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Posts posted by Terraphon

  1. You accuse me of generalizations. I did not make any generalizations, i made an argument and presented facts to support it.


    I don't deny you the right to enjoy repeated content but you should not blindly deny the fact that it is repeated content nothing more.


    Please by all means enjoy the game.


    PS: Tto the guy who felt the need to post "^^owned". Please grow up and learn how to argue.


    Straw man.


    I wasn't arguing, I was stating an opinion...a review of your textual engagement with the other fellow.


    My review concludes that you got owned, 10/10. Well, maybe 9/10 because he didn't rub your face in it.


    Argument concluded.

  2. Who cares? Honestly...lots of chicks play mmo's and many of them are hot.


    Using a female as bait to hock your guild to kids who think they might be able to hook up with her someday is pretty pathetic...really.


    Nothing to see here, move along.

  3. I have made a Smuggler, Trooper, Jedi Knight, and Jedi Consular. All of their stories represented their classes' place in the Star Wars world and engaged me.


    Notice I said "me"?


    What you are stating are wide, sweeping generalizations. I am stating opinions and not making any pretenses about it. Your opinion is not law by any means. Just because you can't appreciate the story doesn't mean other people won't.


    ^^^ owned.

  4. Not a mmo , this game is a single player game with a multi player add on. It is missing simple things like customisation, housing, expertise systems etc... What happens is everyone ends up at lvl 50 with the same abilities and the same clothes, and this is after everyone has played the identical story. The game will never reach high and retain high subscriptions ,


    That's a review?


    Looks like an unqualified statement, followed by a half unqualified statement / half statement of features never announced, followed by an unqualified statement and ended with an unqualified supposition.



  5. troll u r not the only one playingf the game i thought it was ok and so did others but u seem tht u want them just catering to u self centered selfish troll just give some ideas on wht u thuink where where the flight combat should go not ask for wht u just want




    Let me get my pencil and I'll have this one worked out, lickety-split!

  6. It would be very nice to have something that at the least warns us when we get near the tank's threat on something. There is currently no way to know how your threat stands, except whether the target in question is killing you or not.


    Also, on fights that reset threat, it is quite nice to know that they're resetting threat, rather than deal with the "OMG TANK, PICK UP THE ADDS!" crowd. Also saves a bit of sanity on the tank's side, lets them know they aren't messing up terribly, the mobs are supposed to do that. (My guild observed that the Boarding Party in MR seem to reset threat. While this is no issue in a guild group, trying to deal with it in a PuG...ugh.)




    There is, or there wouldn't be talents to reduce healing threat.


    And I pull mobs off of my DPS companion with only healing quite often.


    There is something to warn you. Not every player has it but every player can get it if they work hard enough to find it...it's been there since pre-alpha but BW hasn't told anyone because it's supposed to be a challenge to find.


    I will be a nice guy though and tell you what it is...


    It's called skill. You get to it by playing the game and not relying on programs to tell you when to do things. Once you GET this amazing add-on, it will change your entire experience...it's amazing...and you don't even have to configure or anything.


    It does have a dependency, though...it relies on another add-on called "perseverance". If you already have that one, you're good to go. If not, you're boned until you find it.

  7. Oh and here's some more "uphill in the snow, both ways" for ya.


    We didn't have YouTube videos with hundreds of caption bubbles and tool tips and written strategy guides and 6,000 word forum write ups on how to kill bosses, either. We had to wipe...and wipe...and wipe...and when we were done wiping, we'd wipe some more and then go farm gold to pay for repairs so we could continue to wipe, each time taking another little sliver or two off the boss mob's health before we wiped until, suddenly, we would have a breakthrough and drop the thing with no deaths in the group.


    The only vids you would see were the "trophy videos" which were clips of the fights with music covering up the tactical communications so other people couldn't figure out how you were winning and cop your strats.


    The "boss strategy" videos started coming out around the same time as the ez-mode add ons...


    People think having programs tell you how to play is having their cake and eating it, too. I think that's having poo, disguised as cake, and not knowing it isn't even cake.


    Doing it the HARD WAY? Yeah, that's cake...and we bit the heck out of it.



  8. You dont feel this is any different than buying a new car today and finding out it doesn't come with a lot of the features many other car makers already make available in thier cars?


    Take nav systems in cars for instance, no they are not needed to get from point A to B and people can print out maps etc etc... but you would expect that any new car you buy these days has an option to add a nav system if the buyer does not want to be bothered with manually finding directions to his destination.


    That is all I am saying...


    Would you sit there and say "You know what? screw nav systems - I will find my own way... I will take the hard road because THAT is more enjoyable to me"


    I could have a nav system on my motorcycle. I don't because I prefer to get there without a computer telling me to turn right in 100 yards.


    This, however, is a bad analogy, bordering on straw-man. We aren't talking about something that makes real life easier, saves gas, saves time and ensures you don't end up 20 miles out of your way on a dirt road with guys with banjos, we are talking about adding systems to a video game which make it easier and take away the nuances and subtleties of combat as well as the need to learn to play your character to its fullest, on your own...in your own style...with your own flair.


    Without "mandatory rotations" and "mandatory specs".


    When that stuff starts, you start down the path where every inquisitor you come across is an assassin with a 5/33/3 build who rotates electrocute/recklessness/crushing darkness/shock/force lightning/discharge/shock, ad nauseum because if they don't, people will say l2p n00b just before vote-kicking them.


    Yes I know, I just slippery-sloped but not without precedent.

  9. I submit that any failure to build community involvement and cooperation is not a failure on the part of the developer but a failure on the part of the community.


    Mmorpg's, by their nature, require some measure of community spirit and the ability to be social. It seems that many players are not social and do not care about the community...they just want to be e-heroes and server celebrities.


    I also submit that I have never had a problem finding groups and I'm grumpy, testy and mean so if I can do it, anyone can. If you can't, you're doing it wrong.



  10. Ah, the meters discussion again.


    I remember years of playing mmorpg's when there was no such thing as a meter.


    No damage meter, no threat meter, no flashing cooldown timers, no bold text telling you to move away from the fire. It was all about raw skill in those days. You had to have situational awareness. You had to develop a sixth sense about bosses. You had to - get this - wipe 100 times on a boss mob until you figured it out.


    Once you did figure it out, though, the sense of accomplishment was amazing. After killing a certain end-game boss in an mmo which shall remain nameless, everyone in the guild, including those on vent who weren't even there actually cheered...out loud...in real life.


    We knew when we were about to pull and we would back off. If we did pull, we would run straight the tank and STOP right on top of him so he could try to get aggro back. If we died during this, we wouldn't blame the healer...it was our fault for pushing too hard and the healer(s) were focused on the tank.


    This also taught us survivability. We knew what to do to stay alive when the ***** hit the fan-blades and this allowed us to avoid any number of 1% wipes because we could pop cool-downs, use our skills and put up a fight...and we communicated. We listened to our group leader(s) and did what they said, when they said it...


    Slow down dps a little...


    Drop an extra heal on the tank...


    Let it rip, fellas...


    We didn't have meters telling us to do this stuff, we had skill, intuition, experience and a real live human person.


    THAT is playing an mmo.

  11. You people who are against dual spec or a respec cost cap are a disgrace to real gamers everywhere.


    Handy-capping yourself for the sake of "immersion" is the lamest excuse I've ever heard. What your really covering up is your lack of dedication and inability to play your class to the max. Cause you don't want to put in any real effort outside of artificial grinds IE make a second character excuse. *puke*


    "but lag you can pvp with a pve build just fine" yeah keep being sub par because you don't want to maximize your performance for your group and yourself scrub. Same can be said for pve. Your endorsing piss poor performance by not giving the ability of a cost cap respec or dual spec options.


    And this is a damn MMO, your playing with other people in group content. Which requires people to fill certain rolls to do that content. The garbage excuse of just "find someone else" to fill a certain roll is idiotic. This is a game where your first goal is to have fun. When my friends who are currently online consists of two tanks and two healers and we want to do something together. Yeah we should TOTALLY not do stuff together and just find other people for one flashpoint, makes total sense.


    People being flexible has no effect on your gameplay what so ever. Get over yourself. And please try and name some negative effects for me so I can tear it apart like I've been doing in that other thread on this. I've got all day, hell I'm sure I can copy and paste all my responses as well. Cause its always the same old tired dead beaten horse you people come up with.



  12. SO...


    In a story based RPG, which is built around an established story and timeline, which exists as canon, you want to mix it all up and change the story?


    Jedi couldn't just change their whole lives mid-stream...what if Yoda decided, right in the middle of episode 5, that he didn't want to be the best swordsman around, anymore - he wanted to be a healer...because Luke had a cut.




    Dual spec ruins the story. It removes any accountability for choice. It means you don't have to assume responsibility for the path you choose because you can change it at will, with no penalty. It is also a concept that was introduced to pacify impatient, overgrown babies with ADHD who couldn't find the time to stop smashing the dungeon-finder button long enough to make a new character and spec it to their needs.


    I detest the idea of this because it's just another thing people want to see to make this game WoW 2.0.


    Dual specs never existed until recently because they AREN'T necessary for any reason other than making the game easier and, unfortunately, if this is introduced it will quickly become expected.


    "You aren't dual spec? Sorry, our guild can't use you."



  13. Lack of foresight? Yeah right. They only have an MMO based on one of the hottest IPs of all time. I think it's the accounting department at EA that's the problem.


    "Um, Greg, yeah...we're going to have to see that TPS report showing us that you need an extra $500k for bandwidth and hardware."


    "Well based on the amount of preorders and results during the open beta we have reason to believe that demand will be huge."


    "I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. Do you have that TPS report ready?"


    I'm assuming that EA is like any other company with multiple departments and groups competing for the same money.


    When I mention lack of foresight I'm only going so far as to point the finger at not locking servers in a pre-full state to force new players to lower population servers. I'm quite certain their clusters are running well below capacity and that they have more than enough hardware to handle vastly higher traffic, they're just playing it safe, which is a smart move, considering the incredible fusterclucks we've seen with other mmo launches and server loads.


    I'm just waiting for them to finish running load simulations so they can analyze their data and increase the caps accordingly. Then the queues will go away and the QQ will go with them.

  14. This is more of a Systems Engineering problem than a networking problem. More servers won't immediately solve the problem. What BW can do is give players who are members of a guild priority over the n00bz who just randomly click on a server. The default behavior of the game should be to assign new players who are not in a guild to the least populated server

    in a round robin fashion.


    Blizzard tried this for a period of time right after launch. It failed and Terenas got so overcrowded it was impossible to drop a quiet fart without 1000 people knowing what frequency the sound was.


    One little code error...one little mistake = massive problems and even more QQ than just letting it play out naturally.


    The issue wasn't created by BWEA, they just appear to have been a bit slow on pulling the trigger to stop the bleeding. Perhaps a small lack of foresight on their part but I'm sure they've learned from it.


    Also, I'm 100% certain none of their "servers" are running anywhere near true capacity and I'm willing to bet you a turkey sandwich, a side of cheese nips and a bottle of Dew they're calculating the best time to increase the logical server caps.


    This is a very temporary problem. No sense calling an ambulance for a flesh wound.

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