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Posts posted by Wolfpyre

  1. I want to see Bioware blow the doors off everyone's expectations.


    First create a new faction. The Cartel faction. Members of the cartel faction could ally themselves with Imp or Rep. Or they could just do for themselves.


    Move Bounty Hunter to the new faction. Replace the bounty hunter in the empire with the Sith Trooper.

    Move Smuggler to the new faction. Replace the smuggler in the republic with Republic Officer.

    Next in the new faction add in two new classes. Gambler, Technician, Animal Handler, etc.


    Allow ranged weapon classes to choose their weapon. A bounty hunter could use a blaster carbine or a rifle. An agent could use a pistol. A smuggler could use a blaster rifle. A trooper could use a pistol. And they could all use melee weapons as well if they wished.


    Next add several new races. There are so many to choose from. So I wont try to list them all. But some could be selected at the beginning. Some purchased off the cartel market. And some unlocked through different means. Maybe even world drop unlocks.


    Lastly add in several new planets. Including new starting planet for the two new classes. And the new classes for cartel, would have one.


    I know its wishful thinking. We are talking alot of storyline quest rewrites for the smuggler and BH including new voice over stuff. But hey would be cool I think.


    Actually wouldn't be that hard honestly just rename the BH to Sith Trooper and the Smugg to Pub Officer / The two "New" classes would need stories of their own so link the new stories to them and link the BH and Smug to the new faction ones and DONE. But Like you said Wishful thinking Bioware isnt about to work THAT hard. lol.


    I like the Weapon choices Idea and some new planets Would LOVE to see BW's rendition of Endor and Kashyyyk. But the FEW things I would like to see MOST are:


    1) Give the Sith different ships as well as the Jedi


    2) Player Housing and Ship Customization, instanced to cut down on lag but with the decorating capabilities of SWG where anything you pick up can be used as a decoration and placed anywhere/at any angle in your home and ship.


    3) Let us play Rodian's I would like to recreate my OLD SWG Sith Lord here but he has to be a Rodian.


    4) Flight Sim style Space like SWG had, where we can literally fly from planet to planet and fight pirates and the like with small fighters (like the X-Wing and Tie Fighters that both the player OR a Companion can fly) that can be launched from the main ships. Hyper space is used for system to system or taxi with the main ship travel.

  2. So folks, what happens when you filled your new slots? Are you gonna ask for more and more each time, you fill up the slots?

    Depends on if they are going to keep adding races and or classes. If so then yes. If not then no.

    Only race i want to play that the game does not have yet is the Rodian and the Cathar honestly. but with the cross legacy stuff would need 4 slots for those 2 races so i could have a Pub and an Imp version.

  3. I would be rather upset by this as well. I have my C.E. had it from the start and paid for it Collectors edition means there are a limited supply of them. As it is it kinda erks me that the Cantina Vendor sells the VIP arm band for a mill 5 so any one can go up there but still its pricey and the stuff on the vendor isn't worth it in my opinion is kinda disappointing.
  4. Having free to play to 15 IMO is not free to play its an extended trial nothing more then that. To get beyond 15 they still have to pay. As long as TOR doesn't go full free to play its no big deal. If they do go free to play then I hope they will offer a Life time subscript with extras for a V.I.P. status. I will pay 200 bucks for a life time script to TOR.
  5. SWTOR IMO is the best MMO out right now sure beats the heck out of WoW, Rift, Tera, and many many others. There are things that could have been added and or done different but still makes for the best bloody mmo out there right now. Keep up the great work Bioware and don't let the whiners get to you, they don't understand there is no such thing as a perfect online game from launch and it takes time to build and fix mistakes. But please add player housing like with the ability to decorate it like we could in SWG even if the housing is instanced like in LOTRO, that way we can display things we would like to keep. Oh and yeah take the space off the rails and do it open world space/flight sim like SWG did so we can PVP in space and add more ships as well for uniqueness.
  6. I think that we need more character slots. Due to the length the game has been out and the newish ability to unlock races to play on either side the, problem is that a lot of us have multiple level 50 characters that we are not willing to just up and delete just to start a new one with the race that we would have liked to begin with. The only way i can see this to satisfy the desire to still re-roll that Miraluka Sith Assassin is to give us the ability to create more characters then the 8 we have now. Maybe an additional 4-8 slots would be great.
  7. Preventing people from having and endless army of storage mules is one of the primary reasons that games limit the number of characters per server.


    Perhaps my threshold is set a bit higher but, I have never found swapping between characters to be that much of a PITA. I don't really do it much but, I can swap into another character and mail off an item at a nearby mailbox and be back in the original character barely more than a minute unless cueing is an issue. For the storage advantage it can grant, that's hardly much trouble.


    So what if ppl have an endless supply of mules. We pay for the game after all

  8. I think that we need more character slots. Due to the length the game has been out and the newish ability to unlock races to play on either side the, problem is that a lot of us have multiple level 50 characters that we are not willing to just up and delete just to start a new one with the race that we would have liked to begin with. The only way i can see this to satisfy the desire to still re-roll that Miraluka Sith Assassin is to give us the ability to create more characters then the 8 we have now. Maybe an additional 2-8 slots would be great.
  9. Help ME


    I did not have this problem in Beta the game appearently is set to a higher res then what my computer can handle when i start the game I get a NOT SUPPORT blue screen


    How do i change what the game's "Default res" is? Please hurry and please HELP ME

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