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Posts posted by bloodredshoes

  1. 2 gars retardé qui insulte tout le monde sur le serveur, ne savent qu'écrire en lettre capitale, se prenne pour des demi dieux, et bref j'en passe, je serai un MJ, j'vous aurai fait un de ces kicks intergalactique ...


    C'est pas votre gameplay le cancer, c'est les gens comme vous qui pourrissent une communauté.


    Your knowing in french seems asretarded as our minds... So, you're truly welcome in our duo, we're expecting to merge a bunch of retarded.


    PS: I don't often write in caps lock, moron. But I do insult people in battlegrounds, as you could have seen in my vidz for sure.

  2. J'ai regarde 2 sec, j'ai vu que tu mettais le spell qui te regen de 15% de pv a 98% de ta vie j'ai coupé.


    I used this spell because there were two Siths on my left and one in front of me, I was taking damages and I didn't know if I would have taken more.


    => You may not know that this spell 's a Hot and not an instant, moron. But me, I know.


    PS: If you are some of this people who think that mouseclicking and/or backped gives cancer, do not consider my answer.



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