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Posts posted by guigoua

  1. I Do not know if i am the only one but I have a lot of toons and so does my friends.

    It could be nice to have an option to add our friends' legacy into a friends list so that we would be able to see when they are online at any time, regardless of the toon they are on.

    This would prevent us to have to add each of our friends toon on all of our toons.

    Since the Legacy "ignore" has been added to the game, I think the legacy friend list would be the logical next step.


    Have a nice day everyone! :)

  2. I do think that every story line is worth doing at least one. Plus, they are not that long.

    About the romances, In War on Iokath,

    Quinn and Dorne

    come back. This means that if you skip the storyline, you may not continue the love story you had with them. That's what it means.


    Hope it helped you!

    Have a nice day :)

  3. First of all, you have to do the quest at least once, you can't buy him first. So the quest is actually the 'only' way to get him. Once found and assembled, then you can by him on all the other toons. No he's not essential, but he is iconic, and fun at times. He may not be the droid he once was, but he still has some good one liners, and also has an achievment attached to him :) Plus some day we might get a Hk 47 customization for him, and if you haven't earned or bought the shroud, this might be the only way to get it.


    You are right! I assumed we talked for multiple toons and it is a fact that you have to do the quest at least once.

    Still I stand by my opinion that if you want something, you gotta work for it. Then again, you are all free of having your preferences. I was merely sharing my point of view on the matter.


    Have a nice day! :)

  4. It is my opinion that it should not be easier.

    It is an obsession now to get everything easily (in every games, even IRL)!

    If you want something, you gotta work for it. It's as simple as that! And for those without the patience to do the quest, you can get if for 1 Mil (not that much nowadays)


    I would agree that it would need to be easier if there was no other way to get it. It is not the case.

    If none of the ways to get HK-51 is ok with you, then I suggest you get another companion. It's not like he was essential or anything.


    With this, I rest my case.

    Have a good day all! :)

  5. Hi,

    would it be possible to get on the same instance as our group member when we load on a planet?


    Let me explain: I meet up with some friends on the fleet and we decide to go quest somewhere. Let's say Coruscant.

    I find it hard to believe that after 8 years, we can all take our ships, load to Coruscant and end up on Coruscant 1, coruscant 3 and coruscant 4. Why is that? We are in the same group. it doesn't makes sense, does it? we should all end up on the same instance, not scattered around.


    Anyway, that is my suggestion.

    I hope you all have a great day! :)

  6. Hello, just bought the Memory's veil unlock form the cartel and did the mission on 3 of my toons.

    the 2 first got HK-55 back and the third one didn't. I guess it's because I didn,t ask him to rush Oggurobb into finishing him.

    My question: how to unlock him now? (since my alliance alert is done and my chapter too)

  7. Loin de moi l'idée de te troller mais si tu veux publier sur un serveur français (de France) et faire valoir ton opinion, tu devrais peut-être soigner ton écriture un minimum. Je suis québécois et j'ai pas compris la moitié de ce que tu as écris. Plusieurs de tes phrases ne font aucun sens et l'orthographe ainsi que la syntaxe laissent sérieusement à désirer. Dans le fond, ton message est très valable et je suis 100% d'accord avec toi! Mais je ne pense pas que qui que ce soit soit intéressé de lire ton message jusqu'au bout si la première phrase leur donne mal à la tête.

    Bonne journée!

  8. Serait-il possible de s'assurer qu'il n'y ait pas de doublons de nom lorsque viens le temps de nommer des sets du cartel? Je viens d'acheter une caisse "d'ensemble de ravageur" sur le marché galactique pour me rendre compte, une fois la caisse ouverte que ce n'est pas le bon set... Au moins s'assurer que les symboles des pièces de cartel soit de couleur différentes (comme pour le set "ermite sith") serait un minimum pour régler le problème


    Merci et bonne journée! :)

  9. Bonjour, je voudrais savoir si certains connaissent des applications mobile du genre guide complet (datacrons, stratégies et loot de ZL et d'opération, etc.) gratuit ou payants pour Android. Les seuls que je trouve n'incluent pas les expansions.

    Merci à tous et bon jeu!


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