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Posts posted by ClamEatsCurry

  1. While doing SnV the other night our group quickly learned of a new, and very annoying, bug. The sniper adds on Thrasher now move. With how annoying it can be to control those adds, having them spread out like that is incredibly frustrating. On top of the sniper adds, Horic now moves during Cartel Warlords when he spray and prays the kiting tank. Haven't done SM or VM but I don't know why it would be any different than MM.
  2. Normally when it's just a week then it's like fair enough, this game isn't meant solely for me and there are people who DO enjoy GSF so a week dedicated to them is fine, maybe even two weeks. However three weeks in a row is completely unacceptable. Regardless of what I think of GSF or whether or not people like it or not they need to set up an actual rotation if it is just based solely on rng. People who enjoy pve and ground-based pvp also need their modes represented and three weeks in a row of the same mission regardless of your feelings towards it is awful.
  3. Hello all, I am a returning player about a month or two ago and after I returned and the new expansion was announced, my friends decided to come back to the game again as well. We are currently a 6/8 player raid team but in a guild that we made years and years ago that is now dead. So rather than recruiting into a dead guild and risking people constantly leaving, we'd like to move ourselves to a new, more active guild where we can use the resources and find other players interested in progression raiding to join our team.


    A little bit about us is that we are very fun loving and different people. We have a very unique sense of humor and we may not fit in in some places. While we are committed to progression, we love to have fun and **** around during trash and farm bosses. Examples being we may pull too many things intentionally and end up wiping on trash but we enjoy stuff like that because it makes trash more interesting. Don't be surprised if something not cookie cutter happens when we raid non-progression. However, when it comes time to be serious, we do buckle down and really work on our progression and take it very seriously. Our average age on our raid team is 28ish with the youngest being 24, and the oldest being 37.


    We are looking to get back into hard mode raiding and quickly dig into nightmare. We are currently looking for one healer and one dps to fill out our roster when we join the new guild but our players are very flexible and if you'd like a role that may be taken, feel free to ask as we are happy to swap around to make our team work in the best way it can. We want to get as far as we can, but we're here to play, learn and have fun together.


    We have been away from the game as a team for 3+ years, our last progression being 3.0 ToS and Ravagers, our earliest being as soon as DF/DP came out. For reference this was our raid progress at the current times of relevance.


    DF/DP HM: 10/10

    DF NiM: 1/5

    ToS HM: 4/5

    Ravagers HM: 3/5


    At the time of writing this we've only done GotM once and it was before Izax came out when we were on a "reunion tour" for a couple weeks. We have done Queen SM though.


    We would love to talk to anyone about finding a home in their guild to grow our team and help benefit your guild by bringing in experienced raiders looking for either veterans or new blood looking to get into/back to progression raiding while also having fun and a good laugh. If you're interested in talking to us, please whisper or mail Kirinami and I'd love to talk with you and see if we'd be a good fit for your guild. Ideally looking for a medium/large sized guild with people looking to join a raid team and an active Discord. We're preferably looking for an Imp side guild.


    Thanks so much guys and I hope to hear from you soon.

  4. The only 2 pvp guilds I can even think of are Death Smile and Shifted if you want to count them, haven't pvp'd in a while so no idea what's even happening with them. I saw some recruitment posts in gen chat for new pvp guilds just formed from transfers though if you're interested in one of those.
  5. I can't tell you the last time I did a flashpoint queue, so I really have no idea there.

    In terms of Ops pugs, they go on consistently all day. A much higher density during prime time but I've been on at 10 am eastern and one was forming, and I've been on at 2:30 am and one was forming. A steady stream of pugs all day and if you tank you're going to get into one immediately.

    When I pvp, regs take less than a couple minutes for me mostly. I typically queue around mid afternoon-late evening when I do.

    I see spam on fleet to queue solo ranked pretty frequently so it seems to be very lively as well.


    Overall, good server for queues and group content. You'll probably have a faster time on the juggernaut of a server Harbinger is, but this server definitely has a steady stream of group content going all day.

  6. Basically what the title says. How is the ranked here? How often does it pop? Is there a lot of healer pops? Tanks? Is it a lot of Pub v Pub? Pub v Imp? Imp v Imp? Who dominates the scene more? Just in general, what is ranked like and how often does queue pop on this server?
  7. I'm really hating the lack of focus the streams have been giving to the Republic side. The original 3.0 disciplines reveal stream was Imperial, the general combat changes stream was on an Imperial, and both of the two class streams so far have been an hour+ on the Imperial classes, and then like 20 minutes on the Republic classes just so we can see what our stuff looks like. I really wish they would focus on Republic for at least one of the class streams. I get the feeling the Imperial side is probably more popular amongst the community but still, at least one of these streams I would like to see the focus shifted towards Republic.
  8. Hi all, I seem to be under-performing in Assault Specialist. I am pretty good at Gunnery so I don't need much help there but I feel like I am majorly under-performing in Assault Specialist seeing other numbers being pulled in similar gear. Below I've linked my most recent Assault parse and a copy of my current gear in an AMR. Any tips on rotation, gearing, or anything else to help me better my parse and performance in the spec would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!

    Parse: http://www.torparse.com/a/735161/50/0/Damage+Dealt (please note, no adrenals were used)

    AMR: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/d064e8d0-0325-46f6-944c-1d8d11bbc6d9


    Edit: Parsed again and got a much better (but still lackluster) parse: http://www.torparse.com/a/735171/51/0/Damage+Dealt

  9. I appreciate the reply. What I was told also is that if you have Expertise rating that your damage that you deal in a PVE fight is actually effected by the Expertise and you do a reduced amount of damage because of the Expertise itself and not just the fact that the base stats are lower. Is that true?


    For example, say your relic has like maybe 60 aim and 30 endurance with an expertise of say 15. That Expertise of 15 actually would make the relic act like that 60 and 30 was 50 and 20 instead when in a PVE fight , if that makes sense.

  10. So I've been told by some sources that if you wear gear with Expertise rating on them while doing PVE you lose damae and are in general less effective because of it. Is this true? I could never find a solid, reliable answer. Any information on how Expertise effects PVE combat would be much appreciated.
  11. So i recently got enough Gray Helix components to get one of the weapons I want from the Gree vendors. Only problem is, I can't decide between the two I want. I use both a Commando DPS and Sniper DPS, both 50s but I can not decide if I'd rather get the assualt cannon or the sniper. I do play my Commando significantly more often but I think I like the look of the sniper better, though they both look awesome in my opinion.


    I was curious on the communities opinion of which one they liked better/would recommend and help me decide.

  12. So I really kinda suck at video games and I'm having trouble

    killing Darth Jadus at the end o Chapter 1

    so I asked a guild to come help me but when he tried to

    travel to the Artus system

    it told him that he tried to fly to an invalid area. Normally classes can help classes in their party with story missions if the class that needs help is already in their phase (in this case I was). So can I not receive help on this quest and

    have to kill DJ alone

    or am I missing something that isn't letting a friend come to the place and help me.


    Please, thank you. :)

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