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Posts posted by Mezzylu

  1. In case you didn't know, for classes that have a heal spec the group finder defaults to preselecting Heals and Damage. Unless the person knows to take the step of specifically deselecting Heals if they are DPS specced (or vice versa) they get dumped in with both checked. I imagine the same thing happens for Tank/Damage selections.


    The problem could be solved by not allowing anything to be preselected and forcing folks to tag what role they want before queueing up.

  2. I love the idea of watching Huttball (or WZ) matches as a spectator. Actually, this might give folks too shy to try PvP a chance to see what it's like and get their interest up. Or just start bets on teams/guilds. :)


    I also second the idea of cantina games, especially some sort of board or card game. Enter the cantine, sit at a table with an open chair to start or join a game. Neat way to meet folks and should be great for the RP server atmosphere. As an addition, having leaderboards for the games or perhaps cosmetic/fluff items as prizes would be nice. (award something along the lines of the stuff you get off a cantina vendor, cosmetic pets, generally just-for-fun stuff).

  3. 2. Also, it would be nice to be able to filter by Equipped slot (IE: Head, Chest, Legs, Relic, etc.). This would decrease the user's time in searching and make for a better market experience.


    Please implement this. Getting a screen full of all light armor (for example) when I just want a pair of gloves is a bit of a slog to scan through. Especially when you can't just type 'gloves' in the text search because that only works if the word 'gloves' is in the item name.


    To add a new request, it would be nice to be able to specify a quantity when purchasing something that is posted for sale as a stack. The alternative is folks listing huge lists of single items or forcing buyers to purchase in bulk at all times. (This would apply to consumable and crafting materials).

  4. I must agree. My greatest sorrow when running the class quest line on Voss was that I could not loot the Sith guy's wonderful Scottish accent after killing him. Oh, and that one Imperial officer on Hoth who's working with the Republic to take down the White Maw Pirates. DAMN, I want that accent.


    Lanniter Droge on Droman Kaas (quest is Black Science). When his holo started talking all I could think was "Scots in Space!" Then I got all annoyed because I couldn't find out who his voice actor is.


    And for anyone who wants to hear why a Scottish accent is oh so loverly.. check this short video of my favorite Scottish voice in action.


    Tell me he's voicing Republic characters and I'll go Republic before you can say lightsaber.

  5. This guy gets it.


    Seconded... er, thirded?


    Anyhow, in any game where alignment comes into play, I'm the sort of person that can drift back to chaotic good from evil without even thinking about it. I'm just a sucker I suppose, even when I make a decided effort to TRY to be evil. Even the Bounty Hunter I made to try out a "pay up or shut up" angle has ended up stubbornly neutral.


    As for why I went Empire in the first place... I wanted a sniper. Somehow I managed to get her to Dark level 2 by level 30. I found a way to be an evil little Chiss Chica, yessir I did. :D Of course then I went and figured out smugglers are the IA mirror. Now I have a baby smuggler (who is being horribly neglected due to a persistent and severe case of alt-itis) that I also enjoy. I'd like to muzzle her first companion, but that's another story.

  6. Ability to play any class, regardless of faction, as any race you have gotten to 50.


    I want my Miraluka Bounty Hunter!


    ^This. Unlock races for opposite faction.


    Also, to echo some previous folks...

    • SHARED BANK/VAULT (at least for characters in the same faction)
    • Earlier Sprint ability
    • Discount to cargo bay upgrade.
    • Inherit a Datacron from elder legacy characters. (Do the balloon ride only once!!)


    One I don't think was mentioned yet...

    Inherit early skill tree points.

    To explain, say after establishing a legacy you roll and alt and they ding level 10 and their skill tree opens. In addition to the inital 1 point available they could inherit 1 point for, say each "elder" legacy character on that server. Perhaps award this as one per level 50 in that legacy on that server. I could see it either as just getting the points early OR allowing bonus points so that the alt's skill tree will have 1 more point in it by 50 than it's elder sibling. This benefit would give the new alt a small leg up earlier with skills.

  7. This is actually a pretty neat idea. I've no idea what sort of effort it would take for it to be implemented, but I say "yes, please!". Just one extra button with an intermediate tier of priority between Need and Greed.


    I personally only hit need if my character needs it as an upgrade. If I really want it for a companion I stop and ask if it's ok to hit need on it, but to be honest I usually just hit greed and cross my fingers. I don't like to slow folks down over minor stuff, especially in a pug where I don't know anyone. :o

  8. Had the exact same problem. Finally had a friend come two-man him with an SI. Interestingly, he had no targeting issues of any kind despite it being the same map.


    Did anyone else notice the zone map "flickering" out? If I pivoted my camera around to the right angle, the whole ship would disappear and I'd be standing in space. I noticed this in several areas of the bridge.


    I had the problem with the map flickering out. Made it beyond infuriating to try to kite the guy when the screen blanks out to bare space every other step. And no LoS, even when on the same platform with him and quit for the night. I'll try it again after reading some tips here on the forums, but the LoS bug has GOT to go. I can swallow a wicked hard fight, but ya gotta let me target the guy for pity's sake.:mad:

  9. I dunno if this has been mentioned, but I'd like to bring up a respec option I've seen elsewhere. Respecs themselves aside, this other MMO had a Respec "Mirror". Basically a device placed in your home (ship in this game I suppose) and you could store a copy of your spec in it. Then run to the Respec NPC to respec to something totally different.


    To swap back, you ran home, used the mirror and it swapped your current spec with the stored one. No cost for swapping back and forth, but if you wanted to alter either, you had to go to the respec npc again and deal with whatever costs were involved.


    I usually had a group spec and a solo spec. Some folks used it to test tweaks. Here it could allow for a PvP and a PvE spec, or whatever. To build in a cost it was a crafted item. It took effort to be able to craft it and it took a significant investment to get one made (rare/expensive materials, etc). IOW, cash sink. Make it a cybernetic implant with a time restriction on it or something. Make one of the Kolto tanks on the ship "recondition" you or somesuch. You could even put a timer on it like sending your companions on missions to prevent people from doing it "on the fly".


    Anyhow, not an original idea, but maybe someone more creative can find it useful.

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