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Posts posted by Kogart

  1. Either the percentage of 20% chance to reverse engineer a standard item is the wrong number or someone has coded the random number generator for the engineering algorithm wrong.

    I've noticed that it is almost impossible to reverse engineer certain items, in this particular case a barrel.


    The item mentions the 20% chance, yet in 30 attempts I have gotten zero schematics. Now, I know that 20% chance does not mean that in 5 attempts you should be getting an assured schematic, because, yes, every attempt is a new one.

    Random Number Generator is ok. You are just unlucky.

  2. There are at least 5 offensive abilities that are commonly used in the fight.

    Watch your debuffs =)

    Telekinetic Throw (and Sorc's lightning) provides instant cast for damage-dealing forces, that's why you see it the most time).

    I didn't mention healing, shields and other occasional abilities... They are used too.


    So stop whining

  3. maybe you dont play on pvp server but i do and ques are long, and that will be reduced if you had 5-7 games runing at same time at different lvls. how yu say ques would be worse i cant understand, explain.

    It's maybe you chose the disbalanced side.

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