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Posts posted by KianTremayne

  1. I've just returned and took my assassin from 55 to 65 in solo PvE mostly as Darkness spec, just for the joy of using more lightning :) With the companion revamp ithe solo content is all about what you enjoy doing most, as they'll all work - traditional positional melee DPS (Deception), more DoTs and lifestealing (Hatred) or AoE and Force lightning (Darkness). Obviously if you're going to join flashpoint groups then Darkness isn't ideal unless you actually are willing to be the tank for the group and gear appropriately :)
  2. The original films don't need remaking, but it might be interesting to try.


    Give the director job to Joss Whedon. He's more than proven he can ensembles (just about everything he's been involved in), that he understands space opera (Firefly), that he can direct a damn fine SF movie (Serenity) and barring unforeseen disaster this year THe Avengers should show he can handle blockbuster budgets.


    Get Joss to do the script too. Strap him in a powered chair with intravenous caffeine and cocaine, clone him, threaten to feed his children to the midichlorians - whatever it takes. The man needs to do both jobs.


    Casting I'd mostly leave up to the director, part of his job is to put together an ensemble that works together. They could be known actors or unknowns, as long as they fit the roles and each other. Probably means we'd get Nathan Fillion as Han Solo - fair enough, there was a lot of Solo in Mal Reynolds' DNA anyway. As a bonus, that probably means Morena Baccarin as Leia. Morena Baccarin is ALWAYS a bonus.


    I'd ask for Michael Fassbender as Tarkin. Hugo Weaving is now Hollywood's go-to man for masked menace so he would be an obvious choice for Vader. I think they should resist just so they aren't TOO obvious, but wouldn't be heartbroken if they did.


    Having said all that - given those people and that budget, I'd remake episodes 1 to 3 instead. Those are actually flawed films where a glimmer of decent plot is buried under trite dialogue, wooden acting, uninspired directing and a kid-in-a-candy-shop unrestrained orgy of distracting CGI. Creating masterpiece versions of those films would be a real service.

  3. Hi guys -- I'm actually the writer of Book of Sith, so I'm excited to see these comments. I hope people like it and let me know if you have any questions.


    I haven't put as many hours into TOR as I'd like but am currently leveling a Sith Inquisitor. ;)




    Well, I'm waiting for my copy to arrive from Amazon, but thanks in advance for your hard work in giving us Sith heads something to meditate upon :)


    My only question is whether I keep mine at home to inspire me while playing TOR, or on my desk at work so my colleagues can see that here is a senior call centre designer with the full power of the Dark Side at his command.


    ... and no, I can't afford a second copy to do both!

  4. I'm not sure I LIKE the Empire, but I can sympathise with them.


    Firstly, it's my character's birth nation. That has to count for something, a man who has no loyalty to his own people has no loyalty you can trust at all. It's possible for something to break that loyalty, but it should be there to start with.


    Secondly, the Empire has a just casus belli - the Sith Empire of today is descended from the survivors of a small fleet that escaped while the Jedi and their Republic allies waged genocide against the ancient Sith race. You've seen Battlestar Galactica? Well that was the Sith. They escaped, they rebuilt at their ancient sanctuary and now they're back to settle scores and remove the ever-present threat of the Republic. Better that we CONQUER you than you EXTERMINATE us - which is the evil faction when you look at it that way?


    Thirdly, I don't have to agree with everything a fellow Sith or Imperial does. There are definitely some headcases out there who suffer from an... excess of zeal. All I can do is work around them, make sure that my own decisions may be ruthless but are never wasteful, and reach a position of power where I can make sure that the Empire's watchwords are pragmatism and efficiency rather than pointless atrocity. Yes, I'm aware that position my have to be the Emperor's throne itself - that's what makes life interesting, eh?

  5. While i can understand the need for something like this I can also see this being seriously abused by members of gui;ds with an axe to grind.


    This - plus, in games like The Sims Online that did have such a system there were reputation mafias that would hit up players for protection money to avoid getting a mass of downrankings. One of the laws of game system design - however you design a system, players of ill will will find a way to game that system.


    In practice, as long as things remain on a single-server basis then the community is small enough that people get to know the few genuinely bad characters on their server and shun them. Others who might have been douchbags if they can get away with it behave because they know they can't - it's much less tempting to ninja loot or AFK and let a group carry you when they price of doing that is finding it much harder to get a group in future. Frankly, this approach worked pretty well for a long time...

  6. Wolfshead doesn't like SWTOR. Film at eleven.


    This is not news. For those people who are familiar with gaming blogs, Wolfshead is one of the standard bearers of the "back to the glorious past" movement. They have happy memories of the older games like the original EQ and DAoC where there was less direction, less hand-holding... and also a hell of a lot less people. Back in those pre-WoW games having 500K subscribers meant being the biggest subscription MMO in the market, now having only that many is seen as abject failure. I'm not sure whether these guys are convinced that all of the WoW era players would love the old fashioned forced-grouping, camp monsters for XP game if only they were forced to try it, or whether they just want all the kids to get off our lawn and have the MMO hobby shrink back down to 1/20th of its size but with the 'right' sort of people and all the rest can go hang.


    Regardless - SWTOR is not the sort of game that Wolfshead wants, because it 's very much an MMO in the post-WoW themepark mould. He's never going to like it, because it's not built for him. And he's not objective enough to review it fairly for what it IS and decide whether it's a good example of a themepark game, because he's locked into the "themepark = bad" mentality. On the plus side, at least he hasn't embarrassed himself as much as Syncaine has...


    If you want a counter-example of a popular MMO blogger who has played the game to level cap, is still playing and has admittedly mixed feelings about what is there, check out what Spinks has to say

  7. personally(i know it's not fitting much with star wars, but bear with me),i'd rather have a melee,stealthy,death-dealing,attack-then throw a flashbang to blind ppl kinda thing,then melee some more with dual-lightsaber death,kinda assassin.


    There's an advanced class for that. It's the Operative. One of the types of mission they undertake is assassination so yeah, there are 'assassins' that do what you want. SITH assassins, however, use lightsabers and the Force to kill their targets. Because they're, y'know, Sith.


    Or put it another way. A big part of the archetype for the Sith Assassin was Darth Maul. I must have missed the bit in the movie where he stealthed up to Qui-Gon, yelled "LOL STUNLOCK NOOB" and bursted him down :)

  8. I think the problem is the word "Assassin"


    What do people think of assassin?

    - Stealthy, cloak and dagger type killers

    - Sniper that kill from hidden shadows

    - hardly go front attack.

    - subtle attacks and such


    All these are just a few example that we saw in films and history (i.e. Ninja, spies etc etc)


    I can totally understand that why people would go "hua?" when SWTOR introduce Assassin TANKS!


    It is an odd concept, but if we get pass the terminology, I feel this is a VERY fun class (so far it is for me)


    I think a lot of the assumption about "what assassins are" comes from other MMOs, not necessarily from history or films. An assassin is someone who kills - specifically, selectively kills high value targets. How they do it varies. They might be stealthy backstabbers, snipers, demolition experts or the guy who charges in the front door and beats his way through the guards.


    The Sith Assassin is a Sith who combines martial training with a mastery of the Force. They have more melee skills than Sith sorcerers, and more Force skills than the Sith warriors. Stealth is just one of their bag full of Force tricks. Maybe Bioware should have called the class Sith Battlemages or Sith Reavers to avoid confusing people with preconceptions from other MMOs. Or maybe not. After all, anyone with assumptions on 'how paladins work' going between Rift, WoW and DAoC is likewise in for a surprise. Don't make assumptions. See the class for what it is.

  9. Um, there is the equivalent of a cast bar already and it even says what it is being activated? Just watch out and interrupt whatever needs to be interrupted.


    :confused: X ∞


    That would require some attention and intelligence on the part of the player. You know, the stuff that went out of style when "being skilled" became defined as "having the right add-ons installed".

  10. So after trying alot of builds i settled with the Darkness chain shock one (21/12/8) and i rly much like it and IMO im doing more or less the same dps as other pure dps builds with the added benefit of double survivability...

    The important key in this build is Energize and electrify... in my experience this road does more dps than going all the way up the Deception tree to buff up ur shock with voltaic slash. Anyway my problem is that people in PVE runs see Dark charge and immediately think im tank and dont believe i can dps effectively... What they dont see is that Dark charge also helps my survivability and i dont have to get my *** handed whenever im being hit whcih ALSO helps the healer in the group... Anyone else got this problem of narrow mindness?


    Unfortunately Dark Charge also increases your threat, which means you're much more likely to pull aggro off the tank and will piss off both the tank and the healer... unless they both shrug their shoulders and let you die, at which point you do zero DPS.


    DO NOT RUN IN DARK CHARGE IN A GROUP UNLESS YOU ARE TANKING. EVER. Accept that you can't get the maximum damage out of your build (you should still do 'good enough' damage for most content in Lightning Charge) or else switch to a build that does work to full effect in Lightning if you plan to group up regularly.

  11. Trying to melee is a good way to play Darkness ineffectively. Get rid of your Thrash key and learn to play without it for a while, and after you get comfortable then you can put it back on something, but you shouldn't be using that very often.


    Your rotation is going to be Wither -> Shock -> Force Lightning and that's it. I use Thrash primarily against other Assassins because Force Shroud blocks all 3 of those attacks. You want to get rid of your Force as soon as reasonably possible because this greatly negates the effect of CC on you (if you got no Force it doesn't matter if you're standing still). If you want extra fancy points you can do Saber Strike while you're waiting for Force regen but Saber Strike might as well be 0 DPS for all practical purposes.


    Against all melees you should be kiting them. If you can hit them with Thrash, they can hit you too and you're probably doing something wrong since you can kite better than anyone else in the game due to Wither.


    Wither on a group of enemies away from an objective is often instant GG.


    Assassins should not be carrying the Huttball unless no character on your side has Charge.


    Congratulations, this may be some of the worst advice I've ever seen anyone give, and trust me over the years I've seen some REALLY bad advice given out. I have to assume that this is an attempt at absolutely deadpan sarcasm because even a gerbil couldn't manage to be so utterly wrong on every single point without fail... but just in case anyone actually looking for advice reads this thread, please ignore the poster above :)

  12. I can live with that, just wish I didn't learn them in the first place if they're of no use. Or that they were greyed out or something, so that I could be sure "I really have no use for this".


    It's not 'of no use'. It is of situational use - meaning, you don't ALWAYS use it, but there are times that you will want to. But no, if you're expecting a 'LOL stunlock' style of play attacking out of stealth, then Spike isn't the ability you're looking for /jedimindtrick

  13. It's situationally useful - pop Recklessness to give it 30m range and you have a long range attack to bring down a runner or slow down a ball carrier in a Huttball game. It's not one of my bread-and-butter skills though.
  14. Just did this at the weekend as a level 45 darkness/madness assassin, dying once to Thanaton. Yes, it is difficult. No, it is not impossible. I didn't LOS him or Zash at any point but I did make a point of not standing in the AoE and making good use of my interrupts, medpacks, Force Shroud... basically, know your toolkit and use it.


    Personally, I like a game where you can't always faceroll to victory :)

  15. Generally, it's the SI who gets all the flak even if they're playing a pureblood, because their backstory is 'slave'. The SW's backstory is 'descendent of a proud sith bloodline' so even if you've got some alien in there, you're still noble-equivalent.


    I've started a Zabrak SI to go sorcerer, to complement the human Sith Assassin I already have. You definitely get an extra helping of contempt from the NPCs on Korriban for being alien scum as well as being a slave. Especially the sith pureblood with the purity test, unsurprisingly.

  16. What is your spec btw? I've only ever been Darkness and I've never had any problems like the forums would suggest (even solo PvE whines; I stomped through all the normal content). I've kinda gathered that more of the complaints about the class come from Deception players. It might be that that spec is underperforming, or might be that more people play it and hence more people whine, I dunno.


    Combination of things, I think - Deception is a bit more of a glass cannon than Darkness, unsurprisingly, so it doesn't cope with some of the solo PvE fights as well.


    It's also seen as "the DPS spec" and the spec with more of the stuff that people who played rogues in other games expect to see. That attracts players with certain expectations, the "I played class X in game Y and this class sucks because it isn't the same" crowd.


    No disrespect to the many good Deception assassins out there, but my experience is that most of the bad assassins are Deception.

  17. Hmm, I'm in the opposite situation - at 44 I've still got level 38 quests on Hoth to do, never mind most of the Belsavis quests. I've done each flashpoint once along the way (with the exception of Boarding Party 3 times and Cademimu not at all) and I've done some space missions and PvP games as the mood takes me but I've not really been grinding either of those much. I tend to do story quests as level but the other quest content I'm outlevelling unless I make a concentrated effort to do it - I've completely skipped the bonus series for Balmorra and Alderaan.


    So I guess the question is - have you done any space or pvp missions at all? Flashpoints? Did you pick up the daily space/pvp/flashpoint missions in each case? All of those add up to a significant amount of XP.

  18. I totally agree with this. Forgive me, but I will have to use WoW as a comparison since it represents the "gold standard." I recall it wasn't until much later in WoW's history that the concept of more interactive quests began to arise, but since the model has already been explored by a past MMO, I was hoping that Bioware would have taken the time to implement things based on that model. I feel like they've done a great job in keeping the spirit alive of that classic Star Wars ambience, but they could have done much more in terms of quest interaction.


    Just as an example, I came to Hoth expecting some sort of minigame quest in which Republic characters might be able to control snowspeeders and have to hook and circle Imperial walkers (along pre-set paths) and perhaps a generator-destroying mission for Imperials in which they could have controlled a walker with different abilities and whiped out hordes of small enemies until they reach range of the generator. This is just one example of a fairly simple idea that would mix questing up a bit and throw in some nostalgia at the same time.


    Well, the problem is that adding special mechanics (AKA mini-games) for a quest is a LOT of development work. WoW only really started adding them in Burning Crusade and later, when the engineers weren't so heavily occupied by building the core game systems and providing support for the first year or so (which is when the biggest, nastiest bugs tend to be found). Don't be surprised if they add a few quests with 'interesting' mechanics down the line, but doing all that work for the sake of one quest that a bunch of players will miss or skip anyway isn't the best use of developer time at this stage in the game's lifecycle. WoW tended to go the other way - once they'd built the mechanics, they over-used to the point where it seemed every third quest was a bombing run because gosh darn, we've added this feature to the game so we are going to use the heck out of it! :)


    Also, please bear in mind that not every player likes mini-games. There's a school of thought that says this is my character, with the skills I've learned to use, and I want to use that rather than some sub-standard arcade game with an ew hotkey bar that has nothing to do with my character's skills, gear or training. Those players would be actively turned off by having too many 'special' quests in the game.

  19. I belive 1 shot = dead within the knockdown not 1 hit. It has happened to me too with 450ish exp.

    It's not a common occurence for me though.


    That would be stunlocked and bursted down. One-shotted means killed with a single move normally. In SW:TOR, one-shotted means "I'm massively exaggerating and everything I say should be taken with a pinch of salt."

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