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Posts posted by nevetss

  1. SO frikin what? They launched in the US with features that players want included from the start.


    SWTOR is 6months old now and has 0/3.


    Those are the facts, all Im saying.


    So, obviously you don't what you're talking about, if it has already been out in another country for a year it has had a YEAR to put those in. It would be pretty sad to release the same game but with less features. :rolleyes:


    I have looked up Tera not too interested in the theme most asian developers put into a game...but someone has already told you why it released with those features. Give SWTOR a year to produce and it will have those as well, in fact most are coming soon.

  2. Eh, no thanx...


    some of us actually have lifes and cant grind all day just to get the "cool stuff".


    If there is anything that is rare and uncommon it should be put in the game without anyone knowing how to get it.

    Like the pink lightsaber and some of the other stuff that was snuck in there...


    you're right and anyone else who plays and pays for the game is supposed to play like you. A minority.

  3. You're right, there aren't any bugs at all in EC. There aren't fights with invisible mechanics (2nd boss) or bugged ground targets (last boss hm) that I can think of.

    Do not quote my sentence if you are going to throw it out of it proportion, but just in case you didn't really understand, let me help you here with context clues, it's actually really simple! I said "Almost". There you go. :)

  4. If you mess up, you die, you repair. There should be no other way for you to escape that, what you have said would be understandable in the first two operations, but explosive conflict is almost completely bug free if you wipe its probably because you messed up and you don't deserve a free ticket out and save the repair, that's just part of doing an operation.
  5. Legality issues that do not make it impossible. It comes down to a choice for the company to make, which they did and me of plenty of other people take displeasure in it.

    See, you and I will never find common ground here, because you are satisfied with legality issues making a contest not feasible. I am not, because they always have alternatives. Matter of fact, I am quite angry with repeatedly getting treated as a second-class customer, a sentiment a lot of the other non-US posters in this thread are sharing.

    You don't care about that, I get that. But stop trying to sell us your rationalizations as absolutes. EA held contests overseas before and will probably do it again, so your legal argument (while if taken at face value may be enough in your eyes to excuse the companies bad treatment of its non-US customers) is just an excuse. Sure, it is a good one, right up there with "dog ate my homework", but tyvm, I'm not buying any of it. No matter how often you repeat it.


    As for your sarcasm, you argued along those lines many times in this thread. I know i'm repeating myself, but...hypocrite!

    You're the biggest hypocrite I have ever seen. If they came out with a contest and item was a 150Lbs and it was created/open in other countries it would not be able to be shipped to the U.S. it just doesn't work, but you would be just fine with it. That's what happened here the contest is for U.S. citizens you can say that I am only saying that because I am a U.S., but you as well as I know you would be on here defending it, if it was only in what ever country you live in. Why don't you just go surf the web and try and find as many sites as possible that are offering prizes to U.S. citizens only and cry on there too.

  6. Corrected.


    Don't correct whats already correct. Btw, wanted to put this out there to the awesome role players we have...Thanks for complaining because now anyone who put the time out for social X, have nothing to show for it.


    EDIT: Thanks though, you've separated role players from humans.

  7. Yes, because roleplaying forces you to do just that. And doesn't.. well.. make it an option?


    Give me one example in which roleplaying ruins the rest of the game, I dare you to. In the meantime, I'll continue on my extensive list of how PVE or PVP ruin MMO's in general.


    Stop trying to be a 'cool kid' who bashes on roleplay for no reason. roleplay never hurt anybody, especially because it is easilly avoidable.


    PS. this poster is the same guy who was so dumb to post a stock advice from JANUARY as proof to how SWTOR is in decline right now. The Stupid is strong in this one..

    It's not role playing itself its the role players, they ruin the game. Every time something new is released that has any interest or adds something worth while role players will find something to complain about.....their immersion matters so much.

  8. When you pick a class you pick the STORY you wish to play, at level 10 you get the choice of actually playing a class.

    Pick consular then getting to lvl 34 and saying I don't like to be a sage anymore is like picking up any MMO version of it like a mage getting to lvl 34 and then saying "NO!, I want to be a rogue so make it so I can switch!" there is 8 stories and 8 class's with its copy on the opposite faction. Giving the ability to switch advanced CLASS would be like allowing players to switch between 6 talent tree's. It's an advanced class not spec.

  9. Because ignorant RP'ers complained about immersion and they didn't take a second thought on it. Doublelaser is nowhere near worth the time you can buy it for 150k anyways...They took away any benefit from having social X for the whim of immersion needing Role playing.
  10. Yeah, when you play with yourself.


    I don't like your opinions because you give it a bad score based upon RP. Rp'ers ruin a lot of fun in game really. Thanks for crying about immersion though, took away 2 of the more fun things you could do with social points.

    Even if you didn't specifically whine about it, you still used RP as an argument in rating a game, therefore I do not like you. This is the only game to make me dislike RP'er so much.

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