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Posts posted by uziforyou

  1. I would be for it with one condition / exception / caveat / what ever.


    Don't synch the night/day cycles on each planet.

    So night on one planet would be daytime on another and so on.




    What is most annoying about Tatooine in particular is it's always 9AM in the morning (or there abouts considering with the twin suns laying low in the east and assuming like earth the planet rotation has the suns rising in the east and setting in the west).


    And the planet shadow rendering leaves a lot to be desired. With twin suns there should be two sets of shadows or sometimes none at all if one sun washes out the others shadows but none of this is the case. I applaud that Tatooine is in the game but more of an effort to make it 'right' would have been nice.

  2. But this isnt a government....it's a privately run, entertainment service with a number of different payment/subscription methods.


    See the phalacy?




    Whoosh! A clean miss on the entire point but thanks for playing. Care to go for double scores where the points can really build?


    EDIT: I'd explain it to you again using small words to help understanding but I'm not going to waste my time becase I'm doubting a closed mind would be open to change.

  3. Legacy Level 50 means you've played the game a lot. It probably means you're a subscriber and have been for a very long time.


    It's not necessarily the legacy level that people think merits appreciation, but rather the commitment to the game - emotionally and financially - that they made to get there.


    Point taken.


    I still don't understand the emotions involved (and I'm guessing I never will). Nobody forced you to play the game month over month, year over year. Why would one EXPECT to be rewarded for something they voluntarily participated in?


    Would I turn my nose up at such rewards? No. Nor would I be feeling entitled to them either and that's where I'll agree to disagree with those who do feel said entitlement.

  4. The voice says: Pay for the game id you want to have a voice in it.


    No seriously, why should F2P have a voice as loud has those that commit to the game with their money?


    A uniquely capitalist point of view. This is akin to saying "why should people have as much influence in how our government is run, they don't pay as much into it as I do?"


    See the phalacy?

  5. My Jedi Consular's ship is currently parked on Nar Shaddaa. When I look at the galaxy map, I get the following travel costs (for example):


    Tython 15538 parsecs, 0 credits

    Coruscant 15978 parsecs, 100 credits

    Space Battle: The Impossible Sector 30600 parsecs, 550 credits

    Quesh 4258 parsecs, 900 credits

    Ilum 27024 parsecs, 1900 credits

    Makeb 5088 parsecs, 2300 credits


    If I travel to Ilum, the distance to Makeb grows to 24452 parsecs, but the trip still costs 2300 credits. Where's the logic in all this? Back in the old days the cost used to be directly proportional to distance, although all costs were absurdly low. It seems that in increasing the costs they also destroyed a small aspect of realism. Can we get the old formula back please, scaled up with a factor of 20 or so? I really don't believe that acquiring a couple thousand credits for a trip to another planet is a problem for anyone.


    Also, Section X and Black Hole seemed to be located nowhere and have a distance of 0 parsecs to any planet. Earlier this also caused the travel cost to be zero. They should be located at the appropriate planets. It would also be really nice if I could fly there on my ship and avoid loading an entire useless planet just to go through the spaceport or orbital station.


    Well, I suppose what you're saying would make sense in a real universe. But SWTOR isn't the real universe in case this is news. For SWTOR it actually makes sense (to me) to base travel costs on the level of the destination vice it's distance to be traveled to. Plus, it's a lot easier to calculate than the cost of travelling to Hoth from say Alderaan versus the cost to Hoth from Taris for example.


    Also, lower level players where credits are an issue could be impacted more negatively by a distance/cost model than the system currently in place.


    I agree about the usefullness of 'orbital stations'. They've outlived their value (if they ever had any). I've no doubt going back to that 'real' universe that orbital stations would be a must but not in the SWTOR universe.

  6. The only reason the Legacy level requirement is on Treek is so that some of the playerbase is locked out obtaining it without using real life money, so that they can sell it mostly exclusively through the cartel store.


    This is completely a scam so that they can "keep" their promise of subs getting all updates for free while also forcing most people into buying it anyway.


    The legacy requirement needs to either be removed from the credit option or added to the cartel market.




    This is actually somewhat humorous considering the other threads on this topic where those high level legacy people are bitter that this is being offered in the cartel shop AT ALL! That group is looking at that option as a slap in the face (which is just as silly as worrying about it being available as an unlock to people with the appropriate legacy level).


    Yep, irony can be pretty ironic.

  7. i have never posted much on the forums, and never had posted anything negative. but today, our voice must be heard.


    with treek is another classic example of rendering an already pointless system of legacy worthless. why do we invest our time boosting our legacy only to have it underminded by players that don't want to work for things ingame? EA is sadly exploiting our hard work by greed and listening to the masses that want things now now now.

    (need I mention through the cash shop legacy level doesn't matter as said by eric)


    this is total bull, and has compromised my faith in BW/EA not to mention my value of the game itself. I don't mind a cash shop..but BW has catered to the people that want to keep sinking money into the game which in there eyes have more value to them then us subscribers! a veterans time and effort is compromised by anyone with a few extra bucks in there pocket.

    *edit* this is not about treek itself, nore do I even want him. this is about E/A's use of the cash shop devaluing the game itself. and this affects everyone in the long term. why actually work for anything when you can just buy it :(


    WE ARE BEING EXPLOITED BW/EA and this needs to stop!


    I guess I don't understand all of this angst about legacy ( and yes, I'm legacy level 50). It's not like you actually WORK on legacy. It's just something that happens as you play the game. So why in the name of the force do people feel this entitles them to stuff just because they play the game more than the next guy?


    It's nice to get unlocks etc. from legacy but I have no sense of entitlement to such things and I'm frankly mystified why people have the sense of entitlement with regards to legacy?

  8. You forgot to mention it's a slap in the face.


    I'm thinking this is a serious response not made in jest.


    So, my thoughts on that fact are the following:

    If you gave 1000 people $1000 no questions asked and no strings attached, some people would complain - why is it ONLY $1000? Why did that person get the same grant I did, I'm better than they are? Etc., etc.


    I'm guessing you're one of those that would complain in this way.

  9. Nah, Blizzard opened a portal to "MMOs" and I'm thrilled they did. If players want a traditional MMO, it'll pop up. The problem Blizzard created was that every developer since W0W, is trying to mimic their success. Developers/Investors don't want DAoC results - they want a game that makes Blizzard type $. This has very little to do with the type of game W0W is and everything to do with what has saturated the market since its launch.


    Well said and spot on.

  10. I just want to see a proper full expansion. These digital expansions arent enough to satisfy anyone.


    Untrue. IMHO it was well worth a paltry $10 and I'm still enjoying it as are many others in the game. Sure, a bigger xpac would be nice but anything new is welcome.

  11. check the codex. then go online n match which codex u have from each planet


    This is the only way.


    I would ask why you are bothering though? Just for fun?


    The usefullness of the datacrons has been eclipsed by better easily obtainable relics is why I ask.

  12. Next update, level your character instantly to 55! Get full Dreadseed legacy armor for one time payment of 600CC


    Coming in update 2.6, youll be able to get a full set of Kell Dragon gear with only 1800CC!


    We want to make subscribers feel they are getting their moneys worth!


    In all seriousness, this is a complete joke. Just goes this game has gone Play 2 Cartel Market. The cartel market is just a fast track. Bioware only cares about CC, not the people who spend time actually playing the game. I want to be rewarded for playing the game, for earning credits in game, not for paying real money for credits (buying CM stuff, selling on GTN). Not everyone is rich you know, this scheme just divides the players. This game is turning into a damn toy shop.


    Easy on the meds, bad things will happen.


    BTW, your propensity for complaining about anything and everything in these forums is well known. So why would anyone take your latest whinefest seriously?

  13. What gave you the idea to bring back bowcasters? Did people whine enough for you to give in and basically make recycled weapons?


    You know those bowcasters you got in the Chevin event? You know how unique you feel now that you were part of a one time event and received one time rewards from that one time event?


    Well its over, because now everyone will have another chance to run around with bowcasters and now when you use a bowcaster people aren't going to wonder or ask you where you obtained it because they will automatically assume you got it from the new bounty hunting event.


    "Oh you've been playing in this game since release, you got a bowcaster from one of those unique events? Well guess what, I've been playing for 2 weeks and I already have a bowcaster"


    Why does Bioware want to destroy uniqueness in the game?


    If you have UNIQUE EVENTS, you should keep the rewards UNIQUE. And let me guess, this new event will occur over and over and over?


    And an ewok with a bowcaster? for real bioware? "What should we add to this bounty hunting event? Hmm i know, an Ewok! And uhhh...let him use a bowcaster! YAY! "


    Wow, you do a lot of complaining on muliple topics in multiple threads. Maybe SWTOR isn't for you?

  14. I'm a guy who likes to play both male and female characters.


    My problem is that I feel embarrassed if I play a female toon and use voice chat.


    Does anyone else feel this way?


    Funny how this topic comes up from time to time in EVERY MMO ever created. There are guys (I'm one) who don't have issues and are not uncomfortable in the least with playing female toons. Then there are guys who feel like playing a female toon is an afront to their masculinity and view any guy that does play a female toon as having 'fairy-like' tendancies.


    Whatever, I don't fret much over what others think in my chosen way to play a game. It is sometimes amusing when guys assume for some reason that the person behind a female toon is in RL female and hit on you. Especially when considering most of those female toons are in fact guys in RL.

  15. I see many posts with people only complaining about the game. I just want to say, I really enjoy the game. I like that each class has their own class missions. I love the graphics of this game, although buggy at times. I left WoW to play this game, and I couldn't be happier with the decision. I just wish more people played this game.


    Agree but standby. The haters will be here shortly to try and convert you to the darkside. If they are unable to do so you will be labeled a 'fanboy'.

  16. I don't even know what they sell on the Cartel Market these days. I absolutely do not care about it. My granted CC piles up and remains untouched. I only bought some legacy perks for my ship with them many months ago. There is nothing on the CM that I need, therefore in my very humble opinion, the CM is neither good nor bad. It just is.


    My take exactly. Just like this guy, the only cartel coins I've spent have been on a few legacy perks. I've purchased nothing else and don't really plan to.


    I suppose because of the little interaction I've had with the cartel market I'm frequently bemused how severely people get their panties in a bunch over it. To me, what does or does not happen with the cartel market is a mere blip on the radar, not worth being concerned with.

  17. Don't you think it's odd that this entire community seems to think the Devs dont give a **** about them?


    Nope, only the part of the 'community' that frequents the forums which is a tiny fraction of the playerbase. But as is the norm around these parts, the assumption is made that if it's in the forums then that's how the entire 'community' feels.

  18. Out of pure curiosity I am wondering what choices you have made in game that you regret making. Here are my big two.



    1. I wanted the title Backstabber so I left the Ambassador on the ship in Esseles. After seeing her reaction to it I actually felt bad and instantly regretted doing it. Big thumbs up on story telling there Bioware, you actually got an emotional response out of me.


    2. Why did nobody tell me that that Shadow was so much fun to play. If I had known my main would not be an Inquisitor it would be a shadow. Now I could take full responsibility for this or I could blame those really responsible for me rolling the wrong faction, class, and advanced class. I blame Bioware and Eric Musco for my poor choices it is their responsibility to ensure I make proper choices in this area, I cannot be held accountable for my own poor choices.


    Well, this is BS. Where are all the haters to chime in that the game choice they regret the most is playing SWTOR in the first place? They rarely lack for making their opinions heard so I'm surprised they're not in this thread yet.

  19. Yeah sometimes you get lucky and someone just wants to clean out their inventory. They'll just throw the stuff up at the gtn default price.




    If you are patient and frequent the GTN you will almost always be able to get what you're looking for at a bargin basement price precisely because somebody is simply looking to get rid of stuff and not really looking for maximum profit.

  20. First of all, welcome to the world of MMOs and good choice to start with SWTOR.


    Second, you should ignore everyone, who ever tells you to "L2P". Seriously, nothing good will ever come from that side anyway. People who do say "L2P" other than as a joke, are usually self entitled idiots, who never learned to play, but rather copy the playstyle suggested by some website.


    How to get to know your char...

    Read about every skill you got. Play around with the skill points. Plan ahead of where you are putting all of them in the end, to avoid wasting them in unneeded skills. Look out for synergy effects... Many times, executing one skill will have a significant boosting effect on other skills.

    Learn to use your skills in a rotation... some skills are always better used after other skills.. some are depending on the number of enemies... some depend on your positioning.

    Take your time and experiment with what you are doing.


    None of us fell from the sky as gods gift to SWTOR-gaming. We all learned to play our chars from scratch. People with MMO-experience got an advantage, as they are familiar with basic mechanics, but in the end, this is not rocket science.


    What this guy said. Best advice I've seen in these forums.


    If only there were more people like him...........

  21. I hate skipping the bonus bosses. Doing them helps everyone learn how to handle them.


    And, I just plain hate RUSHING through these 55 HMs. I like to stop and do my scavenging (droid scav if I'm SCAVENGING, critters if I'm BIOANALYSIS) and the amount of mats can be considerable.


    Personally, I'll take either. I like fast runs but I'll take doing bonus bosses as well. The reality is though that most people (and I can't say they're wrong) want fast runs and will get angry with anything else because they feel their time is just as valuable as your time and to stop to do scavenging, bonus bosses or anything else is use of THEIR time they didn't authorize.

  22. Hey guys! Quick question. I've played mostly sith characters, and loved my sorc the best.

    I decided to roll jedi classes now and i finally rolled a sage. I've noticed the sage does WAY better DPS then my sorc. Same/similar gear too. Valiant armor, with highest lvl purples i can wear. sage is only 22 right now, but out dps my sorc.


    Telekenetic throw does 1500-2500 per tick for me. While force lightning only does 800-1500 per tick for example.


    Overall...all my sage abilites seem...better in every way lol. So my question is...if they is a mirrored class, why the huge difference? i'm not complaining, i'm just wondering what the differences are? i assume there is a trade off some where? maybe sage does better burst? sorc does better DOT? anyone?


    Haha, funny because I was just going to post the exact opposite. My sorcerer seems much more powerful than my sage. Neither is a DPS machine because they are both healing specced but the sorcerer seems better.


    I've dismissed this though because it simply cannot be. Both classes really are mirror images of each of other.

  23. First, let me say this post is going to be very long. If you are just here to post a response like "who cares" or "don't let the door hit you" or "can I have your stuff" the only thing I can say is it sucks to be you. I won't be checking in on this thread so your time is wasted. I am posting this not for you, but for Bioware. They need feedback to know what they are doing wrong and this post is going to be that feedback.


    If this is meant for Bioware, why is it in the general forum and not in the suggestion forum?


    That's right, I'm not buying this for a minute. You wanted to whine to an audience and you wanted that audience to be other players. That's why you posted in general.


    And you won't be checking on the status of your post? Nope, not buying that one either. Nobody drops a bomb and doesn't check to see if it went off.


    So, just as you didn't want, don't let the door hit you in the rear on the way out and can I have your stuff?

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