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Posts posted by conscioushours

  1. Are you still active? I saw this thread earlier this year and thought it would be nice to join but ended up taking a couple months break and now noticed there are no updates since January.


    Anyway, if you're still active I'll drop at least a community application, and if you're still doing ops and need a healer I'd be interested in that too :)

  2. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=647711


    This was literally at the top of the section when you made this post.


    You know, that was the first threat I read after I got here. The reason I posted this was simply to hear opinions and experiences on the matter -- I'm not interested in statistics and such. Was simply looking for advice from fellow players who enjoy Sage heals. Well, at least I got the proof that the SWTOR forums are just as unhelpful as they've always been.

  3. Hey all. I have a lvl 55 Sage healer with a full set of Rating 162 (most pieces are augmented too) and currently her Willpower is at 3037 and Endurance at 2806 with all the four class buffs. I know she's more than capable of HM flashpoints and SM ops but lately I've struggled with healing and I think the heals are just way too slow.


    I've always preferred Crit and Surge over Alacrity but I've been thinking about stacking more Alacrity now to make the heals faster, but I just don't know if it's worth it. Currently her Critical Chance is at 33.69% and Critical Multiplier at 73.75% and I really like those, for example Force Mend crits for over 10k. But she only has 218 Alacrity (5.06%) and what I would like to know is whether I should swap some Crit/Surge for more Alacrity to make the heals faster even if they were a little bit smaller. Or should I add just a little bit more, maybe get enhancements with Alacrity for a couple more pieces? I know Mental Alacrity is obviously a big help but sometimes I just keep forgetting about it.


    I would also like to point out that I only do PvE. Thanks!

  4. I play on the Progenitor and there indeed isn't that much roleplaying that you could just jump into. Usually you need to ask General Chat first. Coruscant, Dromund Kaas and Nar Shaddaa are the most active planets for roleplaying -- especially the Slippery Slopes Cantina on Nar Shaddaa often has something going on.


    If you're starting on the Progenitor and want to start roleplaying or learn more about it, make sure to check the guild recruitment forums, there are many great RP guilds around. :)

  5. Bioware = maker // T7 = needs help!


    T7 + Kira + Doc + Rusk = scared // Lord Scourge = apathetic about new danger

    T7 = does not like HK-51 // HK-51 = defective droid + needs repairs

    HK-51 = spray painted target reticle on T7's chassis! // T7 = 17 percent unstoppable against HK-51

    T7 + Kira + Doc + Rusk = request for HK-51 to be sent back to factory // Lord Scourge = wants more HK-51's

    Jedi = enjoys HK-51 more than T7 // T7 = afraid // T7 = angry // T7 = hateful // T7 = currently suffering

    T7 = requests for HK-51 to be dropped on Quesh // T7 + Desolator weapon = Quesh + HK-51 neutralized

    T7 = dark side calculations // T7 = wants more power // Unlimited power = T7 unstoppable!


    That's just brilliant, makes me want to play the JK story again. :D


    Now I feel bad that there are still 2 (well, one and a half) storylines that I haven't played so I don't know all the companions yet. But this is so far my favorite thread on the forums, keep 'em coming :p

  6. This is extremely disappointing news.


    That sums up my feelings perfectly.


    I've been keeping an eye on this thread (and the previous ones) for a year now and was so excited when they finally confirmed that SGRs are still coming, but now this... I could understand the current companions and NPCs not becoming SGR because of voice acting and stuff, but to limit the upcoming content like this... it's just disappointing. I fear the Republic side will now be full of guys wanting to see lesbian action and the Imperial side going "ewww" when they notice the new flirt options. I hope this is just my own gut feeling, though.


    Well, good thing that I was planning to level my male Bounty Hunter anyways. :rolleyes:

  7. Count me in. Actually, I'm not even sure where I fall into. I was 8 when I realized I'm bi. I'm female but hate it most of the time, and I still don't know it it's strong enough to call myself transgender/genderqueer. I recently heard of the term genderfluid and I think that's probably the closest to me. I've never really had any girly habits, not even as a little kid. I've almost always played male characters in video games (SWTOR being the only exception, although my characters are everything but "girly"), it just feels more natural to me.


    Anyways, I play on the Progenitor server. I'm already in a wonderful guild but feel free to say hi :)

  8. i'm glad to have found this thread. my disability doesnt have any physical limitations, but i'm extremely anti-social. 20 years ago i was diagnosed bi-polar and even though i studied everything i could find out about it, i never realized that i would be this limited. i might leave the house twice a month, any more than that and i become angry, aggressive and generally unpleasant to be around. while i have no trouble being a ******** in gen chat, anything that involves asking for help, is very difficult for me. i avoid groups and have spent millions of credits to make my own light and dark side guilds just so i dont have to talk to people who invite me.


    its hard to explain to people who dont live with compulsions. the bi-polar tends to make me gravitate to extremes. i cant have just 1 toon, i have to have every class and subclass possible. i cant just go out and level, i have to level every toon 1 level at a time and plan out every step i can possibly forsee. i spend roughly 2 weeks crafting to every 3 days leveling, because every toon has to be in every purple i can craft for that level. while it keeps me busy, small things throw me off. if i find out one of my crafters is missing a schematic, i cant do anything with any of my other character, until i have that schematic.


    i know this is gonna sound like a bunch of whining to people who dont understand compulsions. i know my case isnt as severe as a bunch of other peoples. i feel for you guys, i really do. it's just nice to know that i'm not the only one that uses the game as an outlet for something therapeutic. the sense of control is both comforting and entertaining.


    I understand your feelings, especially about using the game for something therapeutic, and can relate to most of it. I've been anti-social for as long as I can remember and I've always enjoyed solitude. I'm turning 20 soon and was first diagnozed with mild depression 10 years ago. I now understand it was mostly caused by my anti-social nature; too much socializing in a short time completely wore me out and it was impossible to avoid at school. I felt like I wasn't able to spend enough time on my own. I was too young to understand it and all of those feelings made me feel confused.


    I've been playing MMOs for a bit over 1,5 years now and definitely feel that they've helped me stay more balanced. Sometimes I have "normal" days when I feel like grouping up and it goes just fine. I try to avoid pugs though, mainly because of so many negative experiences (I'm a very sensitive person and one simple insult can make me feel extremely bad -- last year a chain of negative incidents actually made me unsub for almost 3 months). I'm in a wonderful, quite small guild and I've got to know almost everyone there. They're all friendly and don't try to force you into group content if you don't want to.


    But mostly I still play alone, especially when leveling a new character and completing the basic landscape and class quests. I always start to feel uneasy if there's someone with me and it usually makes me tell them I have to go and log out, I know it sounds rude but I can't help it. In this game I also have the need for alts and different crafting professions.


    I don't have any physical disabilities (except for occasional migraine but I've learned to avoid it) so I know this definitely isn't as bad as so many others' in here. It's so nice to hear people finding enjoyment in gaming despite their disabilities and pain, either physical or mental.


    Lastly, I just remembered about a similar thread on the LOTRO forums and there's a post that specially struck me when I read it and I just wanted to share it. :)


  9. He did fine for me, especially when looking at Anakin's backstory. Though I didn't see him as whiny, he seemed more frustrated, afraid, guilt ridden and troubled more then anything else.


    Agreed. I recently watched the Episode II again and kept thinking the same thing.


    I seen hayden in other films, and he did actualy very good. I cant recall the name of the movie, but one in wich he has a role of a young drug addict. He did great in it. I dont think he is a bad actor.


    You probably mean Life as a House where he plays a rebellious teenager. I really like the movie and I think he was perfect for the role. :)

  10. I'd be interested. I recently started on this server and so far only have one Imperial character (name's Phantei, she's a lvl 16 Sith Marauder) but I will surely play more characters as I still haven't tried some storylines and want to play some again. I used to be on American servers (the time zone difference used to fit my routine better when I started) and had 3 lvl 50 characters, but now I wanted to start from scratch and also try some roleplaying.


    I like that your chat is OOC since I haven't really done any roleplaying yet and would probably start to feel anxious if I had to do it all the time. I guess I'm kinda shy and sometimes just like to solo things but I'd love to do some light roleplaying every now and then and learn more about it. I enjoy PvE and probably won't be doing any PvP at all unless it's organized. My favorite role is healing, so besides playing the storylines I still haven't tried (like the Sith Warrior) I'll probably just be playing as a healer.


    I assume the names you mentioned are on the Republic side, so feel free to contact Phantei if you're still looking for members for your Imperial guild :)

  11. Hey all!


    I've been really excited about SGRA's ever since it was first announced and I've been keeping an eye on this thread for months now, but just haven't been able to post since I cancelled my sub in September when I didn't have enough time to play. I kinda promised myself that I wouldn't be coming back to the game until SGRA's are released so just like all of you I'm hoping it will happen sometime soon. :)


    However, I just wanted to pop in and share this Twitter reply I got from Joveth today after asking about SGRA:


    Of course I'm disappointed to hear they don't have any news about it but I'm definitely happy that it finally got some sort of an answer, and based on that reply it still seems to be in development and not abandoned like some people had already hinted in this thread.

  12. Easier said than done, I would think.


    I agree, unfortunately. But like I said I don't know much about coding etc. so I wanted to bring that up.


    When things get heated in General, I turn the General Chat off for a while so it's not in the corner of my eye. Usually nothing to see in there anyway during those times.


    I've tried that too, it works well if you're just focusing on solo questing or crafting. But I like running flashpoints and social runs, and if I miss LFG messages I just get angry at myself, heh. :p

  13. During this week alone I've witnessed two HUGE political debates in the general in-game chat. I don't even know where they started from. It seems there's always a couple of people waiting for someone to say anything that's just barely related to politics, and when that happens they'll state something controversial/insulting and suddenly everyone jumps in.

    In the last few days the ignore list has become my best friend and I'm really happy it exists. Previously I had only ignored 2 or 3 people but now there's more than 20 -- and that's just on one of my four toons.


    But seriously, is it even possible to get any kind of filter where you could (manually) block certain words? That wouldn't really prevent you from seeing the debates but would help you ignore it, when you wouldn't need to actually add the people to your ignore list. I don't know much about coding, I'm just a casual player trying to enjoy the game and get away from the real world for a moment. I feel bad for ignoring so many people and keep thinking they're most likely nice people to run flashpoints or PvP with, but I just don't tolerate ANY political debates in MMO's.

    And I know it's possible to turn off the chat -- I've done that many times, but since socializing is generally my favorite thing about MMO's I just feel so empty without the chat available.


    Besides all the people jumping into debates and feeding the trolls I'm happy to see there are also many who immediately advise others to stay out of it and ignore people. Props to you :)

  14. I love the Jawas on Tatooine that you can still talk to after completing quests for them. They say funny stuff like


    "You friend of Jawa people. Very nice for outsider! Maybe too tall, but nice!"

    "You best friend Jawa ever have! Maybe only friend, but still best!"


    I've been leveling my female Smuggler and there was this funny moment when you need to rescue a guy on Balmorra. If you flirt with him Corso immediately asks "Can't we just leave the guy here?" and if you continue flirting the guy will mention something about a romantic evening when Corso's like "No! She's, um, allergic to candles." :D


    I also loved Risha after arriving to Quesh:

    "Nobody mentioned Quesh was made of toxic mud. Should've worn my least-favorite boots."



    When first meeting him, Mako goes "awwww hes precious, can we keep him?" YES OH GOD YES


    Boss! Boss! Hey boss! did you see that? BOSS!


    Oh! Boss! look! SHINY!




    Oh I made ship thermostat work, put stool by the sink, remodulated shields- lots of little stuff


    Hes so adorable!


    Blizz is my favorite, too. :D He's so adorable and awesome at the same time. He's like a child with his enthusiasm ("Ooo! Ooo! Blizz help!"), I guess that's why I liked him so much since the beginning. I tend to dislike companions with negative attitudes but I haven't really found a companion I didn't find somehow interesting so it's difficult to hate anyone.


    Recently I started a female Smuggler and I just love Corso. I loved the conversation where he says he'll still be around when other guys are gone.


    I also like T7-O1 and Bowdaar, it's just kinda fitting that Jedi Knight gets an Astromech droid and Smuggler a Wookiee companion.

  16. Zend.


    Because my real name is Salla and there used to be a female Smuggler called Salla Zend during the Rebellion era. I came across this information by accident when I was browsing Wookieepedia for inspiration for a cool legacy name.


    Just a couple days ago, inspired by this again, I created a female Smuggler and really like the class so far. :)

  17. Nice to see there are people who have similar experiences! I guess I was so inspired by your replies that I just created a female Smuggler, just to see if I still feel the same way. I still don't like it so much but at least I was happy to see you get Sprint at lvl 1 now and the running style doesn't look so silly anymore. :p


    Thanks :) I have a 16 year old son who plays all manner of games, so I try to think it could be someone's kid running around, there's no way to tell really, except for behaviour, so I try the polite route first, because I don't want to be mean to some young'un who just wants to test their flirting online, lol.


    Great attitude! I wish everyone had an approach like that.

  18. /signed


    I'd love to see all of these. Personally I love all missions where you interact with 2 or more companions during a conversation -- for example when your Agent is talking to Kaliyo and then Doctor Lokin pops in to say his opinion. :p

    I also like the letters from companions. Things like that add humor to this game.

  19. It seems quite common to come across males who play female toons but so far I haven't met any females who regularly play male toons. Once there was this conversation in general chat between a girl with a female toon and a guy with a female toon. Others started joining and were wondering why so many guys play female toons these days. I decided to jump in and say I'm the "opposite" by being a girl with a male toon. I thought I was going to see a couple more people say "Hey! Me too!" but instead I got responses like "ewww" and "that's perv lol". I'm pretty sure they were all said jokingly, but yeah, I felt confused.


    I'm a 19 y.o. female who got into MMO's about a year ago and I've never played a female character in basically any game during my life. I remember playing the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 when I was 8 or 9 and even back then I didn't wanna play as the female skater -- it just wasn't cool. The only game where I've ever thought about playing a female character is LOTRO and by that I only mean the female hobbits. I once created a female Sith in SWTOR and I had to stop at lvl 2 because I hated the feminine running style so much.


    To be clear, I don't have anything against women in general. I consider myself a feminist. I'm just curious to find out if there are any others who feel the same way and have similar experiences. :D

  20. I know! Your posts wrap up just what I've been thinking and feeling lately, especially after the server transfers. For a couple of times I've felt so pissed that I've been close to starting a similar thread.


    For me PvP seems to be the worst. Too often there is that one person who just concentrates on insulting others and isn't even trying to lead or follow orders. Saying something like "Insulting others surely doesn't help us to win this" usually silences them though. Sometimes that frustration appears in a whole another way -- and I can't even decide which is worse -- when people get sarcastic and give up. Once during a Huttball match (our team was losing 0-3) our team's leader started saying stuff like "You know, I'm not even trying anymore" or "I'll let you idiots lose this match because that's what you want" and then started dancing, basically just spammed the chat with orange "[name] starts dancing." messages. Even worse, he/she also started roleplaying and acting like a fairy or something. Childish, eh?


    Just yesterday I got insulted in PvP again and something occured to me: Why the **** do I pay 12,99 € a month to get insulted?! I had never thought about it like that and it probably shouldn't matter because there are so many enjoyable things about this game, but still, it got me thinking.


    Politics/religion in general chat is also something I don't tolerate, I'm the first to turn off the chat when that happens and ignore or report people if it gets insulting. For me MMO's are the way to get out of reality for a moment and if people start discussing things like that in general chat I start to feel extremely anxious. I don't know what the situation is like on European servers but on NA servers it's unfortunately quite common that general chat turns to racism, jokingly or not. Just this week I've seen Americans insulting Canadians and Europeans more than once. It's hard to take any of that seriously but it still makes me sad to see anything like it.


    It seems to be impossible to find a subject people wouldn't argue about in general chat. Just the other day someone mentioned hip-hop and it started a huge argument. All it needs is one person to say something that is completely unrelated to the game itself... and there you go. :/

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