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Posts posted by Poin_Dex_Tenobi

  1. All I read on these here forums is doomposts; how the game is dying, losing subs, the world ending etc.


    Yet whenever something like this patch happens, a lot of people whine and complain, showing 0 patience.


    So, everyone is getting all their panties in a knot cause they can't play swtor, guess you all love the game afterall, eh? :D

  2. All I read on this here forums is doomposts; how the game is dying, loosing subs, the world ending etc.


    Yet whenever something like this patch happens, a lot of people whine and complain, and feel entitled, showing 0 patience.


    So, everyone is getting all their panties in a knot cause they can't play swtor, guess you all love the game afterall, eh?

  3. I'm a fan of this game. Obviously resubbed but even I have to admit those photos are NOT how I see them in game. Look at the grass and/or ground in some of the pics. No I don't give a s**t about WoW either but let's not use photos made for a magazine.


    Specifically the Belsavis 01 photo. Looks like they did some serious touch up on it, look at the bottom right corner where the large grass textures are. Would've been better had someone taken in-game pics.


    Uhm, those are ingame screenshots taken by myself, there are more here if you dont believe me, I put them under the wallpaper section. I took the screenies without the UI (Alt-Z):



  4. Hello, folks.


    We have removed a few posts, and would like to explain why. Editing game files (even something that seems as simple as this) can cause serious issues with game installations, so we remove any suggestions or instructions on how to edit game files.


    If you have any further questions about this, please don't hesitate to contact us at communitysupport@swtor.com. We will be more than happy to discuss any concerns you may have. Thank you for your understanding!


    Meh, your not giving us high res textures and when the community helps each other trying to get the best out of the game graphics wise, you shoot it down.


    /l a m e

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