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Posts posted by psychosiszz

  1. I would actually re-sub if they made Gungans a playable race. Could you imagine how badly it would annoy people when you kill them in pvp as a gungun while spaming say with Jar Jar binks quotes "Wesa goen underwater, okeyday? Ah, my warning you. Gungans no liken outsiders, so don't spect a warm welcome."


    Ah that would be a good time.

  2. Yeah how dare they make it so people have to pvp in a pvp zone!


    *** did you expect them to do.. LOL.


    It was broken before with nobody fighting. Now people either have to fight, or cry on the message forums because they are too afraid to fight.


    It is open world pvp... They can't do anything about the fact that nobody wants to join up a bunch of prissy cry baby rebels.


    Wow your a dumb ***.

  3. Why do you keep feeding them? You're a part of the problem. When Ilum is eventually fixed sometime in the future (one can atleast hope so) you have helped the opposite faction to get a massive gear advantage by then.



    Because if you watch the video, you will see you cant choose a different spawn point, so you cant actually leave...

  4. Well seeing how last night at prime time I searched the republic fleet to see how many other Level 50 vanguards there were and only one other showed...sorta tells the chances of me ever playing a WZ for a long time.


    and from the looks of it Ilum's going to be a spawn camp against the republic (we're seriously out-numbered on my server)... so my list of pvp options grows thin... might hang around outlaws den see if anyone comes...

  5. Nope, it's energy, but there's no difference between energy and kinetic mitigation, so... Doesn't matter.


    Oh ok guess i was wrong about that. But still my point is what would you rather have lighting bolts or throwing pebbles at people?

  6. you're really blaming BioWare for more people choosing empire? ridiculous.


    Yes I am and its not ridiculous I've never seen populations this bad in a MMO... reason being.


    1. Better Stories

    2. Better starting worlds...Tython so so so so badddddddddddddddddddd

    3. Sage has force pebbles, sorcerer has force lighting which is also does elemental damage...

    4. Faster animations/abilities, for instance vanguard stockstrike hits later than the powertech mirror, also as the op said mortar strike doesnt do damage for 1-2 seconds when the powertech version shoots straight away.

    5. Biased marketing, the Sith were made out to be awesome, I mean out of the 3 trailers they dominate in 2 of them and even in the "Hope" one they are still barely defeated... I wanted to play them, the only reason i didn't was because I knew it would be overpopulated.

  7. Yep its clear by the faction imbalance how biased the devs were to the Sith. Whenever I go to Ilum, its often 20 sith and just me or the odd 1 or 2 republic... thats on the bloodworthy server.


    Its only going to get worse as people get tired of being republic gimps and switch to the Sith.

  8. Well would be interested to see. I'm level 50 and theres normally only about 20 other 50's on at a time on bloodworthy at prime time. So looks like the republic wont be able to play WZ's and the Sith will enjoy even more Hutt ball.


    Cant see it getting better as it seems people are actually re-rolling Sith now because finding groups takes ages and alot of the time can go days without finding one. Also the storylines and classes are better.. sigh cant really blame em.

  9. Our server (Bloodworthy) got the same problem. you take the taxi out there and its atleast 50 empire waiting for you and republic have something like 8 people in the zone.


    i could live with it tho if we have any other advantage, like NOT delay on animations and damage, but we have that too............



    Not to mention we have all the uggly gear while empire actually had people design theirs.


    Well not looking forward to that. I'm on Bloodworthy too and when im on Ilum it does seem we're insanely out-numbered. For instance 1 day i went there I only saw 2 other Republic guys and 20 odd Sith... no matter how good you are you cant beat those numbers...

  10. If you enjoy PvP and especially open world PvP, I sure as hell don't know why you would want to switch to Empire. PvP is always funner in a more target rich environment. I wanted to roll Republic knowing the pop balance would be screwed up, but my guild decided to roll Empire thinking it wouldn't be that bad.


    Giving a 15% XP bonus to a server faction that is outnumbered by a 5:3 ratio would be a start to restoring some resembalance of population balance because it will encourage new players to roll the outnumbered faction on that server.


    I agree also showing the pop % for sith and republic alongside the exp buff for the republic would get more players to that side.

  11. Vanguard is one of the very best 1v1 classes in the game. I have only lost two 1v1 fights so far. 1 vs a juggernaut because i forgot to turn on plasma cell lol and another against a full set Battlemaster sorcerer (i had no pvp gear at that time).
  12. Doubt it can. Bioware have been to biased towards the Sith when it came to marketing and classes (Quicker animations for BH than for trooper, elemental damage for Sorcerers thats 2 examples). I dont see how you can fix a server like mine where we are out pop'd 6 to 1 now.


    The thing is people are doing what you are doing, changing to the sith so they can win WZ's and get instance groups...


    So the problems only going to get worse. I'm 50 now and I find it near impossible to find a group for any of the high level instances and constantly lose WZ's even though im top damage... defending points and being a team player... cant beat 8 50's vs me and level 10-40's.


    So i cant do instances and cant do WZ's because I cant stand them anymore. Theres no world pvp because outlaws den is worthless and empty, Ilum is a joke and promotes objective exchange rather than pvp... even if they do make changes to Ilum I dont see how the republic could survive there because whenever im there its 25+ sith and just 1-3 republic there atm.


    So I'm leveling a alt atm until my friends get to 50.

  13. WAIT wait wait wait... imps win more warzones and this is due to faction imbalance..


    8 on 8...


    8 republic


    8 imp..


    How is that imbalance... not to go with the cheese answer but Republic needs to learn to work together and play...


    Warzones is nothing to do with more Imps...


    I think your missing the point. As theres more imperials it means they have more lv50's which is very imbalanced in wz's, also as the empire have more 50's they win more wz's and so get pvp gear quicker making the curve worse.

  14. They removed all the nodes a couple days ago in the patch. If I'm not mistaken it has to do with people who were exploiting the chests and nodes causing an imbalance to the economy. So until they can come up with a more permanent fix, they just removed the nodes.


    Yay even less reason to go there! and I dont know why they removed the nodes the epic bio-analysis missions give you tons and tons of materials and its only 4k on the galactic market, if anything fix that...

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