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Posts posted by Fathme

  1. I don't think anyone's really disagreeing that Biochem clearly has an advantage over the others right now in endgame content. I think we should drive this thread into something productive and suggest some additions for each of the other crafting skills, so lets hear it!


    Any form of craftable epics (BoP/BoE) would be awsome, or if there already is, make them better than the first teir of raiding content so it gives incentive to roll that profession.

  2. And honestly, requiring specific tradeskills is not any different from any other MMO where their tradeskills give bonuses. Try applying to even a semi serious raid guild in WoW with Mining and see how well that goes.


    Considering there were other gathering professions that atleast provided some dps output besides stamina, anyone with mining was really clueless.


    On topic though, I agree with what others are saying, This is just a repeat of every other MMO raiding experience; there's going to be hardcore min-maxing guilds everywhere you go. My thought is if you're going to be in one, make sure its worth it.

  3. MMO cost money and investment to develop and they can't be kept in development because it starts dipping into their profits. Its that simple. No company creates a game to break even.

    This game's launch has been pretty stable, some bumps here and there but it is no where near to the level of WAR, AOC, even vanilla WOW wasn't this stable. I would actually say it was similiar to Rift's.



    I have been enjoying the game very much and haven't had this much fun since WOW (a year go) so Yay me!



    Haters gonna hate.


    vanilla wow was filled with class faults everywhere you looked, naked rogues ganking full t1 geared warriors, shamans with legendary maces auto swinging to win, paladins taking 1v4s as prot/holy, hunters being able to aimed shot for 95% of a mages health in 1 hit. also the many bugs that came along with the game was overwhelming. To see such a smooth game like SWTOR, I'm impressed.

  4. I cannot believe my eyes. Have you seriously rolled need for an item someone else needed for a companion? Holy hell, that would be insta kick if I was a grp leader.


    He's right, companions need to be geared, especially as a smuggler I've noticed. I can kill a same level elite with a bit of struggle, It would be easier though if I had my companions gear up to par with my own. And I've also died quite a few times from class quests that were in the orange color range for me. IMO companion gear is just as important as your own gear. After all, these people rolling on the gear will use it in the end, so whats the big whoop

  5. My wife was complaining about the UI for over 6 months in beta. The UI is garbage, nobody in my family will touch this game. My son already spent the prepaid credit card that preordered this game on some other game, Origin will have fun collecting.


    if the ui was so bad, as your wife said, with 6 months of testing, then why are you yourself feeding money to origin?

  6. This game could have been the best MMO on the market today, it could have stolen a Hell of a lot of WoW subs, if not for the following;


    1) The quest system. I'm sure many people enjoy this style of questing, the cinematic voice acting thing which allows you to RP/ feel involved, but really, its just a chore. No one wants to have to take part in a long conversation just to be told to go and kill 10 mobs, collect 10 furs, etc. Part of the fun of an MMO is being able to switch-off sometimes, and just grind out your quests. A large proportion of the MMO PvP community just doesn't care in the slightest for roleplaying and has no patience for this type of thing. I have 5 friends that quit this game within a day simply because of this; they said they'd play otherwise. I fear this style of questing will put off more people than it pulls in.


    2) Too much instancing. This feels like a dead game, and my server is apparently 'very heavy. There's no atmosphere. I want to feel like I'm in a bustling environment, not like I'm in a singleplayer game with IM capabilities.


    3) No addons. This is critical. Part of the success of WoW is due to people being able to mod, within reason, the game to their tastes. I personally hate the custom WoW UI. I might not have played the game if not for addons that enable me to change it. How many people do you think chose not to play SWTOR because of something similar?


    4) 1.5 second GCD/un-responsive system. Need I say more? Everybody wants an MMO as responsive as WoWs, and with the resources at Biowares disposable, I'd say they had the opportunity to make it.


    5) The little things; honestly, did you not listen to your beta testers? Tracking buffs/debuffs on the UI is horrible, there is no targets target, there's no way to turn off the smart camera, too much CC, there's no scoreboard during Warzones, intros/voices at the start of Warzones. I mean come on, seriously? No targets target in an MMO? I don't care if they plan on adding it later, this is an important feature. Many of these small gripes could be solved by solving #3... implementing addons.



    There are many things this game does right. The combat looks amazing, the talent trees/classes are well-designed and fun. The world is beautiful and interesting, and the graphic style colourful and fun, but this is not an innovative MMO, nor one that improves on the current standard for MMO's. This is the most expensive video game ever made, but it seems they spent 90% of that on voice acting...



    its the first day and you already have a page of ranting, I think you need to re evaluate video games in general if these things bother you that much

  7. Yeah,

    Should not be able to switch AC.


    Now it would be nice to have an item that lets you swap between two tree specs, ie your solo one and your group one, but within the same AC


    this is exactly what mmo's should be avoiding, if you can do all three roles with one advanced class then it defeats the purpose of classes in the first place. WoW already screwed it up with druids, lawl @ range dps melee dps tank and dps, all with the flick of a switch.

  8. I know it's a drop in the sea, but I totally agree with you - I am actually getting offended by all the people defending BioWare here .. yes, it's official launch day, and yes, some companies have experienced what BioWare now experiences, but; I REALLY DON'T CARE!


    Companies - just like you and me - should learn from their mistakes and act accordingly.


    I hope this is fixed before Christmas and the holidays that follows.



    honestly this is one of the smoothest launches of any MMO I've ever been around for, including all 3 expansions to WoW, warhammer, and some others. Also, the feedback from the dev. team is not leaving its' members in the dark like most have. I will be standing besides bioware and defending them until i see otherwise.

  9. Roughly a 500 que on Jung Ma at 6:30 EST just as a heads up. I think making more availability for RP-PVPers, in conjunction with character realm transfers would really help this issue.


    Although it doesn't really bother me as this happened all the time in my 6 years of WoW, and the way they handled it was a lot worse, never locking server that had extremely high populations and constant ques. Also servers that had 50:1 faction ratios made the game dull and boring, hopefully this team of developers will learn from their mistakes.

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