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Posts posted by Stonerift

  1. ALSO THIS, OH GOD. I started speccing healer for PvP, I see teammates around me on 5% HP, i'll check the raid frames and everybody is 100%... how are you supposed to heal off that? the only way to effectively heal atm is to read their name and quickly find it on the raid frames -.- it's annoying as hell.


    Healing is very, very frustrating in TOR in PVP. Especially at lower levels with no instaheals, so no way to counteract chain cc.

  2. I want to spend 90% of my game time in PVP. I refuse to participate in huttball. It's so bloody tedious and awful. So I'll run into the fire or slime over and over while sending my companion on slicing missions.


    Don't hate the player, hate the game.

  3. If it takes you ages to load it might be a hard drive bottleneck. Sometimes they get flaky like that (or seem like input lag) when they start to go bad. I would do an exhaustive check...


    My wife's computer is worse than yours and she didn't have any issues during beta (doesn't play now.)



    0 rpm hdds are totally worth it. I'm always waiting on everyone else to load in...



    I don't know why everyone wants tons of ram for gaming, unless they are running SSD and want to reduce pagefile to a minimal size. My SWTOR image is at about 1.2gb after playing 3 hours.

  4. WoW is that way ---->




    More like UO is that way ---->


    It's double edged. Instant transport everywhere, and even the comically over-sized environment in TOR starts to feel tiny.


    Have to walk everywhere? You spend a good deal of your play time just walking through the same tedious landscape you've walked many times before.


    It's not terrible in SWTOR... A little bit of travel, flying around, adds to the immersion.

  5. ASus Xonar -used- to work fine with SWTOR, since the most recent beta they broke it.


    For some people, disabling DX (or GX I dont remember) audio in the ASUS control panel fixed it.


    I finally got mine fixed, I had to monkey with the default sample rate too.

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