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Posts posted by BoneEater

  1. There are definetely issues with it. Just had a match where the Pubs camped all the sattelites with gunships and oneshotting everybody who came close to 20.000km. Few people managed to get close including me after evading the first two shots, and after unloading everything I had on that soab I didn't even get his shields down. And there where two of them on every sattelite.


    Few suggestions for that:


    -make gunships glass cannons. Long range, oneshot, fine, but tradeoff is very little shields and hull

    -or reduce the damage and range of the weapon and increase it's activation time and cooldown greatly



    Before everybody was using the gunships you actually had a chance against other fighters and I was doing reasonably well after a few matches, but after a short break of swtor it's practically impossible to make a dent.


    There's just no counter against gunships.

  2. Aaaanyway, disregard what I said earlier, Tank companion actually works. Geared Kaliyo up a bit with classic gear, interrupted his attacks and stunned him so she wouldn't die immediatley, and voilá. Soloable. Don't know why it is recommended to take a healer. Allthough I guess it depends, if you're in tank specc heal would probably make sense.


    This is how it worked for me finally though.

  3. Then this is a L2P issue.


    I managed to kill him with my Operative (geared in Makeb commendation mods) without much problems.

    And if sorc with 32k HP cannot kill it as well (even when coupled with healer), well, I am not even going to describe how incompetent that someone is.


    The Commander is easy to kill, each class has at least 1 instant stun, 1 interrupt and most have some form of knockback. Just interrupt his buff and debuff abilities (not sure about the names), drop some defensive cooldowns, knock him back etc.


    Well, it doesn't really surprise me that acussations of incompetence and "l2p" are being flung around again knowing that the swtor forum was toxic since release, but please, it's not an l2p issue. Everything you have suggested I am already doing, as well as saving my interrupt and stun for his two most damaging channeled attacks.


    As I already said, if he would be in line with the other quest elites on Oricon I wouldn't even be here since I really, really loathe this forum. And for the meager reward the daily offers, it really doesn't seem worth the hassle.

  4. What was your class and companion?


    Operative, and as a companion I went with the Doc. Didn't work so well. Wanted to try it with Kaliyo but she's so horribly undergeared she'll probably die in 2 hits. Thought it might work better though if I have him off of me and have a little time to dps him until my companion dies, but alas, undergeared comp.


    Had a Sorcerer group up with me, he wanted to see if he can actually do it solo, 32k life, heal companion as well, dead after Zaoran lost 2/3 of his health.


    Seriously, every other solo daylie is completely fine with my heal companion, but of course the elites only have 50k life as where Zaoran has 72k and hits like he just ate a bowl of steroids. Just ridiculous.

  5. So yeah.


    Full 156 gear, heal comp, interrupt and stun all down and he still kills me. The only way I was able to kill that guy was with another player. Is this supposed to be a joke? It's a daylie solo mission, not a H2+, jesus christ, when is this getting nerfed already?


    inb4 lol l2p oh whups it's already in here :rolleyes:

  6. I'm also a Founder OP. Doesn't make you special. Or me for that matter.


    You do know that there are only 2 character slots? That means in order to play all 8 storylines you'll have to delete your other characters. Two Quickbars. Credits cap. No chat. No mail. 25% exp reduction.


    If anything, the f2p model is not free enough for me, as a former subscriber to come back. I already have two characters + legacy unlocks + 2m creds.


    This is exactly the attitude that drove players away in the first place, and there seems to be no end to it. Not from the community nor the developers. A shame, really.

  7. I feel you OP, but you just told a forum full of self-entitled gamers to be patient.


    Ah yes, well, of course we are entitled gamers, we're paying for something aren't we? So I don't think that being entitled for something I pay my money for, is bad. In fact, I think it's good and responsible.


    But no matter, soon sentences like yours will die out when people realize how consumerism works, yes, even in gaming, because it's not "their game".


    Seriously, that people still think like that. Unbelievable.

  8. 1.) Target selection via nameplates

    2.) Moveable OP-frames (like before 1.2, now you can't unlock them, move them around and lock them again, you have to do it over the UI customization, which is a pain in the a**)

    3.) Customizable Buffs/Debuffs icons on the OP-frames

    4.) More actionbars


    Those are the points I can think of atm.

  9. Look at my signature and heed its advice.


    Oh, LFG channel? Genius idea!


    Seriously though, after a day of work I'm not willing to waste my free time and even pay for it just because developers are lazy. You have to understand that. But clearly you don't.


    I'm sick of these "advices", just stop it people.

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