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Posts posted by OrangeSamH

  1. A lot of my most hated companions are already listed so I want to talk(a lot) about one guy no one else seems to hate. Lt. Pierce. I actually like 90% of the companions and even the ones I don't like don't bother me that much. Something about this big dope with his stupid haircut just sends me up the wall though.


    This my rant. I was going to be logical and brief but I began frothing with irrational hate the minute I started typing.


    Pierce is supposed to be the ideal Imperial Soldier but I can only see him as a gossipy brag trying to trash talk his way to a promotion. He blackmails his superiors, bullies his subordinates, and seems like he can't walk two feet without picking a fight even if surrounded by allies. I imagine he got transferred to a backwater like Taris because he was just more trouble than he was worth.


    He brags constantly about being the leader of a bad*** Black Ops team and then shows off his leadership skills by verbally humiliating a kid and badgering a female teammate into performing sexual favors for an old admiral. All so he can get the traction to send his team on a dangerous mission that he thinks will impress his new Sith Boss into giving him a promotion. If a couple of them die on the way(like his entire team did on Taris) who cares? He still gets the credit.


    The story insists he's 100% loyal but I'm convinced he would stab me in the back if Baras thought to offer him a better deal. But he would probably blow his cover by bragging about it. Pierce knows he can't go head to head with a Sith so he sets his sights on replacing Quinn as second in command. His preferred weapon? Catty insults and gossiping like a high school girl.



    In his defense he makes perfect sense in story. He is the Imperial ideal, which is why I'm convinced the Empire is a giant cluster**** destined to implode.

  2. Recently finished Smuggler and I really enjoyed hating Skavak. He was the perfect villain for my mostly light side Smuggler. He was a totally amoral backstabber but had enough charm and personality that you could kind of see how he kept getting away with it (unlike Tarro Blood). Plus he looks pretty cool (unlike Tarro Blood). I had to fight force apparitions of him in KOTFE and I Dirty Kicked them extra hard every time. Put a smile on my face.


    Like a lot of people already said Voidwolf is less interesting. I like that his Codex entry sets him up as the anti-Smuggler, a pirate who went from Imperial Privateer to Admiral, but you only meet him face to face at the end of the game and then you just kill him.


    I don't want to give too many spoilers but there is a pretty good bait and switch in Act 3 so maybe that's enough to justify Voidwolf's lack of development.

  3. If you max out his affection you get a tiny hint that sort of justifies how cold and robotic he is. However it comes at the very end and there is no story content with him afterwards so it kind of just glimmers and then disappears.


    I read his description before getting him and figured he'd be a rough, surly, anti-hero so I thought it was cool that they played him against type by making him coldly efficient. However, once he's onboard Rusk stays completely static and has no connection with the over all plot.


    He is, however, awesome to play with. I love going double DPS and having my Jedi Sentinel leap at guys while Rusk mows them down with his cannon.

  4. Really enjoyed it. 8/10.


    I just finished the Agent Storyline so it was good to see Kaliyo come back and interact with a different character (I was surprised how well she and my uptight, slightly militant Shadow got along). I love that her character has changed slightly, still amorale and selfish, but also more directed and focused.


    Fills out some of the interior of Zakuul. I like that it makes you think about the citizens of the Eternal Empire and your own characters motivations, whether you're trying to free the Infinite Empire from tyranny, Protects the Republic/ Empire, or just get back at Arkann.


    It does feel a little weird playing the story piece by piece like this so I understand why others might feel it's too short. I might skip the next chapter or two and let them pile up. That way I can run them all through at once instead of getting a little bit each month.

  5. The lore kind of goes all over with the source and power levels of force users but my personal interpretation was always emotion = strength. In Sith it's rage/ hate, in Jedi it's ...balance? willpower?


    Since Valkorion trained the Knights to use the force as a tool (for Justice) I would assume they see it just as another weapon and so they don't really strengthen their emotional connection to it. This would make them weaker force users (in my mind). As other posters have suggested, they probably compensate with advanced technology and superior numbers. Plus they attacked after a lengthy war had left both sides seriously depleted.


    On the Gray Jedi subject, I think the Knights of Z are kinda interesting in that Valkorion probably suppressed knowledge of Dark Side/ Light Side so (to me) it's less that their neutral and more that they don't know what their doing. Since the entire society has no idea Light Side/ Dark Side exists no one would notice if A Knight of Z fell to the Dark Side.

  6. Post KOTFE we can (or will eventually) be able to recruit most companions from all classes and both factions. Most people will probably recruit everybody they can get their hands on, so what's your top 5 pick?


    Who will be your new "Dream Team?" :cool:


    I play a Tank, Consular/ Shadow and I'm thinking:


    Qyzen: My main lizard man, who I can finally play with now that he can switch roles.

    Lana: My lady love and Dark Side healer.

    Raina Temple: Ranged Damage plus the interaction between my Consular and a non- Jedi/Sith Force sensitive would be super interesting.


    Then Yuun and Talos Drellik can play backup/ tech support in case I need an engineer, or historian.


    Senya, Kira and Ashara are all fighting for 6th place but I didn't want to stack the deck with too many Force Sensitive Ladies.:)


    Theron's cool but I see him as more of a mission control kind of guy.

  7. Just my own thoughts:

    Loved Consular, playing part investigator and part diplomat rather than just tearing through Sith mooks over and over again. I feel like the consular also has more to do with what's going on each world than the other classes. This makes it great from a lore perspective because it fleshes out planetary villains like the Esh-Ka and White Maw Pirates or details like the Alderan politics and Tarisian reconstruction.


    I played a Shadow who was mostly Light Side but who didn't waste a whole lot of time trying to redeem enemies. Some of the Consular hate may come from people who either found a "Pure Jedi" consular too dull/preachy or felt a darkside Consular didn't make sense in the story.

  8. I enjoy Nadia but she wasn't really a great fit for my Consular. But I wanted him to have some lovin' in his life so I romanced her anyway. I went for Lana because she feels much more like a relationship between equals. Their relationship is great but I feel seriously guilty now. I probably broke that poor padawan's heart!


    I guess it's good that the story makes me forget their pixels for a little while.

  9. So far I've played Consular, Knight, Inquisitor, Agent and part of Bounty Hunter. Unique personalities and motives are what sell a villain for me.


    Jadus might be my top villain so far. He's a classic, unrepentantly evil Sith Lord but he also feels unique, like something I haven't seen before in Star Wars. He feeds off hate and fear but his personality is all cold and focused as opposed to being gleefully destructive. Plus his costume and voice are awesome. The decision he gives you when revealing his master plan was one of the hardest I've had to make in the game. Very satisfying.


    The Consular story is pretty cool in all three acts, however the villain's identity is hidden both times. So, on one hand, hunting down clues to a galaxy spanning mystery threat is pretty cool, however that means you don't get a lot of face-to-face time with your main bad guy. No time to build that bond of hate.:)


    Tarro Blood's probably the most disappointing. I hated him every time he showed up but not in the way you're supposed to hate a villain. He was more annoying than threatening.

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