters do have an important role in cutting edge hardcore raiding guilds, that usually represents about 1-3% of the player base.


    I hope they never implement damage meters in this game and this is coming from a very capable once server-first raider.


    Damage meters and iLvls seriously damaged wow for most people, turning it into a number-fest. Not all games need to be like that.


    Please, Please, Please....go back to WoW. That game over there has all that. Let's not take the RPG out of MMORPG.

  4. The fact that there are queues at every launch is irrelevant. First of all, that's false, but it's still irrelevant. Go back and really look at the launch news for the significant MMOs. Only WoW had a significant impact from queues. I don't remember queues in EQ, EQ2, Rift or Warhammer Online. Either they weren't there or they were so small, it was insignificant.


    The complaints need to be heard because of the length of the queues and the fact that there's really no message from game management about how it will be dealt with.


    It's also not necessary. The way they jammed the servers even during early access makes no sense. They simply don't want to launch too many servers for fear of losing face when they say they have to consolidate later. As players, we just want to play the game we just bought and have been excited about for so long. My guild is already talking about moving to another server, but we aren't because we think they may just let those get crammed up as well. Sure it'll settle in a while, no doubt. But they just need to do a few consolidations a bit later to deal with excess servers. Most of us don't really care about server populations while leveling anyways. Operations can't start until the queues go away for fear of disconnected members not being able to get back on.


    For certain lifestyles, a long wait is doable. For others it's not even possible. Last night, I had an hour to kill but I couldn't play because I didn't log in fast enough after the servers came back up. This morning at 7am, I had a little time before work. QUEUES at 7am! Through most of early access, I had to log in WAY before I wanted to play (sometimes coercing my daughter to move my mouse every 10 minutes so I wouldn't get logged out. In the meantime, someone else has to wait. No, I didn't do this often, but I'm sure lots are doing this kind of thing right now,.


    So forget that. Some of my friends reactivated their WoW or Rift accounts.


    Beautiful game! Can't wait to play it seriously. Not subscribing until the queues go away.


    The long queues is purely a business decision. And because of that, we need to complain loud. This is completely fixable in many ways. It's not like a bad bug that takes time to solve, fix and run through QA.


    Giving a sermon on "how things suck, get used to it" is pretty passive if you ask me. Might wanna step of your high horse. As a paying customer (yes, we're paying now), we have every right to express our discontent with a product we bought.

  5. I won't wait much more than 30 minutes in a queue. If it's more than that, I'll go do something else. If I plan to play, I will log in way before and hold my spot if I think there's going to be long queues.


    I hope it all gets sorted out in the next few weeks. This could make or break the future of this game.


    Awesome game, by the way! (except for this issue)

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