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Posts posted by Precurso

  1. - marauders truly shine at the hands of good players

    - marauders take on anyone 1v1

    - I did XXXXXX dmg on hutball, check the screenshot yo

    - marauder is hard to master but most rewarding

    - L2P

    - Your doin' it wrong

    - Spec to Anni

    - mara is very gear dependant. Get good gera and u'll destroy everything

    - roll something else



    There, I have given you all the possible responses rolled in one. Same sh*t different day. In all seriousness the most common response is about how gear changes marauder from beind UP to OP


    1- Get to level 50

    2- Get Valor Rank 60 (or was it 65?)

    3- Get BM Gear

    4- Get Rakata Medpack & Adrenals

    5- ???

    6- Profit!!!



    Yeah, very balanced class..

  2. Its usually warrior classes. These guys just cant sit and wait for tank to pull, they just have to throw a saber a second before the tank engages because they are losing rage (RAGE!). While Im used to it as a tank and I quickly pull agro off the restless warrior and the healer who has to heal us both, still it annoys me a lot and makes me want to kick that sorry dps *** out of party, they are easily replaceble after all.


    Rage is easy to build, it's FURY marauders lose if they stay out of combat for long. Imagine you had a fight and ended with 18 fury. It takes 30 fury to activate your team buffs so if u wait long between fights your 18 fury is gone, have to start stacking fury from zero.


    But as a marauder the most ignorant in my fp groups have been jug tanks. They don't wait for healers, they keep leaping from one group to another sometimes even when rest of the group is in someplace else.

  3. Does Force Camo clear aggro? I can understand why people feel Marauders are godlike since Force Camo is on 45s cooldown (much faster than equivalent abilities) and if it clears aggro that's pretty much instant win with Pure Shockfrozen Water.


    yes it clears aggro as long as there are others in the party also in combat. It doesn't drop aggro when Marauder is solo (in pve) and it never puts you out of combat. So no, it is not instant win with Pure Shockfrozen Water.

  4. Im sorry im all for bringing balance to marauders i see the flaws as others do,



    But this statement is clear horse crap. I dont agree with your statement at all, ive played several mmo's and in most cases this rule is never true. There are dps classes that span both ranged and melee, and in other mmo's MELEE classes that provide Support.


    WoW, for instance, enhancement shamans, Holy PALADINS, Even unholy death knights to some extent. All these classes are melee and provide a clear support role.


    holy paladin support? ofc duh!

    but they can spec as well to become dps powerhouse, so can shamans

    point is that melee, if not controlled, can tear through ranged classes in any game. This game has waayy too many CC for ranged classes



    oh, and your statement is a bigger horse crap

  5. In normal battle scenarios in all MMOs melee classes provide the main damage while ranged classes are support.

    In this game it's the exact opposite, as there are more ranged classes than melee, they provide the main dps and melee is expected to be support? This doesn't make sense if ranged classes provide same, if not more dps than melee. If a ranged class has same dps as a melee, plus more utilities, there is no sense in having melee at all.

  6. It works.


    The 15% run speed boost works only IN combat. And therefore quite obviously doesn't stack with Sprint, which only works OUT of combat.


    Get yourself in a duel with someone who doesn't have a +15% movement speed talent. Stand side by side, and start running. After a few seconds you'll notice you are pulling ahead. That's your 15% boost at work.


    It's the same for all classes - Sins, PTs, etc.


    It will NOT help you get out of the cave quicker. All it does is help you go from mob to mob while in combat quicker. Or catch up to a runner in PvP if you didn't slow him and he doesn't have the same talent.


    Have you not read where I said we got aggro (combat) while running out of cave?

  7. You really don't even need raid experience; it's simple logic.


    Something is coming after me I'm going to use my aggro drop ability. Whether that be a boss or an add it's going to start attacking something else.


    Should it actually drop aggro/should it give another raid warning is a different question, but being aware of the outcome is quite obvious with a bit of foresight.


    Uhh...have you read the OP or just jumped in to derail? We're saying the exact same thing: Force Camo is too sitational and not always useful.

  8. It does happen, and more frequently than one would expect.


    It makes me rather suspicious, because it would take unnatural reflexes to hit that knockback so quickly. Especially in cases where the player was not engaged, their back is to you, and they're moving.


    Do they get an instant automatic knockback when rooted, like the Sorcerer's talent that stuns on bubble burst?



    The AoE knockback also has the action+animation. The action goes off before animation ends. You see someone force charge on you? Do AoE knockback...and they're knocked back before you end your animation.


    And when a warrior force charges the root effect is applied instantly, as if the warrior landed on target, but the force charge animation still continues. So while the warrior is still in the air, the AOE knockback affects the warrior before force charge animation ends as if the warrior already landed. Hence the animation break on force charge when AoE knockback hits you.


    Then you run up, another knockback..Then you leap and another knockback from a merc. You leap again and another knockback (mercs can have 2 if specced). Then you leap again, and you're pulled down by a sin or powertech lol

  9. I have done it. The lightning balls lock on to you and, when you Camo, they go to someone else.


    That's not a new concept. Should it announce who it targets to prevent mass casualties? Probably, but it's clear the encounter wasn't designed with vanishing in mind. Or, at least, the fight wasn't scripted well enough to announce the new target.


    So you do accept that it is a revolutionary act of heresy when you Vanish in that part of EV. Guess you must never have raided before.


    You must never have raided before if you think that something after you changing targets when you Vanish is a revolutionary act of heresy.
  10. You must never have raided before if you think that something after you changing targets when you Vanish is a revolutionary act of heresy.


    You must have never done Soa

    There is a difference between dropping boss/mob aggro and dropping aggro of lightening balls in Soa

    You'll understand once you do it

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