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Posts posted by Crumblin

  1. I was thinking that this might be a useful tool to help add an extra layer to character development and help folks to get involved in rp with people who their paths wouldn’t normally cross in set events. Or if you’re planning a rp event and need a stranger to rp with who can play a key role within it. I’ll post a copy of this on Swtor-rp.com, cross my fingers that folks feel the same as me, and start it off:





    My toon Avelinn has a military career with almost a decade working in supply/logistics and negotiating with local groups to get the tools and supply needed in conflict torn situation.

    So I’d love to hear from anyone who has a char who has a history in dealing supplies to the military or who feels that they might traded with her in passing in a battle zone. (She would have traded in the ‘cleaner’ end of the marked, whilst some dodgy dealings might have been necessary, she would have avoided trading with any obvious underworld mobsters/criminals.)


    Intended outcome:

    To build a network of contacts to touch base with every now and then for rp socialising, for contacts to consider for involvement in rp events, and generally adding colour to both our characters back history.



    Please send me (Avelinn) an OOC mail so I can arrange to have a chat and make sure we’re thinking along the same lines. (Though generally very active I’m off a fair bit over xmas, so if you don’t hear anything straight away please don’t take it personally)

  2. I just wanted to say actually, you guys are doing a fantastic job.

    I may not have early access yet, but you've given a lot of people two days more access than they thought they'd have, and I know mine will come soon.

    I loved the game in Beta, I know that it was a little buggy, but judging from the forum, you've fixed so much.


    Thanks Bioware, thanks EA and thanks to Mr Lucas.

  3. Can you (once you have access) or indeed, Anyone with game access, confirm the ability to lie down, sit in chairs, and the toggle the option for Speech Bubbles


    Based on things I saw in Beta, I'm confident that they're working on some of the emotes still, It's just not likely to be a focus for them for a while yet. :)

  4. I love RP myself and wouldn't pick any other kind of server. That said, those of us that do RP really don't mind those of you who don't but we do ask one thing. Respect people that are roleplaying and don't troll or grief them. That's really the only thing I can think of that will irritate people and end up causing trouble for yourself.


    And if you do decide you want to RP, go for it! I'm willing to help out and answer questions a new RPer might have.


    That said, I will offer this HUGE piece of advice to anyone who wants to try and a reminder to those that do.


    IC is IC and OOC is OOC. The two should never mix. Always keep in mind that the player is NOT the character and just because a character might do or say something that might be offensive it doesn't mean the player is horrible person. One of the greatest and nicest and funniest people I know can play the best, meanest, most horrid bad guys I've ever met in RP. Player does NOT equal character!



  5. I never wanted to watch Harry Potter because I thought the hype about a kids book that was IMO terribly cliched, was so over the top.

    I caved and whilst I didn't love it, it wasn't bad, and I could see why somepeople raved about it. I realised what a prat I'd been to make an assumption about something just because of the cult that had built up around it.


    So ask yourself a question.

    Have you ever met anyone who says they don't like the ORIGINAL starwars film?


    If yes, then fine.

    But if no, then why not come across to the dark side.


    Star wars was one of the first epic sci-fi films. Almost everyone seems to agree that Mr Lucas made it worse when he added extra special effects and dabbled with a masterpiece.

    There is an awful lot of love in the world for this film, and whilst it might not be your cup of tea, I can guarentee that unless you sit in a cupboard with a bucket over your head, you've spent your time watching a lot more terrible quality tv/films in tha last month.


    Spoil yourself. :)

  6. Having tried both, and as the starting zones run through quests in a linear fashion, trooper and smuggler shouldn't have a problem running together.

    You should be able to get together straight away :)

  7. Excellent, thanks a lot :D



    Heya Strite, Avelinn here, I think Section Umbra and all it's allies/enemies are planning on sticking around on the Trask Ulgo, the server we were assigned, it'd be great to see you there!

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