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Posts posted by StrangeDais

  1. They can halve the price and it wouldn't make me any more inclined to play at BW's gambling table. In addition to the poor quality of the items themselves recently in terms of SW feel, there is of course the matter of drop rate. That is the real deal breaker here, not the actual cost of the packs themselves (imho). I am willing to pay for a specific item, an armor set, etc. that I like, but I will not pay real money for a miniscule chance that maybe I will get the item I'm after.


    Get back to the basics. How about more variants of Imperial Officer sets? We see these in abundance throughout the game. I would buy those via direct purchase. I would like access to some of the Republic officer uniforms too, without having to grind rep via GSF (gives me motion sickness). Perhaps the Imperial Trooper armor from the Collector's edition? The game has been out long enough I think we can finally make that accessible to all through direct purchase.


    Cartel packs are only viable going forward if (1) the drop rate is drastically improved and (2) it is coupled with a recommitment to Star Wars immersion. By that I mean abandon the Zakuul, Iokath inspired cosmetics. It's so tiresome at this point.

  2. Some people don't get it as sad as that is. People need to realize words do hurt, hint Carrie Underwood's song " Little Toy Guns" which says




    Some people like this here:


    Are disgusting. He is putting blame on the victims of the harassment which makes him no better a people who are doing it and to this person I say this: As the victim of two abusive your bs isn't going to fly with me so take your verbally abuse self elsewhere and stop bullying me. I have had enough physical and verbal assault in my real life from a young age to my adult life and I don't need it in a game or on this forum so take your crap elsewhere if you are going to be an insensitive jerk who wants to put victims down you are just as bad as people who harass someone in this game with this crap.


    I am positing a question and presenting a different opinion. If you wish to interpret that as bullying and harassment then that is a sad commentary on the current state of western society isn't it? As I already stated (and reality bears this out too) people are relatively peaceful and congenial unless given a reason not to be. When an altercation happens it is often the case that all parties involved bear some culpability. Again it is not the responsibility of BW to protect you beyond the tools already in place. If that makes me an insensitive jerk that's fine, I can deal with that. I've never made any claims to sainthood anyway.


    It is interesting that you bring up your personal past and make mention of physical abuse and being a victim of it. I too was involved in many a fist fight as a youth and I never once considered myself a victim. It made me unafraid of confrontation and accustomed to opposition. The things I see people claiming as harassment and bullying in here is absolute nonsense. A player running in circles around another player is rather comical, if for no other reason than to ponder what that person had been smoking.


    Big Brother is not your savior.

  3. "Call me anything you want, just don't call me late for dinner."


    Words are just words. Your hypersensitivity is your own problem to wrestle with. De-facto calls for Big Brother, of which the posts of Fush, Suzi and Enrique can be considered, are not the answer. By demanding that BW do something about people being rude to you is to admit weakness of the worst kind and invites ever more disdain and mockery.


    The tools for players to sort themselves out (in effect, to police themselves) are readily available. Use them or don't. You are responsible for you. Unless of course you subscribe to some ******* leftist orthodoxy that necessitates an adult being present to hold your hand and supervise your playtime.


    Finally, I would be curious to know what these player "victims" do to contribute to this supposed harassment? Generally speaking, people are peaceable and not prone to just randomly attacking others without provocation. Could it be that PC crusades and agenda-mongering tend to piss people off? No, couldn't be that. Those things are as pure as freshly driven snow.:rak_01:

  4. /signed.

    While it is true that there are/have been other powers throughout the SW galaxy as evidenced by the (pre - Disney) Expanded Universe, the Republic and to a lesser extent the (Sith) Empire in its various incarnations have largely been the dominant powers. At the time of ANH, the Republic had been in existence for some 25000 years I believe? Recalling the scene with Kenobi and Luke in which he states how the Jedi had been its protectors for over 1000 generations.


    Anyway, the point being that while I don't mind forays into other areas, like Rise of the Hutt Cartel, the struggle between Empire and Republic has largely defined the narrative and set the backdrop for the more personal stories we all enjoy, like the adventures of Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors.


    Though I had been initially supportive of the change of direction when it was announced, the execution was middling imho. I played through KotFE and KotET once on my main and have no desire to play through it again. The only time I felt like I was remotely immersed in a SW setting was the chapter with Satele Shan. The rest was a chore and forgettable and Iokath was just plain irritating. Change born of necessity is not a bad thing but change for change's sake is a poor motivation.


    Yes BW, its time to circle back around and return to familiar waters. Perhaps explore the Chiss Ascendancy? It's established lore, only loosely affiliated with the Empire and largely untouched in terms of the game.

  5. After watching battlefront 2 gameplay with Rey and Darth Maul this game feels very outdated, i've always felt that this game could have been much better. I think its time EA pull the plug on this game and give us the Star Wars MMO we all deserve.


    Have players already forgotten Battlefront? Wasn't that long ago SW gamers were fawning over footage from that game and shelling out over $100 for fancy pants editions, season passes and foolishly making pre-orders left and right, only to receive and shallow and uninspired game. Pretty visuals do not make a game and I get the sense you got taken in by eye candy.


    SWTOR despite its flaws is still an enjoyable game. Outdated? I don't think so but even if it is, so what? Some of the best PC games ever made are the ones of yesteryear.

  6. A Lot of us are Sick and Tired of the Original Factions, with a stupid War that now makes No sense, because both the Republic and Sith Empire are really no more of what they were.


    A Lot us us Want our 3rd Faction where we want our Alliance, a Lot of us don't like, and have Not liked having to chose the stupid Republic and Sith Empire when we can play in a 3rd Faction that Has the Sith Empire, the Republic and the Zakuulan Empire together as one force. Also, right now at least we have the Manadlorian as well, though i know that will change.


    I'm very aware a Lot of die-hards that don't know much about Star wars only want and believe in only a Republc and Sith-Empire fight, and do not know that the Republic and Empire fought other Empires


    For me though, Republic and Sith Empire be damned, I want my Alliance.


    The Republic/Empire and by default, Sith/Jedi dynamic is the essence of Star Wars. Personally, this hippy-dippy ********, lets all get along and be friends to fight some pissant third faction is a tired MMO cliché. Warcraft could get away with pulling this stunt as it was Blizzard's baby from the start. Star Wars is a different animal. If you wish to aquire the license of an already proven IP then it would probably be wise to adhere to its established narrative.


    To have two distinct player factions at odds with one another can generate loyalties as well as rivalries. Upping the interest factor as opposed to the generic, one size fits all story of late, which evoked a feeling of indifference. I was proud of my Empire and want to see it return to prominence, not as an ally but leading the charge. Zakuul has been diminished. Its time to allow us to return to our original factions to finally settle matters once and for all.

  7. I demand to be compensated for lost game time! Nevermind the fact that Im at work and cant play anyway, I deserve compensation! 3000 cartel coins, a months subscription, and quadruple XP for every hour past 9am PST this patch goes should suffice.

    This made my day. :)

  8. Only as long as any potential expansion dispenses with the Alliance and brings back the Republic-Empire dynamic. The common enemy narrative is tiresome and not what Star Wars has ever been about. A certain other MMO went that route long ago was poorer as a result, imho.


    Writers: you went that route for a time and got it out of your system. Now allow myself, and any other loyal Imperials who share my sentiment, to return to kicking the Republic in the groin.


    Regardless, maybe Eric will grace you with a response one way or the other.

  9. I've always enjoyed the vanilla game first and foremost, then bonking heads in WZs. That said:



    - class stories.


    -the music. (nailed the planetary soundtracks. From the eerie sounds of Taris, to the mystery of Belsavis, to the sinister tones of Dromund Kaas. great stuff)

    - voice acting. (top notch, can listen to it over and over again)

    -companions. ( the companion mechanic was a great idea, love some and love to hate others. win/win.)


    While I have championed the game quite a bit over the years, its certainly has become more difficult to recommend beyond the vanilla game post 4.0. Whilst most MMOs keep adding to the their game, EA/BW seem have taken a peculiar approach to customer "satisfaction" by gradually taking things away from their player base over time. I say that from the perspective of a day one subscriber.


    It probably doesn't help you much but it is what it is.

  10. Considering they make content updates like this every 3 months it's going to be a while m8t8y :^


    You seem upset there's no need to be. But enough about that game it's time to sit back and enjoy the memes of this game. What will be abadoned next, what will be rehashed next, how much will the patch notes get shorter. Let's find out ;)


    If you may excuse me I need to finish this Black Mage quest so it maybe a while till I respond again if I wish :^

    By all means, take your time. I understand how engaging final acts can be. I'll probably be around. Perhaps I'll even dain to call you out on your baseless supposition again.

  11. Well we shall see on the 24th what memes they have in store. In the meantime FFXIV new 24m dungeon is fire among other things. Alas Swtor raids were good but they never learned the secret to theme park MMOs. Time to watch as the final act plays out :^

    And when the fickle locust gamers grow weary of whatever this new FF content is? Can I sit back and watch the "final act" play out in that game too?

  12. Confirm this as well. Though I was using a secondary dye, it still doesn't seem to register in game or in cut scenes. The preview window displays correctly but nowhere else. Unrelated to the dye issue, it appears that the belt of this outfit displays incorrectly as well. Instead of the red lights on the gadgets, they display as a pale blue. Again, the Preview window displays correctly but the actual set is off.
  13. Same here, my subscription only lapsed 3 or 4 months during those 5 years. The game is about to die over Galactic Command anyway, and now they're adding this as a slap in the face to the founders.

    You don't qualify for an in game item, big whoop. After 5 years of exclusivity, I would like to have the collector's edition perks made available to the masses. We can't get everything we want.

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