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Posts posted by Darthmalzai

  1. In the battle of hoth they xwings were tasked at escorting the transports. They had many transports to protect, but they had a limited amount of xwings. That was in the briefing. The airspeeders were tasked to ground support since they are not space worthy. They mentioned in the movie that they were having difficulty adapting them to the cold. That could explain why the weapons were not strong enough because maybe they were not fully operational, all I know is that they were having problems with the airspeeders int he cold.


    Also the walkers are different hoth had atat which has chin and side mounted fast tracking anti air. There is a scene were one of the airspeeders is zooming by while the atat is turning and the side guns quickly track it and fire upon it and destroy it. That atact in rogue one had only large side guns and again they were attacked from behind and high. Also in rogue one we see that the orange cargo part of the atact can be removed since that is the cargo module. These models might have weaker armor while the atat is moore focused on assault and has tougher armor. Especially since Luke states that the armor is too tough for their blasters.


    The imperial pilot is obviously panicking. he cant talk straight, think straight, is flustered, and ummm PANICKING. When you stated they they approached him on scariff you know he was still wearing his imp pilot outfit right lol. He never took it off and you can see the imp emblem on it. again on jedha when the rebels attacked the hover tank 4 of them go down right as they fired their first shots against the imps and soon most of them died especially when the reinforcements showed up. On scariff the rebels were getting picked off one by one after their first surprise attack. once the imps put on their counter attack all the rebels died. imps easily took over the landing pad where the shuttle was killing the 3 troopers there guarding it and then blowing up the cargo ship with the traitor imp pilot.


    Why did the ships need escorts anyway? they used that big Ion cannon to disable the ships. If the X-wings are so powerful against the walkers then it feels stupid that they are just used for escort. Time was of essence because the walkers just crushed their defenses. Also, didnt Luke jump into a X-wing after he used a snowspeeder? So there were at least one left after the battle.


    Read about the new AT-AT and apparently it seems to be that this a troop transport version of the AT-AT so thats why it is different. I guess that's why it doesnt need firepower and armor.


    So you mean to tell me that the pilot never switched clothes and no one could still recognize him? He looks exactly like when he left them? Well, I guess Scariff was just their base for storing information, not reading it.

  2. What is wrong with xwings destroying the walkers? Walkers do not have much when it comes to anti air, the xwings came from high and behind, xwings are designed to attack capital ships and freighters and cruisers and you think atats can stand up against them? Thats why the xwings took them out on thair first strafe run. Oh let me guess you have no problems when the xwing strafed the death star and caused major damage in new hope?


    Storm troopers werent terrible. They wasted the rebel troops. Do you not remember that most of the ground troops died once the storm troopers recovered from the surprise attack? And I am not talking about the death troopers. And the scene on jedha when the rebels opened fired on the tank like 4 of them went down with return fire from the storm troopers and while the imps did take a lot of hits it was a text book guerrilla ambush in a tight spaced controlled environment of the rebels choosing.


    You either are a troll or your head is completely in the clouds if you are disappointed in this movie.


    Wow, so because I don't praise the movie like everyone else im a troll or a stupid person? It seems you can't let the movie take criticism. What's wrong with x-wings destroying the AT-AT's like that is because in The empire strikes back they couldnt destroy the walkers like that. They had to use cables instead. In Rogue one they shot like 5 blaster shots instead, very anticlimax. If it is the difference in ships then it just show how stupid the rebels are. They had x-wings escorting the ships that escaped the attack. Just take them and destroy the walkers in like 5 seconds like they did in Rogue one and then escape.


    The storm troopers were really bad and if you dont believe me. That imperial pilot that deserted never hid his face and no one recognized him. And when there is a huge attack on their base and they see a guy dressed like a rebel tinkering with the equipment, should we point our guns at him? NO! lets ask him what he is doing and if he is a rebel he will say that. Every imperial guy we see have uniforms that looks nothing like what the rebels have. So why is it so hard for them to know who are the rebels in their own base?

  3. Saw it Yesterday and I was kind of disappointed with it. The only good change is that the weakness of the death star was intented. Vader's last scene was kind of amazing too. So many other parts were stupid tho. X-wing destroying AT-AT's from left to right, Darth Vader doing stupid gestures with his hand, that tentacle monster Saw had, Storm troopers being worse than ever etc. I can go on but there were a lot of this in the movie and it really bugged me.
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