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Posts posted by atramiasma

  1. I'm sorry but PVP is terrible now.


    The class imbalance is disgusting.


    I've been playing since launch and all I can say is you killed it...


    whoever decided merc/mando needed two shields with such long duration...

    whoever decided jugg/gaurdian need to have so much defense and DPS at the same time...



    been subbed since launch. Been playing since launch. been gearing since launch.


    You killed swtor with your terrible changes. Anyone who reads this can post a bunch of stuff calling me an idiot and it wont matter because I'll never check this post again.


    Maybe it's cause I play shadow and you completely butchered our class. Operatives are better...yup...a tool with gizmos and knives is better than a Jedi or sith with a dualsaber.


    Illogical and stupid.


    Thanks for killing the pvp. Luckily I love star wars and I'll always play just a different way...but seriously...5 point all time low...


    terrible design choices...

  2. Dear Bioware / Dev Team / EA / Whoever it may concern...


    I have a genius idea that would stimulate and populate all the planets in the SWTOR universe.


    Can we replay 1-55 and shadows of revan just like the 2 newer expansions? Ok so maybe it's not that genius but thats a lot of story people gray out over 6 years.


    I'd love to go back and replay the story on my main character. I think it would make gen chat a lot more fun across the board.




    may the force be with you


    -from you're lifelong subscriber and swtor enthusiast

  3. Greetings


    subbed since launch

    swtor lover

    till death do we part


    only request


    Can we get that bad *** red robe that that Ithorian wears in the early quests on Tython as a customization for Choza? It's such a cool design. Please do this and I will be super happy.


    May the force be with you...

  4. don't need 3 lives


    for the first time in 5 years i'm posting on the forums...


    i don't know what you guys were thinking when you made the changes for 5.0 but pvp is at an all time low...


    thats coming from someone subbed since day one with two elite warlords.



    pathetic bioware...why would snipers and mercs be able to kill a jedi? apparently you missed the spirit of star wars. No class should be able to beat a shadow, sent, or knight 1v1...come on...


    have you ever seen star wars? would darth maul get killed by mark wahlberg from shooter? come on ... illogical and pathetic bioware...


    so sad that you are this dumb

  5. I've said it once and i'll say it again.


    concealment/dps/lethality agent requires a lot of talent to play. I have at least 23 hot keys that i use on my keyboard alone to play this class.


    If you suck reroll sniper so you can sit in once place and press snipe.


    thank you


    p.s. i hate you all which is why i love knocking you on your face and killing you before you break stun.

  6. Honestly I think that Sniper is way easier to play than operative (dps). You have to keep constantly moving in order to pull off backstabs and chase kiters.( people who run from you duh)


    So no operative does feel right you just dont have the talent to play. You need up to 25 hotkeys and commands ready in order to play op dps at level 50.

  7. the bag system needs to be changed. I have several reasons



    1.) earning the bags: Upon fighting other players who have grinded and/or played longer you will find it is NOT FUN. Video games are made to relax and entertain you. Why would you want to join hutball or alderran when you can't even participate. Even with 4 or 5 peices of champion gear your dps is so laughable other players will completely ignore you or kill you in 3-4 seconds.


    I'm supposed to bang my head against a wall and lose for hours strait while watching my character (who I have grown attached too) die over an over.


    I am merely other player's toys. Sure I havent put in the time they have (yet) but what about new players?


    how many new players are going to reach 50 and completely abandon pvp if not the whole game? i've already had friends cancel their subscription...


    my guildmates only log to do dailies and raids...otherwise i see them on other games in our chat program...I've never seen an MMO so new that lost its addictive properties so fast.


    reason one concludes that this system of pvp will only lose more valuable star wars players thus slowing Qs thus killing pvp.



    2.) Time spent with no rewards:



    yesterday I banged my head against the WZ/Illum wall from 4pm-11:30pm. I finished my dailies after almost pulling my hair out from losing. I won two then lost about 14. Finaly won three but it glitched out and didnt give me credit. Thank god I found someone uber to invite me along.



    Did i have fun in the 7 and a 1/2 hours I played? No...I didnt. Thus the game fails.


    I opened the bags which took me far to long to earn along with a third from commendations and found no pieces.


    seven and a half hours with no progress or rewards? This system is purely flawed.


    Reason 2 concludes: putting in time and energy into things should reap rewards not frustration and thoughts of canceling subscriptions.





    3.) Player Morale / faction pride



    people know they can't compete so they quit warzones over and over hoping for that winning team so they dont waste there whole day.


    Time may not be valuable to you industry game makers but we're not all making games thus making big bucks. We actually hate our jobs so we'd like our games to be enjoyable. I don't want to be the mop for the floor on the 1 or 2 games i can squeeze in.



    point three concludes: No one cares about a good fight. In fact they gave it up and sit on cannons waiting for the numbers to slowly go down. Why would you care when your class or gear can't even make a difference in the game.




    4.) huttball and balance



    I play IA Lethality. Meaning I can't knock you on your face so don't bring that up.



    I have little to no valuable CC for this game mode. Why can BHs and jedi classes jump 50 feet, throw me off platforms or pull me into fire and acid? I next to never can manipulate the enviroment to my advantage...Nor can I run the ball worth ****. Yet im stuck Qing for huttball.



    point four concludes: Some classes can't really perform or serve a purpose in objective situations while others can basicaly fly to the goal line lol.






    I could go on for hours so let me give you a hotpoint instead.



    a.) I appreciate the players who grind and earn good gear but an expertise cap or something like that just to give those newer players a fighting chance would be appreciated. Or gear based and cross server Qs. have a gear rating thus deeming who you can party up with and compete against.


    b.) Please create a more reliable gear earning system. I want to feel like im making progress not getting sapped for my montly. I'll put the time in so make it worth my while. Pvp should be more universally enjoyable and a good break from PVE.


    c.) Balance the classes more. Mercs and sorcerer/consulars are obviously doing to much damage...The very definition of burst damage. Give other classes like IA a push, pull, or jump ( GRAPPLING HOOK GRAPPLING HOOK WOULD BE SO SICK!!!!!!)


    d.) No bridges on Illum...come on thats not pvp. Thats a joke.





    i have 4 peices of champion gear and it got a little better. It still is a little frustrating. for example....




    using all your best moves (with 4 pieces) and still seeing the enemy take little to no damage


    (grant you i am lethality/op so im a little gimped in the first place)



    mercs shooting missles at you over and over and doing more damage than i ever have even as concealment...jesus




    sorcerers and consulars who arent on my team...




    i hate you all burn in hell with your superior dots and dps. Jesus why try fighting when you can kill me in 3 seconds....11k in 3 seconds...come on .






    anyway i still love the game and i think guys who are as upset as i initially was just chill. Get some merc bags and hope for the best. If anything you can always help stun and throw the ball in bgs when you suck. Sometimes thats allyour team needs tow in. I won 7 in a row Qing alone the other day.




    I wish you all luck withyour champ bags...the odds suck. I'm lucky as hella to have got 4 peices out of 9 or 10 bags.

  9. I have been playing lethality a lot in pvp. I speced healer and concealment for a long time too. Basicaly i have tried all three specs and hybrid specs.



    healer is def the op spec if you want to thrive in pvp.




    i have been using and enjoying lethality in pvp. Its an art to play since your moves involve going in and out of 10m range. i always come back to lethality and plan on staying. Its a challenge but its cool.


    my advice



    when you get snared/stunned/rooted or they just run to far and fast.



    hop in cover and drop your probe(damage) and take some snipe shots. that mixed with your dot damage can actually be pretty effective.








    otherwise...yes give us ta for weakening blast. why the hell would i put 31 points in lethality for such a minor buff to my dots? ( i am speced 31 in lethality...just being sarcastic.) the move is def underpowered and needs more damage or TA activation.




    also both SI, BH, or operative concealment can dps way faster/stronger. I expect to lose in most encounters. DEVS BOOST THIS SPEC!!







  10. i loved swtor pvp then...


    i dinged 50...



    no balance



    all the nerds take the cake just like wow. no life. no worries. Lose it all here!




    so lame. i hate how all MMOs copy world of warcraft which is a merely a cash cow developed to suck your montly subscription from you.



    forget level 50 pvp. this mode is for wow nerds to suck each others egos.










    i was hoping for something progressive. See you real gamers on XBOX live....

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