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Posts posted by RyuuHakumei

  1. i kinda agree with all the points here, except the one about needing for mods. if a custom chest drops, but the stats are overall worse then my chest, that dosen't mean that it won't increase my stats by a LOT should i take the mods out and mix them between my entire set of gear. i have been flames for doing this before. (despite the fact that the player who flames me wasn't my class, and the player of my class in the group was in my guild and was perfectly fine with me needing for this reason (it is afterall a big increase in stats for me)). i also got flames under similar circumstances, when i needed on a lower body peice, that was an upgrade for my current lower body piece, because i "didn't equip it immediately", when what i had done was strip the mods out and put them, en-masse into my current lower body piece. i think it is unfair that i shopuld get flamed, for needing on pieces that upgrade my stats, simply because i wish to keep the same apperance (and keeping a full set of custom gear statistically up to date is a lot more challenging than just replaing your gear every time a new bit drops, without getting flamed every time you need for mod upgrades).
  2. Three universally recognized characters that most tanks will pause for: "OOM". Force, heat, whatever the resource, they usually know what you are trying to say, "pause or don't get healed".


    Reason for edit: quote correction


    the problem there comes is the lack of any chat bubbles or raid warning function, meaning the average tank who doesn't pay attention to your force also pays little attention to chat (real life example: 2 pulls before boss: "i don't know the tactics for this boss, can someone explain before he's pulled?" last mobs before boss go down: tank pulls boss. group wipes because healer isn't expecting boss' random target DOT and is on half health. healer gets blamed by tank. true story.")

  3. brilliant guide, was just reading it out of interest, because even the best players can find something to learn from reading the basics laid out in a clear concise format.


    i think you should mention that groups made mostly of more experienced players will forgo a kill order in preference to assuming that the dps, especially in a game like this can coordinate (or in some cases like my BH have amazing burst damage, who therefore pick a separate, but lower hp target which can often be taken out long before the mob has time to reach you, let alone deal any significant damage.) on the mobs without targets, meaning they won't be assigned and perhaps the best advice in these situations would be to observe the order the other dps is taking or if in doubt request. also, in this case targets may be assigned for only the hardest encounters, being explained before each time they are used (as number of mobs in these situations may vary)


    Build -- a character's talent-point distribution. Believe it or not, there is a science to this. Those who just haphazardly assign talent points gimp themselves pretty badly. As of now, since the game is still new, I'm sure there isn't an "optimal" build out for any class just yet, but there will be. In general, 31-32 total points in one tree is plenty. Look the talent tree over very carefully and try to select talents that maximize / optimize the tree's potential. Don't worry if you don't get it right the first time. You'll get it in time.


    i dislike this comment, as, as a more experienced player i often find creating my own build is more effective than using an "optimal" build, as these builds often assume perfect reflexes etc. and have often got gyp in "that other mmo" (most of my mmo experience comes from wow, and is the place i found players most willing to be asses for someone not playing exactly as they expected) for using a "sub-optimal" spec, that soon showed that my dps was leaps and bounds ahead of a higher level, better geared player who had an "optimal" spec (in one case i even took over tanking at one point when the tank went down and healing at one point when the healer dced, all in the same spec. (meh holy paladins levelling in cata, whatcha gonna do?)). often the best advice i can give for specs is, instead of going online and finding an optimal spec, ask more experienced friends or guild-mates who you play with, who often have a better understanding of how the talents work, while being aware of how you play allowing for a more optimal build for YOU. (this is especially apt in situations where say a spec has threat reduction, i may recommend that talent to a friend who has issues with threat, while another friend who manages it better would be steered away from choosing it.


    just my 2 cents :)

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