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Posts posted by Noctari

  1. And this is why people despise tanks, stopping between every damn pull going at a turtles pace. Then again I guess this is how you have to play with you keyboard turning and clicking ya know


    people like you should never que up, or for that matter play a game that involves general interaction with other people.

    if you don't like they way the tank is proceeding...*********** leave. there are plenty of DPS out there willing to take over where you so shamefully left off.


    Encase you haven't realized it, ****tards like you are the reason there are a shortage of tanks...

  2. Please, for all that is holy...change it back..


    it's bad enough I have to keep pressing a buff button every 15 secs ( even less if I'm getting hit by multiple NPCs) just to be comparable to other tanks. Now you want me to show off this psychotic form of retardation like a slow kid pretending to be a tornado....

  3. Incorrect. There should be a price to be paid by being a hybrid with two sets of strong abilities. Having huge options should come at a price as compared to a pure dps that can only dps.


    so a hybrid who takes 2 button pushed (2 GCDs) to do 2k dmg and 2k heals should not be equal to the DPS class who can take 2 button pushes (2 GCDs) to do 2k dmg and another 2k dmg...







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