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Posts posted by Nefastuss

  1. Freaking Bioware is pushing me to Fallout 04. All this time we are stuck in this (5 or more hours this far) I am watching my brother playing Fallout 04 in Xbox one right next to me... Guess I will try it just a little bit, yes, a little bit...
  2. There was a lengthy thread running during the extended downtime. When the servers came back up, TaitWatson (not sure if the's a dev or a forum moderator) posted this:




    Thread was closed after that. I don't know any more than that.


    thanks for posting this. Seems we need to let it work then =\ Who knows how long it will take, might take the whole night even.

  3. This is necessary to prevent what happened to world of warcraft. Numbers got so high because the lack of control when an expansion came up that it ruined the game to the point of having to squish numbers a LOT in their next expansion.


    This is a great idea from Bioware, happy they realize the danger it is to level everything up when a new expac hits. In fact I would like to see an even bigger squish personally.

  4. As some others in here said, I sugest pre leveling to 55 at your siths/jedis. Makes the game cooler I think and even if you pick up a sorcerer/sage you could still use your lightsaber in some fights without getting owned. For the other classes I am not sure... Wont spoil anytying but lets say you fight siths/jedis in your commando/smuggler/bounty hunter/operative. Doesnt make sense to one shot a force user, lore wise they are the strongest guys around. If thats the case i sugest dancing around a lil bit to give the sense the fight isnt that easy :) At least I did that in some of my chars. Now with my sith warrior and jedi consular i will use a certain kind of armor and all that. For my sith warrior i will change as he gets more important.


    Ah, for some classes such as the operative i sugest having more outifts. The imperial agent has a lot of undercover stuff. If you can manage to get some complete sets of diferent outfits it would be nice. He pretends to be diferent people all the time. Problem is it would probably require you to start a new agent after you finish it the first time as there is no way to find out what outfits he should use without playing it first.


    Ah, usually the class sets are always a good option to imerse yourself. You know, all classes in the game have 3 orange sets (since the game came out). Problem is they require certain levels to use. Personally I am very found of the second one for the bounty hunter. My bounty hunter is a red hair girl with some cyborg parts and with her face partially burned out. Made her a powertech to use more the flamethrower and use the hellfire set (second bounty hunter set). Also named her Flama :D. I like to frap stuff a lot so when i review the videos and pics it does look neat!

  5. Yes, it makes no sense. From the swtor enciclopedia the jedi council hunts down jedis falling to the dark side as dark side jedis ended up being some of the most dangerous threat to the galaxy. It just makes NO SENSE. No way a dark side jedi would manage to reach the front of the temple let alone the council chamber.


    In the other side, light side siths are a possibility when you think about it. Most choices in game reflect the domination aspect of it while going dark side usually results in killing any possible servants. you get to notice that more often in the sith inquisitor story.

  6. Congratulations! You just decreased your server's GSF population. You have now forfeited your rights to complain about queues in the future.


    Truth is, its not his fault. People everywhere is doing that, Bioware is responsible for this mess. Its up to them to fix the mess by making the ships shoot again.

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