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Posts posted by GluupGluup

  1. Revan


    Why? Well the best Jedi shouldn't only have awesome Jedi moves and powers, but also a good story


    Let's face it, anyone who has played KOTOR knows he has some nice Jedi moves and powers.


    Also his story is amazing. Jedi Master -> Hero in the Mandalorian Wars -> Dark Lord of the Sith -> Hero of the Republic trough his redemption because of his love for Bastila


    And then I'm not even talking about his actions in the novel "Revan" (which I will not mention because maybe some are still reading it).


    He is just cool, and sometimes funny. As the only Jedi he understands the light and the dark completely, being able to have a relationship with Bastila without falling to the dark side.


    He's just the best, at least in my opinion. But everybody has it's own taste :)


    In my opinion he's just really a cheesy copy of vader i mean if u look at his back ground story and actually the entire story of KOTOR 1 it's just been a copy of the original star wars flims but tweaked a bit and it frustrates me when people try to say KOTOR was a better story then that of the original star wars flims i mean don't get me wrong i like the story but dude come on like u said revan was a jedi master, war hero, etc. so was vader, and how revan found redemption in bastila, vader found it in his son and it's just the story itself it happens in chroncial order too in the beggining taris is destroyed doesnt that remind you of aldeeran's demise?, or how revan finds out he's revan and thats the big shock of the story makes me remeber on when Luke found out vader was his father. and the star forge? -__- i think enough has been said.

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