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Posts posted by shadowedwolf

  1. It's been a long time since I leveled my Commando, but I remember thinking Aric was Garrus. Sure he's a little more serious than Garrus but once I got more conversations with him, he started to loosen up.

    I do like how he's such an awesome sniper, he uses an assualt cannon to make sniping more difficult...


    Next companion.... Since it's Imp Side... Hmmm... If they don't cover a companion class they already did...

    Inquisitor - Talos Drellik - Watching my friend play her Inquis I wasn't sure how I'd feel about him. I figured another scheming or bloodthirsty Imperial officer. I wasn't expecting... Talos. He's very out there and more than once I had to restart a converstion just because I started laughing and missed part of the conversation. He also stands out compared to the other members of the inquisitors entrouge.

    Bounty Hunter - Gault - I loved his lines during the Alderon missions. His reason for joining the bounty hunter... I'd love to see his thoughts on the other members of the hunter's ship, paticuarly that kid you pick up on Taris.


    If they repeat the warrior or agent... Then either Pierce or Lokin.

  2. Ah Padme... My good friend and I have had several convos about her... Our conclusion usually comes down to her being dense and a tease. Mostly the second thing.

    She knows how little orphan Ani feels about her, yet one she dances the line between 'no we shouldn't' to playful flirting. I suppose that happens alot in real life, but she outta know the Jedi code and have asked Yoda or Mace for another bodyguard to avoid all the trouble to begin with.

    As for the Sand People slaughter... I could go either way with that. She looks shocked by it but she also understands how upset little orphan Ani was. Since in Star Wars the Sand People are views as 'savage beasts', I suppose the folks on Tatooine probably would have hailed Ani as a hero. Of coarse, they are sentient beings despite thier warrior society so its still murder.

    Actually, the whole thing with "the jedi betrayed the republic" is where I facepalmed. Of coarse, why Obi didn't bring proof that little orphan Ani killed all those people when confronting Padme is beyond me. Still, she's concerned about the fate of the republic with her 'sepertist talk' but then believes the jedi turned on the republic by trying to kill Palpy.

    Eh... I don't know. Maybe thier 'love' wasn't bad writing... And just the SW version of Misery with less kidnapping and broken bones. All that time with little orphan Ani on Naboo caused Padme to develop Stockholm Syndrome. It's the only way I can choke down the 'devoted love.'

    But innocent... Probably. I think she loves the ideals of the republic, whether manipulated or not behind the scenes. However, I think her 'love' for Ani made her to dense to see how insane he was becoming.

  3. I'm glad to see bioware remembered they were doing the companion blog. Hopefully they actually update weekly as originally promised. That said...

    I think the best moment I had with Kira was going to Nar Shadda and hearing her comment about the sith getting all the best fashions. Having played my Consular up to Belsavis at the time my Knight hit Nar, I had to agree.

    As for the next companion... Lt. Pierce. I know how he feels about Quinn... I'm curious though about his interactions with everyone else.

  4. Kaliyo... Even my shoot first ask questions later, beat them for answers Agent gets tired of her bloodlust after awhile. It was a happy day when I got Vector, and even happier when I got Lokin. I don't hate Kaliyo, but after spending so much time with her it was refreshing to be able to have a change from her backstabbing ways....


    As for who to do next... I'm tossing in a vote for Aric Jorgan or Guss Tuno.


    Imp-Side in a couple weeks... Either Lt Pierce or Talos Drellik.

  5. From time to time I'll watch the Return trailer... I think the duel between Satale's master and Malgus and the other guy is pretty cool. Hope is alright. Decieved is pretty cool once the shuttle crashes into the jedi temple and you see all those red lightsabres...

    I'm not a huge SW fan, but I'd probably see a movie based off the game trailers.

  6. I'm betting....and this is just a guess mind you....that there will be a LOT of toons being followed by female companions in slave costumes. Just a guess...


    Well... I already keep Jaesa and Kira running around in slave costumes... LoL

    I actually try to keep a bit of 'realism' when running around. Wouldn't want Elara in a slave costume. Might put her in the civvie flight gear since she actually DOES have the medic feel.

    As I said before, I am curious how it'll work the morphing will work with companions of lower armor rating. I'd like to keep Vector in the civvie fligt gear or possably put Quinn in the armor from the Rakghoul event, if it can morph medium class for a Jugg.

  7. I MIGHT put my commando in civilian flight outfit just to give more of a feel of a field medic... Though the huge assualt cannon kinda throws off that feeling. /shrug

    I usually just put social gear on my un-used and/or light armored companions. So it will be interesting to see how the morphing works with companions who are a lower armor rating than yourself.

  8. As I pulled an all nighter working on a project, I had my MP3 player going, and certain songs made me think of SW toons... Thought I'd share. :)


    This would be my Gunsliger flirting with Risha... (Gaelic Storm - Scalliwag)



    This seems only to fitting for both my Gunslinger and Mercenary... (Sonny Rhodes - Firefly Theme)



    Juggernaught... (Mudvayne - Not Falling)


    Shadow (Piano Guys - Moonlight)


    Whenever my Sentinal and my friends Scoundral are in a paticuarly long fight... (Hans Zimmer - He's a Pirate)

  9. It was mentioned in the April 27th Q&A that social armor would be made to match your classes armor. How exactly will that work?


    I ask because I currently have Vector in the the civilian pilot outfit from doing space dailies. My other light armor wearers also (mostly) wear social gear. As great as it is that all my charatures could wear social armor, I'd hate to log and find out my companions could no longer wear the gear I got them.

  10. Tràkata

    The ability to turn one's lightsaber on and off in combat would be quite useful, paticuarly to those who duel wield or use a duel-bladed lightsabre, as the disappearing/reappearing blade could throw an opponent off...

  11. So it seems my problems are all with indoor areas including instances. This explains city slow downs. I've reduced my rez and settings and while this has improved performance in out door areas my game becomes pretty much unplayable if I go inside. Which is just strange... shaders and shadows are more prevalent inside but they are already set low for me.



    I'm having the same issue. I can run smooth outdoors even in heavy populated areas. However, even when an area is nearly empty, going indoors drops my framerate so low I can barely move.

    I dropped all my setting to low but I still have issues. I checked my specs and I'm above whats recommended... I've no cllue what I can do...

  12. It was probably around 91 when I saw RotJ on tv. I vaguely remember thinking that golden robot whines alot. I got up for some chocolate milk and when I came Oola was dancing for Jabba. I was six or seven at the time, but remember thinking she was pretty. After Jabba dropped her in a pit for reasons I didn't understand, I zoned out again until seeing Leia in the slave outfit... I fell asleep as Han and the rest were about to be tossed in the Sarlacc pit.

    A couple years later a friend bought me the boxed VHS set and I watched them from start to finish; Eventually I wore out the VHS copies I'd watched them so much. I remember thinking Vader was cool... Until I saw the prequels, lol.

  13. I tried every class in beta, but only got to 10ish to get a feel for story but... Personally, I found the Trooper to be the most interesting, from the start, with smuggler/bh close behind. Consular picked up when leaving Tython

    The stories were all well written, from what I saw; they just pick up at different points.

  14. This is great... I'll have to share this with my friend later; I can definatly see her and I tossing some of these terms back and forth, esp. calling each other Jawa when one gets good loot.

    On a side note... After watching episodes 1-3, I think I will be using ANIKIN to describe someone who gets whiney/angry when they don't get thier way.

  15. Once I start, my first action will be trying to cordinate with my friend on which area we'll roll through. Having done beta, I have an idea of my choices, but if I know her, she'll take 20mins just getting through the first part of the selection screen... "Sith or Republic... Hmmm... Well... If I..." LoL

    Of coarse, if one of us starts before the other... I guess my first act will be... To go out and have fun :)

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