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Posts posted by Archereon

  1. Hi there everyone, I was just wondering, well, what the title says.


    I just had a long and rather heated conversation with another DPS merc over what the stat ratios should be for an arsenal merc.


    As I understand it, aim is your most important stat, then endurance, then crit, then cunning.


    Of course, the other guy insisted that cunning was the second most important stat, due to its higher tech damage bonus compared to aim.


    What stats should I be aiming for (punlolololol)

  2. and i have green armors


    i have green armors


    green armors




    L2P nubcake.



    But seriously, if your getting killed on non-heroic missions that are rated green in difficulty, you're doing something wrong. Having green armor instead of have a mix of oranges (with a mix of artifact and prototype mods) and blues at your level is that mistake. You should run more flashpoints and do more PvP to gear up.


    Otherwise, your just not playing right. What's your class and what's your combat tactics and rotation?

  3. Where have you been OP, random out of context superweapons are a staple of star wars. To list a few...



    Death Star, Sun Crusher, Eye of Palpatine, that Space Station that blew up stars from across the galaxy, the other Death Star, that thing that collapsed planets into black holes, that other thing that blew up stars, the starforge, yet another thing that thinks its so hardcore by upstaging the death star by blowing up stars.

  4. Exterminatus wouldn't really work on critical planets and critical locations on important planets in the SW universe, because of planetary shields, which, in the EU, is the reason a single star destroyer can't just jump right above the rebel base and roflstomp, among other things (ion cannons ans such). Same thing happened at Hoth, and the Empire had to deploy ground forces. In the EU, the reason the Death Star was such a gamebreaker is that its main gun was powerful enough to penetrate planetary shields and then some (like the entire freaking planet).


    In 40k, most Agri worlds, which feed the Imperium's population and manufacturing centers (Hive and Forge worlds) are not particularly well defended. Additionally, intrasystem warp travel is generally not economical nor practical in 40k, whereas in SW it happens all the time, meaning a hypothetical star destroyer fleet could sterilize the planet and be gone before any Imperium forces showed up to retaliate.


    And I don't see why 40k travel is as fast as hyperdrives, distances in 40k travel are significantly greater? Is the SW galaxy a lot smaller than the milky way or something? In SW, traveling from one end of the galaxy to the other in days-months (depending on the EU iteration). A Journey from the Solar Arm of the galaxy to the farther parts of the Eastern fringe can take decades if not centuries in 40k if I'm correct.


    In terms of absolute border size, the Republic and Empire aren't actually that much smaller than the Imperium, the Imperium is just much much much much more densely populated.


    Btw, I still don't see why everyone keeps matching up the spess mehreens with Stormtroopers? A Stormtrooper is the SW equivalent of an Imperial guardsman, who damn better get his *** handed to him in pieces by a marine, else that guardsman is a complete ****** or that marine just plain fails. I'd actually hazard that Stormtroopers are superior to Guardsmen for a variety of reasons. First of which is that they're quite a bit braver (being clones bred for fearlessness helps). Before you say anything, Guardsmen in pretty much all 40k media that doesn't star them tend to run at the first sign of trouble, and promptly get shot by any commissars in the area. They also aren't portrayed as the sharpest tools in the shed. In contrast, stormtroopers are fearless, incapable of disobedience, bred and raised for war, ect.

  5. While SW likely wouldn't beat the Imperium, I think it would stand a decent chance of surviving much like the Tau do in the 40k galaxy, particularly since their vastly superior FTL would make them an EXTREME pain in the *** to invade. While the Imperium has countless trillions of soldiers compared to the "a few trillion" that SW has, the sheer brutality of 40k means that only a small fraction of their forces could be committed to attack at any given time, and the Imperium's sheer size would help shield SW from the many threats a civilization faces in 40k much like it does for the Tau. Add in the possibility of Alliance with the Tau (since even the Galactic Empire is willing to work with aliens when it benefits them), which would likely give the Tau access to hyperdrive technology, and I could definitely see SW surviving.


    Plus, people are really underestimating the maneuverability advantage that SW has. Assming that 40k ships and Star Wars ships are equal in terms of power, or at least that 40k ships wouldn't lolwtfpwninstantvaporize SW ships, each SW ship would be worth a large number of 40k ships in terms of the damage they could do.


    SW in 40k would be capable of striking without warning against the Imperium just about anywhere, and if we're talking about the Empire those targets would likely be the Agri worlds supporting Forge and Hive worlds in the Empire's vicinity, which would cripple the worlds that would the most likely to have free assets that could be deployed against SW in a timely manner.


    And finally, Warp travel is really, really unreliable, to the point where ships that jump together rarely arrive at the same time. While this isn't a problem in 40k except against Eldar and Necrons, who don't have the numbers or industrial support (or in the case of the Necrons, most of those numbers and industries are dormant) to fight in a sustained battle, this would definitely be a problem against SW.


    Say generic space marine chapter #299 is deployed against the Imperial world of whateverland.


    Battle barge something exits the warp ahead of schedule, and finds itself alone against hundreds of Star Destroyers.


    Spess Mehreens (paraphrased): "WHAT THE ****!?" *boom* and there goes a third of the chapter.


    And I'm not sure the Ad Mech would reverse engineer hyperdrives, considering how heretical the prospect of widespread adoption of "xenotech" would be.

  6. Well as I said, I'm trying to give SW a fighting chance, and the movies never said a Star Destroyer couldn't destroy a planet, they just never did.


    Plus the Imperium is absolutely horrendous at logistics, in no small part to its sheer size. In a hypothetical SW 40k crossover, the Republic/Empire could have conquered or sterilized hundreds of worlds before the Imperium even realized they were under attack. This would give SW a familiarity with 40k technology, and even the opportunity to reverse engineer some of their stuff or take over the production facilities (something the Imperium would never do), which would even the weapons technology gap quickly if the Republic/Empire survived int he initial surge of Imperial forces.

  7. There are 20 guys in every Space Marine chapter that could wreck face with Starkiller in hand-to-hand combat, and pull off just as many cool tricks in the middle of a fight. And those aren't even the legendary Psykers.


    Factor in that every Power Weapon (standard issue to Librarians and Inquisitors, and common enough on even seargents in the Guard) generates a field of raw, destructive power (sound familiar? It's like a lightsaber with a cruncy candy center), and in addition to just plain having raw mass that lightsabers lack, is likely being swung by a 7' tall genetic demigod that may or may not be using his psychic gifts (if he has them) to amplify himself to insane levels. And he's likely wearing armor that makes counter-attacks unlikely.


    Each Librarian is also equipped with a device that does nothing but allows them to completely shut down anyone trying to use psychic powers in their vicinity, and they're personally 'iron will' personified. Factor in multiple redundant vital organs, and even some new ones (acidic blood, venomous spit - I'm dead serious, too, these are STANDARD Space Marine augmentations), and are trained specifically to fight not only physical threats but daemonic/psychic threats as routine...


    These are people that are born, bred, armed, and trained to literally live in combat every single moment and devote their lives to it.


    The Sun Crusher would only be an issue due to the superior sublight engines. However, it's one ship - the Imperium has thousands of ships on-par or vastly superior to the Death Star that are more then happy to go from planet to planet, unleashing orbital bombardments that make Taris look like a fireworks festival. Most Imperium ships are also designed to deal with far heavier ordinance then their Star Wars counterparts are - and by extension, they're used to having to put out more. While somewhat 'indestructible' in the SW universe, something like a conversion beamer (that does nothing but convert matter into raw energy upon impact - the tougher and more dense the material targeted, the bigger the energy release) would settle the matter Sun Crusher definatively.


    And none of this is exactly 'uncommon' stuff.


    In certain EU iterations, individual star destroyers are capable of sterilizing entire worlds with a few hours of bombardment, with large fleets being capable of cracking a planet into tiny pieces in a matter of minutes. Plus the Death star is actually better in terms of raw destructive power than any Imperial ship; It completely vaporizes a planet rather than shattering it like high powered Exterminatus does in 40k. Then there's that battlestation that was capable of triggering supernovas in star systems tens of thousands of light years away For the sake of giving SW a chance, I'm looking at the most favorable parts of canon in terms of power level.


    Honestly, people are really undervaluing what the mobility advantage gives to the Star Wars: It would force the Imperium to either leave themselves open to attack by one of their many, many enemies. In the time it would take for the Imperium to bring a battlefleet to Star Wars space, the Republic/Empire/Whoever could easily have gone and sterilized the agri worlds feeding dozens of hive and forge worlds, which would starve in a matter of years. If Star Wars could survive the initial surge of Imperial forces, this advantage would become cumulative; either the Imperium would be forced on the defensive, or carefully calculated attacks would cripple all their assets in the vicinity of the SW nation. While that wouldn't put a dent in the Imperium as a whole, it would make any future assaults on Republic/Empire space more difficult, and compound the mobility advantage. The sheer size of the Imperium would also help SW in the same way its helped the Tau; it would draw a lot of the nastier denizens of the galaxy, particularly Chaos and the Tyranids away from SW.


    In short, I think SW would survive in the 40K galaxy in the same way the Tau do.

  8. 40k power levels are also really, really confusing. Space Marines are either elite versions of Imperial Guardsmen, high level though not overwhelmingly powerful units, or gods among men among gods depending on the writer, and more importantly, who's POV it is. It's not as bad as Star Wars, where Jedi sometimes develop the ability to throw black holes around and pull starships out of the sky and sometimes have trouble force choking a single guy, but there is a degree of variance among 40k lore.
  9. Well the Star Wars EU is such a mess that power levels are all over the place, and there's certainly some versions of SW canon that would beat 40k. Specifically I'm talking about the part of the EU where Starkiller and the Sun Crusher live.
  10. While its obvious the Imperium would curbstomp pretty much any SW nation in a land war, Star Wars has one incredible advantage over 40k: It's FTL travel and communications are infinitely faster and more reliable than that of the Imperium.


    In fact, Hyperdrives are so fast that Star Wars ships would be able to outmaneuver everyone in 40k besides the Necrons and Eldar, who, respectively, have the problems of most of their assets being inactive and having a really small population.


    I'm not all that sure about how powerful 40k starships are, though from what I know they aren't that much more powerful than Star Wars ships if they're even more powerful at all.


    Having such a huge mobility advantage also has the nice benefit of marginalizing the Space Marines outside of their home systems, and would pretty much allow a Star Wars power to go around sterilizing Agri worlds until all the Forge and Hive worlds were crippled by famine. It also makes Impeium forces particularly vulnerable to the effects of attrition, since they can't resupply their forces in a timely manner.

  11. Would I join the Sith? Let me ask you something: Would you join up with the forces of Chaos in 40k. Hell no if you any choice in the matter. Chaos and the dark side of the force are very similar in this regard; many people go in with good, sympathetic, or at least sane motives; but almost everyone comes out a cackling, scheming psycho with no regard for whatever values led them down that path. Of course, as several people have said, in the SW verse, force sensitive individuals generally have the choice of who recruits them made for them. If I was unlucky enough to be recruited by the Sith, I'd make a beeline for a nice, comfortable position where I'm not in the way of anyone's megalomania.
  12. One of the big problems I hadwith WoW was that you were screwed if you didn't take all gathering skills on your first char...


    I'm currently working on a BH, level 15, and I'm alreadly running into credit trouble. My crew skills are cybertech, scavenging and underworld trading. Do I need to drop the crafting skill , or will I be able to make money? If yes, what strategy should I pursue?

  13. The slicing nerf was very necessary if you look at it from an economics perspective; as it was slicing was causing massive amounts of inflation. Slicing was essentially a privatized form of money printing. This is worsened by the fact that the basic input into the economy; quests and loot doesn't scale with inflatiton like wages do in real life (see Philips Curve). Honestly, BioWare should consult a proffessional economist on how changes will impact the market.
  14. Well, the reason I got slicing in the first place was that this is my first character, and the way things worked in WoW, the first character you made had to be a BIG money earner, otherwise you'd be locked out of so much content (because you wouldn't have good enough gear to make it in heroics or other dungeons leading up to raids). Crafting skills (rather than money earning skills like herbalism) would come on second characters, who your first character would feed money to.


    Is that not how things work in TOR?

  15. Hello TOR forum, I'm a brand new player, one who was never good at WoW, and am trying to figuratively turn over a new leaf with this game. I just got to the point where you choose your first crew skills and advanced classes. I picked slicing for my first, which apparently was nerfed just today.


    My character is a bounty hunter, and I chose mercenary as my advanced class (I know, I know, I'll be forced to be a healbot in any real party unless I have absolutely perfect gear and talent set ups, I already got that talk from the Hutta general channel).


    My question to the forum is whether or not I should drop slicing, and what skills I should take in its place/alongside it. The wiki was rather uninformative regarding slicing, and crew skills in general.

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