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Posts posted by JohnTGalt

  1. I get what you're saying, and I agree to a certain extent. However, as someone who has also levelled a healer in several games, It's usually faster to level as DPS. From everything I've read on these forms (and sithwarrior, darthhater, etc), we have more options now, and I wanted to hear about whether DPS was still faster given the array of companions we can have. it seems that dps is still a better choice for levelling. I'll probably use one of the 2 DPS specs described above until 40ish and then swap to healing to get a better feel for it.


    Thanks for the input! :)

  2. I looked thru the first couple pages of posts and didn't find what i was looking for, so I figured I'd post a new thread.


    I am a level 15 Sage. I have currently not spent any training points because I haven't found a good current guide that would explain the pros and cons of each training line.


    For levelling (primarily solo), which is the most efficient training line to go up? Seer for healing my companion, or one of the DPS trees?


    Any thoughts, combined with a spec, would be appreciated.

  3. Kantoro:


    Your recommendations are based on what class/spec? As an assasin tank, I haven't used anyone but Talos since I got him b/c being able to survive was way more important to me than DPS that didn't get the mobs dead before I was.


    At this point, my gear is good enough that I'm going to try Ashzara out, but she's in lvl 30greens so I have a ways to go before I can do that.

  4. Levelling without picking an Advanced Class is just.. odd - particularly as a Sith Warrior.


    You're basically stuck in maurarder gear but only able to use 1 lightsabre. Without friends, I don't see going thru the normal levelling process to be that doable - unless he did it vbia space missions and pvp.

  5. THe "problem" with her (or any of the companions, really) isn't specific to the companion - it's that certain classes/specs just aren't suited to having/using certain companions.


    I play a tankassin. There's no way I'm going to survive any of the fights on Ilum w/o Talos at my back. I need the healing to survive. Would I like to have Ashzara or Revel with me instead? Sure - but it isn't viable (at least not at my current gear level - maybe once I get into nightmare modes it will be).


    If I were a class that could heal, that might be a very different scenario; I don't know. However, if I were a healing Sorcerer, I'd likely have no use for Talos at all, as running with 2 healers isn't exactly stellar either.


    I like the companion concept, but I don't see why we need 5 of them. 1 DPS, 1 Tank, 1 Healer would be plenty, and to be honest, they should have set it up so that you pick what role you want your companion to be as soon as you get him/her/it. That way my tankassin didn't have to struggle thru 42levels before getting a healing companion while the healing sorc started with a tank companion at lvl 7.

  6. As a tankassin, i wanted a healer badly from the start. I have never used the Kaleesh b/c he's a DPS char, and that doesn't do me any good, from my point of view. If I got him before Talos, I might have used him (provided he can CC like Revel and his DPS is on par).


    To be honest, however, they're all frigging useless to me except for talos, so I never geared any of them but talos.


    Since the OP asked about a companion for a tank char, I wanted to focus on that in the response.

  7. My 1st 50 is an assassin tank. Levelling up to getting Revel sucked - not because I ever died, but because it took a while to kill things (2 tanks - me and Khem - never died, but dps was lacking). Once I got Revel, the pace picked up stupidly fast, and I was soloing 2man heroics.



    Then... Alderan hit, and the process started crawling again because of the downtime between fights... Until i got some friends to help me get Talos a bit more quickly than I otherwise should have, and viola! back to speedy levelling.


    On the flip side, character #2 is a sorc healer. With Khem tanking, there is no lag time. He's a beast as a tank (as long as he's geared), and unless I'm asleep at the wheel, he just can't die.

  8. I used Khem until I got Andy. I then used Andy until Talos. I haven't used anyone but Talos ever since.


    As a tankassin, i can kill things... slowly.. as long as I can stay alive, which requires heals. Since I never wanted to gear up the droid (which in retrospect I probably should have), Talos it is.

  9. That stupid boss on Balmorra is annoying as heck - i died 3-4 times before I got that one done (was a gear issue, tbh).


    I just finished the entire class chain at lvl 49 as an assassin tank. Being 2-3 lvls higher than you're supposed to be makes things a LOT easier - particularly earlier on when those extra levels mean that you've unlocked new abilities.


    That being said, the quests are pretty obviously tuned for ranged (Sorc) combat as opposed to melee (assassin) combat - particularly the fights against the various "big baddies" (end of Act 1, end of class chain) fights.

  10. Thrash, Sabre Strike, and Shock are your "go to" abilities. You can also use overload (the AoE knockback) and force lightning as appropriate.


    Just because you don't have the talents to optimize certain abilities (like shocking only when energize procs or only using lightning when HD3 is up) doesn't mean you can't use them before.


    Don't try to rely on the procs from a lvl 40 rotation in your lvl 10 (or 20 or 30) build. You can use the same skills - you just aren't using them as "optimally" as you will later on.

  11. Considering that everything here involves massive voice-overs, I doubt they will be able to make changes to the central storylines even if they wanted to. The actors have all been paid and are long gone (who knows how long ago they did their speaking parts).


    I'm actually concerned with expansions - how are they going to continue to have companion interactions with us in xpacs? Or are we all going to have to start over w/ a new set of companions?

  12. Assassin tanks start off very, very slow. We don't have very many "tanking" skills and the talents at the bottom of the Darkness tree don't help all that much. Heck, my first 2 points were put in Madness for the 2% damage reduction! :)


    That being said, it does get better - a LOT better as you get to 25 and beyond. Once you hit 40ish and get Talos (the healing companion) life is really, really good.

  13. It might be a gear issue - I only have 2 orange (moddable) items - my head and a pair of gloves. I haven't had very good luck with drops, so the rest of my gear is green or blue (mostly green).


    I guess its time to go to the GTN and see if I can pick up some orange stuffwith my 92k credits (dying = repairs = low income :( makes me sad, but such is life atm).

  14. I'm having an intersting issue with Ashara - she never gets any loyalty changes. She is sitting at 0/10,000. I am done with Quesh and still have not gained nor lost reputation with her since I got her. I am DS (and female) but I haven't seen a single positive or negative reaction from her. I have other chars that have gone into the negatives so I know it's possible, but I don't know why she refuses to acknowledge what I do.
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