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Posts posted by TheGawdfather

  1. Check my post history, I white knighted this POS like a Fanatic. It's too bad really the community is really good, one of the better MMORPG crowds going. We Deserved Better.


    I'm not going to get into the reasons I'm out, They've been discussed to death, and The people who managed this game into the dirt aren't going to listen to me anymore then the other nearly HALF MILLION People.


    Good Luck folks have fun, it's just not for me,


    Feel free to flame, I'll never know.

  2. All I have been seeing is players coming from WoW to this game, is this just going to be filled with retired Wow players, is anyone coming from LOTRO??


    Also just a quick rant: from videos I have watched of in-game play, all I see in general chat is talk about WoW..once again. I dont know about anyone else but when I played LOTRO there was very minimal to no talk about that game, and if there was people usually disregarded it. Why do people constantly have to bring that up, cant we just let it be. Every game is its own game, who cares if its just like this or that or if they stole ideas from it. Let.it.be.


    It will be like that for a little while. Once new memories are made in swtor the wow talk will fade.


    Case in point, the Orange Pixel, I didn't see a wow comment for several hours after the discovery of OPOD.

  3. December 6th. I think the december folks should Of Course, get in whenever we feel like showing up. I expect us to arrive en Masse, aprox. Friday, maybe Saturday.


    We should get around to logging in around then. Unless something comes up, then maybe the 20th.


    We do sometimes enjoy putting stuff off, because you know **Effort**

  4. Ok so seriously with no raging or crying or super fanboyism, can anybody tell me from a hardcore raider / endgame pvp'er. How this game is better than WoW?


    keep in mind, voice acting == nothing to hardcore raider

    keep in mind, I don't care if I have my own story, I just want to get to endgame and pvp and work for loots and craft.


    I sincerely don't think this game has anything to offer me, which is fine, I just want to see if anybody can convince me otherwise. Also this seems A LOT like a single player game, which bioware may be good at, but that is not what MMO fans want.




    is there any endgame?



    also how long until it is free to play like all other sub-par mmo's


    They'll be pumping out plenty of End game for us to grind down.


    GW2 is coming out soon, I hear that game will be perfect.





    lol I can't wait to read their forums on release. I'll have tears enough to last me several lifetimes.

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